Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jazzy June...

Every single year...
I used to look forward for June.. without fail... hehe...
June 9 1982, i was born.. cute (i guess ;p) and lovely.. hahaha..
Then.. June, since last 3 years brought double celebration for me.. my birthday + r*ship anniv with Ted.. (*v*)

But this year different story.. sometimes being pregnant didn't always do justice for you.. hahaha.. i guess.. my lil baby had steal my limelight even before she's born! huhu.. jeles dengan baby sendiri...

Not only that I (both of us) 'ter'forget about our 1st June r*ship anni... but dalam kesibukan nak get prepared for the coming baby.. my family also almost 'ter'forgot my birthday.. thanks to FB reminder (and mine of coz) diorg ingat jugak.. Hehe.. and guess what, my birthday present for this year? "baby cot.. of coz for my lil baby"
See.. belum lahir pun dah cilok my bday pressie.. hahaha.. i know i'm 28 this year.. and Ted's wife and gonna be a mommy in few weeks time.. tapi.. i still wanna have bday celebration with my family like always.. hehe... Thanks mama+papa+abg&family+angah+nini+ajim for the luvly cake & dendeng!! Yeay!!! I made a special request from mama to made me dendeng since March.. hehh.. but the dendeng have to be made in June because raya will be in Sept (by that time, either i'll still in confinement period or i'll start dieting) and the baby come in July.. so, by the time raya come.. i can still remember the taste... takde la jaki sangat tengok orang makan dendeng time tu.. hehe..

As for Ted.. hehe.. he still cute as always.. thanks luv for the frame+choc+henpon (walaupun seken hen, n bru pakai 1 malam dah jatuh chest drawer..) and late dinner we had @ studio cafe (teh tarik die serious sedap!).. hehe..
"i nak beli kek.. tapi u tu dah overweight.. nnti baby keluar besar, ke ade paper ke nnti.. so i beli choc ni je..." =D
ye.. husben saya tak romantik.. tapi die sgt comel kalau die nak mengembirekan saye.. hehe..

Hehe.. Kadang-kadang tengok kalendar cam tak caye jer... i'm 28 already! hurm.. dulu ade jugak buat wish list what i'll be in 28... yupe.. one of it is to have a baby.. hihi.. even i dun feel i'm ready just yet.. tapi rupe2nye i have this idea for like 8 years ago.. i made my goal list when i was 20.. time tu dah agak boleh pikir sket.. hehe..
cume yang masih belum tercapai...
+ pakai mini cooper..
+ sambung study.. (aiyoh.. bile la nak sambung balik ni.. siap dah terlupe dah)
+ beli rumah..

hehe.. tu jelah bebelan saya pada hari ini... ngeh ngeh ngeh...
see the calendar.. only 3 weeks away to meet my baby...
only 3 weeks je lagi.. I dun get much/enough sleep these days... i woke up every hour..
posisi tidur pun kena tukar every 20mins..
Clingy to Ted like.. entahlah... member nak pegi main badminton pun nanges.. nak pegi basuh kete pun sebuk nak ikut.. huhu...

i suppose to finish the scrapbook i made for my lil baby.. tapi... i only started like 10% of it.. camno? hehe...

Ya Allah.. permudahkanlah perjalanan hambamu ini... Peliharalah hambamu ini..


i dunno about u...
tapi aku slalu face benda ni... being judge by people... unknown people.. especially sales assistants...
i'm a very simple person.. i dun like wearing fancy dresses unless pergi keje/kenduri... i chose comfy over pretty.. nak2 time preggie ni, in this 3rd trimester.. aku pakai sliper je gi memana.. sbb kaki dah start sembap..
i normally ignored these idi*ts yg bile kau masuk kedai die, die pandang muka kau sambil kalau dlm manga ade awan kat atas kepala die sambil berkata "eh.. kau ade duit ke nak beli barang kat sini" huhu... sebab tu, aku tak suker window shopping.. bile ade benda nak beli (and of cos ade duit) barulah aku pegi masuk kedai... ke aku yang paranoid giler tatau ler.. hahaha... ;p

Tapi.. kejadian semalam yang paling prejudis...

semalam mase on the way to shah alam.. aku singgah satu 7-e dekat mrr2... sbb nak beli air mineral.. tapi sbb just before that aku dah tapau ice white coffee.. aku mule rase bersalah kat baby... jadik.. aku nak beli air 'kesihatan' (konon dapat membantu mempercepatkan pengeluaran sisa-sisa white coffee tu nnti)... aku amek air mineral evian tu (sbb die mcm air berkhasiat jer aku tengok)... pastu amek air soya.. (last minit berkesan lagi ke) hehe.. pastu amek roti sekeping.. pegi kat kaunter.. nak bayar lah...
tetibe cashier tu tanye aku... "ni tau tak harga die berapa?" sambil tangan menunjuk ke arah botol mineral evian tu... panas giler telinge aku rase... "taulah RM4 lebih.. kenaper?" aku rase cam nak tambah jer "ape, awak ingat saya tak mampu ker?" nasebbaik aku tengah nak cepat... huhu... pastu adela die komen ape tah... aku buat muke blur jer... dah bayar aku kuar cepat2.. aku parking 'norah jones' aku kat depan 7e.. aku rase cam nak tekan je alarm kete dari dlm 7e.. hahaha.. gile shallow aku nih.. tapi.. isk.. aku tak paham betullah... ingat aku pakai sliper pink.. mengandung terboyot2.. aku tak mampu beli air mineral harge 4 inggit ker?

lagi satu... beza kalau ko tersesat jalan / amek minyak / drive thru' sambil bawak kete 'iswara evo' dengan kalau bawak 'norah jones'... kecik ati evo aku dulu...

Monday, June 7, 2010


Hari ni... 7/6/2010..
Kami terputus komunikasi...

His first day at hq and his phone was out of battery...
I'm here and my phone betrayed me selepas terjatuh dari chest drawer.. chait!
our only communication tools are office's phone & e-mail..
He'll be coming home late (dunno what time).. and i'll be going to Gombak..

Jadi.. inilah luahan perasaan saya pada hari ini...
Huhu.. barulah terasa sangat syahdu salam nak pegi keje pagi tadi...
I have to get used with the idea of not seeing him at the office...
Sangat comei kene ikat tie pepagi isnin... hahahaha... ;p

Hahaha... biarlah wa nak syahdu2 hari first nih...
Byk benda nak citer: adhoc baby moon & my incomplete project.. tapi nnti lah...
Perasaan sekarang: debaran minggu ke 34 (aku tak booking hospital lagi) & kesyahduan hari pertama.. hahahaha... giler..

Anyway, congrats & good luck to my beloved Teddy*hubby*
** terasa sangat perempuan aku luah perasaan kat sini... hahaha... maafkanlah ibu mengandung ni yer...

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