Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Tau Sepah (Maharaja Lawak) buat ape dengan duit kemenangan diorang tempoh hari?

Hahaha... Ini dia.. bukak Bank..

Spotted: Along the way from Trafalgar Square to Oxford Circus, London... (tak ingat jalan mana)

ps: this is actually bank of Iran. :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Travelling Blanket Going to UK..(Part 1)

Hi there.. after quite so long.. baru ada semangat nak update on our recent vacation to UK... Well, we only visited England (most of the time at London) and to North Wales (Snowdonia etc).

Hehe.. 10 of us went there for a good 18 days. Yeay! Hehe... And this is a budget vacation on our own without a travel agents, big thanks to my Sis Angah for her arrangement and everything. :)

Why does this vacation entries called "The travelling blanket Going to UK"?
This is the reason...

Lil Iman's blankie... sape ade gambar pegang blankie dpn Buckingham Palace ;p

Hehe... This is her pet blankie.. hehe... like bantal busuk.. mana-mana pergi mesti kena bawak blankie.. or else.. chaos! ada 1 time i forgot to bring the blankie mase tidur gombak rumah my mom.. abeh malam tu kena carik blanket yang kainnya fleece like this blankie. i had one mase before kahwin dulu, but dah lama tak pakai blanket tu berhabuk. iman dahle senang lelah, so takleh pakai. Nak balik rumah, eventhough 20 mins je was a no-no sbb time tu dah pukul 12am.. hehe.. pastu nasib baik Ute (my lil sis) ade blanket yang kain fleece yang lembut... barulah baby dpt tidur.. Aisshh demand.. salah saper? Salah mummy suke sgt tengok Jon & Kate Plus 8. Ada anak diorang yang suke blankie... hehehe... jadi mummy rase best nak bg iman ade blankie.. ;p

So, that's aside.. kite nk citer pasal our UK trip.. hehe..

Our trip was during autumn... so cuace memang on off.. hehe.. kejap sejuk giler 5 degrees.. kejap breezy sunny day dalam 18degrees.. heheh... and Ted siap kadang2 pakai t-shirt biase jer.. cheh... eksyen.. hehe.. yelah, among us dia jer yang smoking.. so of course la rase panas kan... even time tidor pun kadang2 panas.. (ehem.. jgn pikir yang bukan2 k.. ;p) hehe..

We hit the land of Harry Potter on the 8th of October eve.. around 3pm camtu.. OMG.. i can still remember the coffee aroma masuk je pintu airport... huhu.. we were quite concern not able to pass d imigresen.. sbb there were 10 of us and we're staying for 18 days... takut diorg igt kite nk migrate lak sbb parents ngan cucu sumer ade.. hehe... nak pulak some people before us ade yang kena tunggu tepi... fuuhh!! Alhamdulillah, luckily Angah had prepared all the documents in one file so senang nak tunjuk kat org tu itenarary kami & everything... And she interview us a little to see whether we could speak in English (i think lah)... after like 5-10 mins nye chitchat we're allowed to get through... with "Thank you.. Enjoy ur holiday" by the lady.. Tq :)

Alhamdulillah, even kat imigresen counters pun we all can see muslim officer wearing a tudung.. Nice :)

Owh... percutian yang kena tukar banyak tempat adalah sangat memenatkan... And we left a bag full of key-chain and fridge magnet! Aduihhh.. ok... times out.. gua nak pegi makan & bekerja. hehehe :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chicco Baby Carrier (i hope so)

Hehe.. i wish this is the name lah... hehehh...
Okie.. we're letting this go....

Boleh pakai kat belakang (Like encang) or kat Depan (mcm dukung)

The amazing part is.. kalau kite letih nak carry baby, we can just put the carrier down and baby will be like sitting on a chair... Siap ade safety harness..

So senang kalau nak gi travelling tu kan... hehe...

1. Ada small pocket beneath it utk simpan pampers/brg baby...
2. Boleh duduk cam kerusi
3. Boleh lipat flat masuk dlm boot (jimat space)
4. This thing is for baby yang boleh duduk smplah ke parents dah tak larat nak carry... hehe..

Reason to let go: Baby dah super 11 kgs, so mmg tak larat dah nak carry.

Price to let go: RM 50
Condition: 7/10.

Sape nak sila comment ya. :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Still need to Keep Calm & Carry On...

Huhu... i'm still need to Keep Calm & Carry On..

Not only once.. but i've loss count how many time that i need to chant these words before i bursted into tears... Damn! i really need to move on.. not only because i'd spent 18 days communication-less, but because i had enough with this 'thing'.. huhu :(

Really wish i'm currently at the 7-hours-later-place.. huhuu...

Ntah... now.. i basically don't have motivation to do anything..

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