Saturday, July 31, 2010


i hafta say it here... where else? hehe....

ted is soo cute when he missed me and our baby.... =D

~~hari2 singgah giant beli barang rumah & dapor... =)

sabar eak u.. i'll be back in another 2 weeks..
nnti i masak sedap2 untuk sahur.. hihi ;)

miss u too ^_^

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

csi trilogy

hey guys.. hari ni csi trilogy 3 episode marathon 9pm to 12mn..

jom kire berapa banyak kali 'H' cakap sambil pandang tepi / pandang bawah pegang cermin mate / gazing at the horizon tatkala bercakap dengan ray langston from csi vegas ngan mac taylor from csi ny.. and... berapa banyak kali die wat camtu sepanjang 3-jam cerita berlangsung... hahaha...

ps: setakat ni rasenye dah ade dekat 7 kali kot....
update later!

** update as at 11.30 am @ 29/7 ~ huhuhu... xdpt kire.. my baby xbg chance mummy nk tgk / gelakkan atok H.. hihihi.. even ade ulangan 12-3 pun mummy xdpt tgk sbb bb takmoh tidur... huhuhu.. takper nnti tgk ulangan balik... will update later lps berjaye kire... ;p

** update as at 6/8 ~ after few times watching back the series.. H only appeared in the first csi miami.. and i lost count after 20 times.. aahah... failed!

Monday, July 19, 2010

21 days to go....

hehe... i'm in my confinement period rite now..
my shweet lil baby came 3 weeks earlier than expected... so now am adjusting to my new role..
hehe... kat sini aku nk ckp... tak sabar nak tunggu lagi 21 hari...
1) nak potong kuku
2) nak gi jenjalan
3) nak minum ais! (cuti satu hari then sambung balik pantang ais.. boleh?)
4) nak tgk eclipse (wlupn confirm dah abeh dah kat cinema)

gbr baby tak dpt ditonjolkan pada masa ini sbb... hikhik... mcm artis, kena tunggu abeh pantang baru leh expose.. ;p

oklah kuku panjang tak best nak taip... chow =)

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