Saturday, December 31, 2011

I'm online on Weekend!

Hahaha... Iman dah selamat bermain at Tokma's hse.. Ted is tapauing lunch for us... N i'm alone in the hse.. jadinya.. bolehla nak online & upload UK's pic in FB. hehehe... sungguhla malas kan... nk uplod kat fb pun dh 2 bulan baru sempat... huhu... samelah dengan penceritaan kat sini yang nampak gayenya smp tahun depan baru leh habih... Kiki....

Hurm... Next week, Lil Iman will be at her new school. Huhu tatau la aper nak jadi.. Hopefully she's doing fine :) Hehe saje jer nak bgtau i'm online on weekend!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Travelling Blanket Going to UK..(Part 3) ~ Road Trip Day 1 & 2

Hehe... Mari gigihkan diri utk habiskan cerite ini.. :P (panjang laggii)
I need to share this, so that sometimes in the future, i could read & embrace the moments while i was there... :)

So, on the 3rd day ~ 10 Oct, we went for our road trip.. We're going north.. hehe..
Oh lupe! It was my sis's birthday!

Happy Birthday Anggahh!! Muuaahhh~~!! hehe

Okie.. Our trip to UK was also a trip to go down the memory lane.. Hehe..
So, most the places we went were to refresh our memory and like balik kampung..

That Monday morning, we picked up our rent car at SixT near Edgware Rd. naik tube... Iman was so sleepy that day... sampai terhilang2 puting die...
On the way to SixT office. Baru turun Tube... hehe...
Here in UK, banyak statue macam ni.. so, it's fun to take photos with 'them'. :)

To rent a car here, we dun have to take international license, since we're also driving on the right side as in M'sia. The rental fees are also reasonable, for 7 days, we paid only RM 1,124.83 for V70 Volvo. plus RM 560.67 (For full coverage on damage - mcm insurans gak. + additional drivers). We used my CC for booking & registered my name as the driver. Tapi, after the booking I had 2 accidents (langgar lori + langgar motor) so, my family freaked out takut nnt i terlanggar kereta org tu.. chaihh!! hahah... so, registered Ted's name as the additional driver. Melepas peluang nak driving at UK. :P

Owh! Tapi... since we're driving at the town on congestion hours, kena lah congestion fees £10. Huhu..

Our ride! :) AJII VDA.

Both of our rides: Car 1 (Angah, Nini, Mama, Papa, Aiman) AJ11FHZ..
Car 2 (Me, Ted, Iman, Mamacik & Wani) AJ11VDA..

After some drama to load all our luggage in the boots, off we went to Hull. The journey took around 3hours plus... but, since we're not in hurry, we stopped by at the Welcome Break / Services. (mcm R&R kat sini)...

Ted & Lil Groovy @ Welcome Break :)

Fulls with Walkers, Fanta & Chocs, we finally arrived at Hull.
Hull was our first road trip's pit stop. We lived at Hull when Mama pursuing her Master studies at University of Hull. Hull is a port, so the weather was damn cold! hehe.. sampai jer, we're literally freezing with the coldness... :P

First stop, is of course the University of Hull.
Us, in front of the Middleton Hall.
Kindly ignore my tudung.. hahaha selebet!

Then, we stayed at Travelodge Hull Central..
The next morning, we went to the neighborhood, tgk rumah lama & then baru gerak to York Castle..
Us, in front of Clifford's Tower... Tapi xmasuk sbb tak larat nak panjat tangga :P

Us, in front of York Castle Museum..

Lepas penat amek gambar, we're just hanging out at the Cafe.. hehe... Sejuk giler!
Spotted! Iman drinking Latte!! Imaaannn!!!

After we'd refreshed ourselves, we continue our journey to Manchester.. But before that, we singgah sebentar at the Chesire Oak... The infamous Branded Outlet..

Yeah.. we'd arrived at the Chesire Oak... Rasanya lebih kurang mcm our JPO jugak (i've never been there yet) huhu

Of course we went to the Fossil outlet... hehe..

The statues.. final shot before we continue our journey..

And, after that, with some pounds poorer (:P) we headed to Manchester! Yeah.. the land of Glory! Glory! Man United... :)

Okie.. enough with this entry... Continue tomorrow with from Manchester to North Wales to Chester to Birmingham to Bath and back to London... Fuhh!! I dunno.. maybe i need to cut short some of the entries.. :P See ya!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


U know what... i thot i managed to post entries on the UK trip this weekend... i'm so wrong.. hehehe...

