Tuesday, October 27, 2009

P.e.e.k A B.o.o

12 days of new life.. =P

Alhamdulillah, everything going on smoothly that 3 big days + our honeymoon is definitely showering with honey over the moon.. InsyaAllah hopefully, we will be a good life partner & will be happily together till the end of time.. =D

Huhu... There are alot of memories of the big Groovy Day of mine, that i wanna share.

First of all, just wanna wish my utmost gratitude and a big fat thank you to all my mama + papa, my families (kg Kerdas clanz + Hj Said clanz + Hj Bakar clanz), buddies, friends and all who support my wedding financially and energically (directly & indirectly) and who came and celebrate my 'Groovy Day' together.. I wish i could thank all of you personally but my oh my, i'm just a little imperfect person.

To thanks all of you... these are some (more than 1, what?) of the pics of the days..

The hand bouquet... ~ fresh roses! Yeay! =D

The wedding ring ~ mine & his.. (^_^)

Hehe.. enough for now.. ;P later i'll upload the full version until u guys suffocated and dun read my blog anymore... hehehe...

Here are some post moterm on my checklist 5 months ago ..

1. Diet & exercise! I have to be 9 kgs lighter in 5 months - Only managed reducing 5 kgs (due to festive season & many nice food.. hahahahh alasan!)

2. Khatam Quran (again..) - Failed. Baru separuh.. huhu, will continue this week.. huhuh... ;(

3. Learn 5 more cooking recipes - Yupey! Managed to get 5 new recipes.. but not yet trying.. ;p

4. Spa + Sauna... - yeah!! Even though tak habeh 3 kali pakej lagi, but berjaya berbau wangi dan kelihatan jelita (perasan ;p) di hari besar itu...

5. Learn more on being a good muslimah... and w**e.. huhu... - In progress, learning i a never ending process.. ;) So far so good *winks*

6. Finish all pending dvds at home... (esp brother & sisters s1-3) pasnih confirm tak sempat nak tgk dah... huhuhu... - Not completed. Will continue once we move to our own house (eerr.. at least another 6 months i guess. ;P)

7. Learn how to be a grown up like the matured grown up... hmm... buat muke serius.. - Busted! Kak Liza was given the authority by mak long to ensure that i stopped giggling/tersengih/terkekeh time nikah/sanding sbb i just can't stop moving around and giggling/sengih2.. =P

I guess, if i charged all the photographers (professionally hired by us or amateur or my professional-photographer-cousin) RM1 for 1 pics of me goofing/laughing around (means gbr ternganga).. I'll be damn rich and will have our 2nd honeymoon next week.. (can't have enough of relaxing around).

And luckily all the photographers are focusing on Ted that they missed my 'jatuh bantal nikah' moment.. hahaha.. =P

8. Err... stop eating... yeah.. - Yes! Berjaya for 2 weeks before wedding. But now, i'm gaining 4 kgs during our honeymoon... huhuhu...

Coming up : The new experiences + the Big Groovy Days + a lot lot lot of pichas..

Friday, October 16, 2009

Last Chance ;p

13 hours left.. So, this is the last chance for you guys..

To call me; Miss a.k.a Cik Groovy.
13 hours later, i'll be Mrs. Ted Groovy.. Huhuhu.. ;P

++ Unbelievable, it's my fingers the henna landed on tonight..
++ My ultimate wish for tomorrow.. Hope the waterproof mascara is tear-proof-enough to hold my tears.. gua takmoh jadik mcm dlm telenovela! ;p
++ Esok pg kene sarapan & will take the fish oil.. confirm muke lebam esok nih!

Wish me Luck! (^_^)/

Monday, October 12, 2009


4 days to go... ~~ (*v*)/

hahaha... sempat lagi~~~
I surfed the i.e this morning to go to my system & it defaultly routed me to Yahoo! and i found this cute guy, smiling (at me) sweetly using his laptop..
I wonder if i could smile this sweet? (doesn't matter he's a CUTE GUY~!) lalalala...

Ahaks.. People said, after this, one eye will be shut off. haha.. so, i better used this chance while i can.. hahahaha... (mati kalo Ted tau..;P)

Anyway, if u want to see the story behind that cute guy, click here
"An entry-level company blogger can earn less than $20 per hour (and many blogging jobs are part-time). A director of social media, the top of the social media chain, can pull in $70,000 or more. In the middle, a social media manager, can expect to earn around $50,000. A bachelor's degree is usually required, and job seekers should possess strong writing abilities and a keen understanding of online marketing, public relations, and new media." sources : Yahoo! hotjobs.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Sh.we.et B.loo.d

7 days to go... ~~ shhwweettt blloodd

Ask me now... how many days to go..
hahaha.. and my answer will be.. - next week! fieww fheww (bersiul2 kecil sambil menundukkan muke bawah meja..)

Jadi, seiring dengan jawapan di atas make terdengarla aku akan kata2 ini..
"uissh.. darah manis ni.."
"darah manis jgn gi jalan2.."
"darah manis, jg diri elok2.."
the best so far.. "darah manis, jgn wat keje berat2 nnti kulit kasar/terluke" ~ alasan!

