Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thank You Allah for You :)

I totally forgot to post a dedicated entry for Lil Princess Iman ~ Soon to be "Kakak Iman".. hehe...
She turned 2 on the 27th June 2012... :) Happy Birthday Lovvvee!!
I took an off day the 28th June, coz i had meeting on the 27th...

We went out ~ girls day out to The Curve and she's been all nice.. hehehe.. comelll!..
Had the birthday cupcakes at The Cupcake Chic and lunch at the Secret Recipe.. Then, bought her a birthday book at Borders and we went back home.. hehe.. She loves the book very much.. It's the Fairy sticker book... Hehe.. :)

At 2 years old.. She...
  • understand our instruction well 
  • knows colour pink & purple (but sometimes got confuse) hehe 
  • Recognised letter "O"
  • Can count 1 to 10 in orderly manner (but pelat :)
  • Can say ABC to Z in orderly manner (but pelat :)
  • Love singing : Twinkle2, i love you (barney), pok amai2, buai laju2, old mac donald, are you sleeping and the latest : 'Upon' upin "Gembala Biri2"
  • understand others' feeling : sad, hurt, scared, angry (and will act accordingly, macam pujuk if mummy is sad :)
  • understand i'm pregnant with a Lil Bun
  • A talkative baby! :)
  • Can pronounce words with minimum pelat... 
  • Very particular... Contoh:
    • Whenever we went out, she'll choose for mummy what shoes to wear :P
    • If someone else's wearing / using mummy's or papa's things she'll asked the person to return back.. hahaha... chaihh
    • If let say anything is not according to its usual place/situation she'll freak out and correct the thing :- penutup meter air syabas.. haha.. kalau satu tutup yang tak tutup, die akan tutup semua dulu & bukak balik.. hehehe

InsyaAllah, semoga Iman menjadi anak yang solehah, kakak yang penyayang, anak yang pandai dan bijak dan sayang / hormat mummy & papa... Mummy loves you so much :D

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Yesterday morning's topic on my fav. radio station....
"Malaysian women are all jual mahal"... The producer Laila said "It's either we women are jual mahal, or the Malaysian man are creepy & selling their selves very cheap..." Heheh... couldn't agreed more! 
U man out there expect us women to smile randomly at you at this crime rate we have in Malaysia? Without us smiling randomly pun, the crime rate is rather high... furthermore, it's not our Malay culture to smile at Man for no reason.. huhu...

My pregnancy... I'm a lil bit confuse...
I am 32 weeks pregnant.. am I, 8 months pregnant now? but my due date will only be 16 Sept, and today is only July... Urrghhh... penin... The earliest Lil Bun will come out is on first week of raya a.k.a hari Merdeka.. Hahaha... Every time someone asked me when is my due date i'll say it's Hari Malaysia Day.. So that we can get hamper or if we lucky enough to be featured in newspaper.. hahaha... Or, the earliest will be on Merdeka Day.. still for hamper & newspaper reason... Hahaha... Just kidding.
Name! We haven't a name yet for the Lil Bun... He teased me to have Murad as the name.. It's old skool but the meaning is good which is keinginan / Cita / Tujuan...
What else.. Preparation? I only manage to sort out Lil Iman's old clothes that could be used for the Lil Bun.. Huhu we have to buy new clothes obviously.. as Lil Iman's clothes/rompers/jumpers are all in Pink or girlish colour/pictures/design.. Kesian Lil Bun.. 
At first i was thinking to buy Lil Iman a new bed.. at least she got new things to when the Lil Bun come out.. Hehe.. tapi the idea is rejected, since our room is a bit small.. So, new baby cot for Lil Bun it is.. 
Mengidam? Daging tetel - done! Pulut Mangga - done! Kuah Durian - done! Rasanya tinggal nak g tengok Harry Potter Exhibition kat Marina Bay Singapore je kot.. Hahaha... isk.. kalau tau dari awal2 mesti dah boleh pegi tengok.. ini aku dapat tau dah nak ujung2 nih.. aishhh... last date will be 30th Sept. Huuu.. kalau bersalin paling awal 31st August. xabeh pantang lagi laks... nak pegi before beranak, next week dah poser.. hopefully mase raye nnt ade la kesempatan before bersalin nak pegi saner.. huhu... Ted cakap "takyah.. ade yang terberanak kat singapore nanti" huuuhuuu... (Bunyi cengkerik) aisshhh... xperlah...

Lil Iman being a big sister...
We bought her a baby doll to train her.. eheh... saje je sebenarnya.. she already interested in baby before we bough the doll. so far ok je die dgn baby tu... cuma, bila aku nak pegang actual baby orang lain, she got jealous.. hehe... Lately ni bukak mate je cakap "nak amii (mummy!)" susu pun nak mummy yang buat ~ padehal same je bancuhan mummy ke papa yang buat... hehe.. pastu nak gi school pun nak mummy yang hantar... hehe...
Being a 2-years old kid is very challenging for her.. i know.. Entahlah.. kadang2 sedih bila kenang ade org besar yang tak faham... what do u expect from a 2-years old kid? Entah... kau cakap hari ni.. 30 minit lagi die lupa balik... kita orang tua ni lah yang kene bijak nak bimbing die... iskk... kenape bile die buat salah nak bandingkan dengan anak orang lain.. pastu nak marah2 angkat2 tangan (acah mcm nk pukul).. So, this is how our mother feels kan... cakap nak kasar2... bukanlah takleh marah langsung... but at this age? kamonlah... kenape nak kena marah... kan boleh cakap elok2.. and it works with me.. bila aku cakap elok2.. boleh je die dengar... bila jadi macam ni, aku jadi over protective.. kdg2 anak org lain jugak yang kacau die dulu... :( gerammm... ntah la mummy emo... hehehe... so, now mmg every day i make sure she knows that whatever happened.. ape orang lain cakap... i'll always love her... :( poor baby...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Last Week...

Was a crazy week.. i didn't get to eat my vitamins (sorry lil bun :( ) and planned my diary.. huhu..
I end up feeling really exhausted yesterday while outing with Ted & Lil Iman.. haiyoohh...

This morning on the way to the office, there's an ad ( kot?) on the radio.. The girl was saying, he gave her bf 5 points when he said "i understand u" when she nagged about her sad story at him... And that she'll marry him when he get 100 points.. Whooaa... Seriously girls.. Did you 'point' your husband or fiance or bf? Hehehe... How about us? Did they give us point too? hahaha...
Damn.. if Ted gave me point.. i guess i'll be -ve. Hahaha... :P Sorry love, i've been such a pain in d ass for u :P And he'll get more than 100 points.. haha...

The most important thing is... Is it even right to rate our partner? U do the math... heh!  

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