First, Lil Groovy Baby was down with diarrhea... Not serious, tapi lepas makan mesti poo.. so, i was busy with diapers changing routine.. hehehe... luckily Ted is soo very helpful.. :)
Secondly, when i'm not busy chaning the diapers, i'm busy watching x'mas movies on telly.. while reading Julie/Julia.. Waahh.. i bought this book early 2011, and still hadn't finished it off. i dunno.. adoii... I must finish the book before 2012. Hehe... Coz, i have another 2 books to finish off before i could buy a new one.. So, i have to finish all book latest by Feb 2012. Hehe..

Okie.. i just realize that i hadn't have a so-called resolution for 2011. That's why this year i was quite lost.. Heheh.. Sometimes, i didn't write it here but i wrote it in my diary.. but this year 2011, i didn't write anywhere... Huhuhu.. I guess my post labour blues didn't end yet.. hehe...
Baru-baru ni baru tersedar.. i can't be like this, macam lost... Huhu...

Yupe, i had achieved some of my dream before.. but, i need to have a new dream to keep my life moving.. :) Okie, so here, InsyaAllah my 2012 resolution..

First: We have to buy house in 2012. (Need to get it or else the monthly payment will be higher)
Second: I want to cook at least once a day every weekend.. Huhu.. (Kesian baby, slalu mkn luar.. hehe...)
Third: I have to post entry on my blog at least once a week. Hehe.. Just to keep my mind working...
Fourth: I have to read new book at least once every month..
Fifth: We have to go for a holiday trip at least twice in 2012. Hehe..
Sixth: I want to give more money to my parents.. InsyaAllah...

Ok, that's it setakat ni... hehehe... My resolution for next year is to be re-branding myself.. :D

Friday, December 23, 2011


Alhamdulillah... the 'thing' is nearing to the end.. InsyaAllah, Allah will help & guide me to get through this. :)

InsyaAllah, maybe this weekend, bolehla sambung citer yg tertangguh itu... hehehe..
Huwa... tak abeh godek gambar lagi :(

Rindunya nak pegi sana lagi... :)
For you guys on Friday eve! :)
Luv this pic.. Iman smiling widely for the camera (of coz, it's her papa who took the pic :P)

Monday, December 19, 2011


This is the worst December of my life.
I wish this December will be over so soon... :(

Monday, December 12, 2011


Often not, that i express my love and gratitude to him..
Often... i blame him for everything wrong happened around me.... :P
Sometime.. i even wonder, how can i love this man so much...
But never.. Did i regret married to him...

Entah.. no specific reason on why i wrote this entry today.
It just, i feel like writing...

I love him, just like the blue sky.. ultimate & unlimited :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Travelling Blanket Going to UK (Part 2) ~ The arrival & market day..

Hehe.. Okie sambung... after the 13-looong hours in the flight.. we're finally arriving at the airport.. We're landing at the Standstead Airport.. Tapi balik, kena naik from Gatwick, sbb starting from 24th Oct, diorg tukar from Standstead to Gatwick.

Sampai je airport.. Coffee aromas were lingering around us..! What a good way to start our vacation! hehe..
Peace! While waiting for our drivers.. Which he charged us extra £40 for waiting for us, which we didn't asked for and die yang datang awai sape suruh? Dahla flight kitorang tiba on time if not earlier than schedule. bluuurrgghh... :( tapi malas nak gaduh, we just paid him.. sibbaik duit collection banyak lagi.. hehehe...

Dahla, we booked for car(s) to fit 10 of us. We even spelled out 8 adults & 2 kids.
Tapi, ade ke patut.. He came with 1 car.. tsskk.. of course tak muat dengan beg kitorang lagi.. aisshhh... luckily we rode on a second car, which the driver was much nicer & friendly. :)
but, we had to listen to him complaining on the govt.. which was ok for us. hehe.. :P

After around 30 mins or more, no.. i think it was nearly 1 hour, we arrived at the Tower Bridge Travelodge.. Letak barang, rehat, and all pastu we yang muda2 pegi kedai dekat dengan hotel tu.. hehe..

We're at Haydon Street! :D

Then the next morning, we went for our market day!
Us before hit the market! hehe..