To tell u the truth, before this i'm kinda worried of how the 'sweet blood' real situation is. And scared a bit. haha.. I even thought that there's changes to my body. like, nnti slalu rase panas ker.. slalu rase sejuk ker.. or any changes to my body due to the sweet blood thingy. Or that my body will be fragile and within this period, even langgar sket leh calar balar/patah. Haha.. ;p Yelah, kate darah manis. Kan kalu kencing manis kita rase letih2, darah tinggi rase panas kat leher. Things like thatlah. Yela, yela i know it just a simpulan bahasa. Tapi serious kalo dengar orang cakap, "die ni darah manis" aku sure tengok lelame kat muke orang yang diajukan ayat tersebut. hahaha.. *malu gua* siap kekadang aku rase cam tak caye ;P (itu dulu... sekarang tidak lagi)

Huhu, just so u know.. Our ppl used this words to those who'll have a special events coming up in the near time, mcm bkl haji & bakal raje sehari. We (bkl haji/bkl one-day-king) are adviced not to go out so often, do sport/lasak2, and to have accompany wherever we go. Hee.. but not the 'other half' yeak. Itu sebulan xleh jumpe dah! haha.. Lame tu..

For me, it's for the sake of safety. Syaiton kan suke ganggu mase dekat2 nak dirikan mesjid/buat ke arah kebaikan ni. That's another reasonlah.. huhu..

So, this is the last week for me to go out & do my things. Next week, duk diam2 (bersimpuh mesti) kat umah.. hehe.. Note to myself: belum bg kad kat era, my bm.
Tapi, jgn nak ngengade duk diam2.. byk keje ko nak kena buat.. hahah... ;p yes! i'll do it now. haha.. Bile bangun pagi tgk kalendar (kalendar A&W tau, bukan kalendar kude pastu pangkah setiap hari hahaha ;P) huhu cam tak caye pun ade.. cam tak sabar (uissh.. *geleng kepala pelan2*) pun ade... kdg2 tetibe terbangun, rase cam eh, biler eak? kire-kire, ooo takpe... still got time.. huhu..

But i agree with one thing ~ ppl said that "da nak dekat nnti, mesti cepat terasa/emo".. Huhu.. But, not with Ted (eh, lupe ade jugak sbnrnyaa ;p) tapi with my family especially mama.. huhu.. sesikit mesti aku nak rase sedih2, sesikit aku nk rase touching2. haha.. kene tinggal gi kedai gunting rambut (psl lambat balik) pun aku nak sedih.. huhu.. sikit lagi tak nanges jer.. And other few events yang kadang2 tak masuk akal pun nak sedih2.. huhu.. ;P

On another note, Lunch siang tadi (of cos la siang-lunch hour) the girls took me out to Uitm Hotel for buffet + lil hen party.. heheh.. Thank u a garden of roses, girls! (^_^) Hehe..

K Licho, Me, K Lia, Pn Norie, K Wan, IKeen, Annaster Timmy, & K Jue ++ Ward (^_^)

Luv you girls so muchh! U guys ROCKS! ^_^

We had so much fun + pixie + food (sorry coach wawa!) + questionss cepuk mas (lalalala)..
Walau skill tak berapa hebat, dapat gakla tangkis beberape soalan.. hahaha ;p

Me staring at the (horizon) bright future, secretly wishing for the best & happiness =)

Satu je leh reveal ;P nnti ilang seri hahaha..

On another-another note to myself: change the label for '+Sharona Words+' after this. Hehe.. Sharona is a single, wacky girl with wild thoughts & emotionally fragile. I used this label, everytime i'm emo with something or just rambling my thoughts. So, I need to change it to someone who is not-single, less-wacky, with mild thoughts and less-fragile-emotion to label my random thougts or emotion. Haha..
Been thinking of 'Lolling Lara' or 'Lara Thoughts' or 'Samantha Thoughts' or 'Leigh's Ramble' hehe to replace it. But i'll do it later. ~_~

Thursday, October 1, 2009


**15 days to go... (gigit2 kuku + hujung bantal)

Haha.. okie2.. i know i'm 8-week-lagging (CSI Miami new season had started 12/8/09).

Tapi there's nothing to gossipkan before this, selain depade 'kehidupan semula' En Horatio Caine.. (well, lgpun everybody knew that..) Rase cam tak puas hati pun ade time tu bile dapat tau H hidup balik, penat je panic last season kan. hahaha... =P

Quoted from 'Hot Magazine' "Horatio Caine, Rising from the dead.. Sunglasses still intact". =P

'Staring at the horizon'
pic source

Cube tgk gaye die! hahaha seriyesli mase first2 tgk citer ni dulu rase cam nak masuk dlm tv tu sekel pala die sket. Dengan gaye asyik nak pandang tepi die.. isskkk!! Nak cakap ngan penjahat pun nak pandang tepi. Nak cakap ngan mayat pun pandang tepi. Pernah gak terpikir camnela wolfe, calleigh ngan eric delko (ensem!) leh tahan kerja ngan die. ;P Tapi pastu tetiap minggu aku g layan lak citer nih.. haha..

Kan everytime die nak commercial break die ade kuarkan note/quote/info pasal csi miami.. hehe.. last nite one had caught my eyes..

"David Caruso is the one who suggested the 'Horatio' sunglasses" (something like that laa..)

Tak ingat sgt actual quote die.. tapi aku depade ngantuk terus segar, bangun gelak giler2. Mama pun pelik jer.. hahaha... So, terhasillah Horatio Caine & Sunglasses nya..

Paling takleh blah. Scene last skali bila dah jumpe kes, H pegi selamatkan baby tu.. siap ade asap kaler kuning2. cheh.. dengan machonya H kuar.. hahaha.. Pastu mase nak bagi baby tu kat mak die.. siap sangkut sunglass kat leher (mcm mat rempit sangkut sunglass kat blakang tengkuk tu.. only he sangkut it at the front like collar or something) hahahaha... !!!! serius! Ahad ni cuba korang g tengok back-to-back kat axn.. hahaha.. =P

sunglasses source

Sekian gossip ari ni... =P (camne laks aku nak mintak maaf kat die nih)

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