Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June loves me (^_^)

As usual, i love when June comes. =D
For it will be double uppss.. nope, now triple + 1 celebration gonna happened in this month.

First our 'dating' anniversary on the 1st June.. hikss...
Time sure moves really fast... Sedar tak sedar we've been together for 4 years now (dating). Hehehe... Teringat mase mule2 kena ngorat dulu... ;p

Then, in 2 days.. i'll be turning to 29. Whooaaa... That's such a matured number.. Huhu..
Sure, i've actually achieved half of what i've imagined when i turned 29..
But, i somehow imagined i would be more matured that what i am today.
Sometimes, i still act like a child, despite i have a child on my own. (T_T)
Yupe, i still enjoyed wacthing cartoons.. huhu..
Everytime coming home from work, automatically i wud switch on the TV. Huhu.. partly coz i hate silence-ness (feel like i'm alone, eventhough i have baby with me).
Sometimes, i even think like a child.. huhu... ;p
I wonder what i'll look like when i turned to the big 30. Hahaha.. can't imagine it now.
Please, stop the time... lemme be 29 forever... hiks.. ;)

Then, in 3 weeks, baby will turned 1.. Yeay! Can't wait.
I've been planning to make some sort of surprise party for her.
Hahaha... surprise la sangat... bukan paham pun! ;p
Papa pun dah janji if baby sembuh sakit tangan that day, papa nak celebrate.. hehe..
Well, it just a small party for our family.. hehehe... biaselah.. mak die yang terlebih excited..

Alhamdulillah, this year June loves me even more.
InsyaAllah, next week on Thursday, i'll be going to a new office. A bit jauh but boleh pegi keje with Ted.
I've been promoted and will commence my new job next week. - Alhamdulillah.. ;)
Sedar tak sedar, i've been dreaming this (promoted before 30) when i first entered the company.
I'm a bit nervous with the new environment, i dunno what to expect. So, I dun expect anything. huu...
I'm sad to leave this office & my team, my boss, my colleague.
For almost 7 years, i've been going to the same office... Mcm2 benda jadik kat ofice ni.. After all, i'm a drama queen kan.. ;p

I just love June.. =D hahahahhh..
but wait.. i love August also for Ted's birthday..
And definitely love October.. for our 2nd wedding anniversary.. we'll be celebrating abroad yo! =D upps... thinking that teringat i need to lose some weigh before October. Arrhhh.. is it possible.. dah la sept raye! sebulan weeiihh!! huhuhu... must.start.atkins.now.. hahah

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