Since our hotel was just nearby to the Petticoat Land Sunday Market... and it was Sunday... we went there first... Yeay!

Kat sini, banyak baju murah2 and souvenir yg murah... hehe...
Fridge magnet was sold at 1 pound each.. okla tu kan..

Pit Stop: Tempat tunggu.. hehe... Ted & papa dah tak larat jalan.. The girls masih meneruskan perjuangan.. I stopped as well sbb tak larat jugak.. hehe.. Meme tido! and Iman so cute!! :)

It was our first day... i dun buy much, as i was thinking ade banyak hari lagi... hehe.. but now i regret.. tak beli that nice trench coat.. huhuhu... ruginyee!! sbb the next time we came here dah tinggal 3 hari nk balik, so mcm rugi pulak nak beli.. Aisshhh... note to myself: next time, if u interested, just buy! hehe..

Dah beli lebih kurang... we went back to our hotel, rehat jap, performed our solat jamaa' and had a lunch... around 2pm, we went out again..

This time, kena naik tube! yeay! Our first Tube (or underground train) ride.. :)

We went to Notting Hill Gate... and heading to....
Portobello Market!!!

Portobello market ni sepanjang jalan... ade banyak kedai2...
First kitorang smpai kat antique session... Wahh.. really nice!

Comel kann!!! :)

And kat sini ade jugak the famous Poundland shop! (if you read the Mini Shopaholic)
Hehe.. kat sini u can get almost everything with only 1pound, ya'll! :)

Just at the beginning of the road.. It's a loong way to walk :D

Notting Hill Gate :)


My bro in law will be getting married next year in June!

So, i have to start now. 6 months from now.. can we make it?
Make what?
Make over me self! hahaha...
Oh yes... i'm devastating by looking at the UK photos.. hahaha.. that's one of the reason i've delaying updating the stories (other than overloaded work & penyakit malas) hehe..

So, lagi pulak, the wedding scream for baju kurung or baju kebaya or baju pahang..
So.. no.. i'm not going to let my self in this 70+++ weigh.. hahaha...
Cakap jer... last time, i supposed to diet for the UK vacation tapiii hancuuss... i only manage to lose 4 kgs which expectedly i gained back after even before i landed in Malaysia.. haha..

Tolonglah majin.. u have to do this.. :(
So, to not drastically or radically starving myself to death so that i can still be in the wedding ceremony. haha...
i started with no rice for 1 month and see how it goes.. hehe..
today is only my 2nd day... please pray for me ya! hehe :)

Later after 1 month.. then, i will start to reduce my food intake & hopefully will reduce some weight / fat before the wedding.

And i definitely miss wearing my wedding & engagement ring! Huargghh... hehe

9th Oct 2011 ~ Travelodge Tower Bridge, London, UK.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Travelling Blanket Going to UK (Part 1.1) ~ 13-hours journey

Hahaha... siap ade part 1.1.. :p

Travelling to UK last Oct was totally a new experience to me... A different 13-hours journey from previous journey (which was back in 1996.. haha that long).

First, it was with diff aircraft (MAS vs AA)... so the space (or is it because i was definitely bigger now hahaha) and the stewardess were def. different.. heheh... Yelah.. i still can't get over the stewardess thingy... Dun get me wrong... some of them are extremely nice.. huhuhu... (my dream next vacay: to travel in different aircraft)..

Second, back then i was travelling as a teenager... And now, i'm travelling with my lil baby.. So.. the idea of not sleeping the nite before travelling & to sleep/read throughout the journey is what i had to think as 2nd option not 1st option.. Since now, my first option is the baby! hehe...

Yeah. i'm that shallow... forgive me please.. :(
Masa hari jumaat before the flight tu, we were in hurry... We only reached Gombak @ 11.30pm (mama pun da ingat kitorg tak tido Gombak.. huhu).. Then, nak kena arrange barang lagi susun elok2.. dgn Iman taknak tido nya... so, end up tido dlm 2.30am.. Pastu kul 4am dah bangun balik nak mandi & siap2.. huhu... Lepas tu tido skejap on the way to LCCT and tak tido sampailah baby tido..
Luckily, baby tido soon after the take off. So, after take off, bla-bla-bla, letak baby atas basinet, makan skejap dah boleh tido...
Not-so-lucky.. baby only sleep for like 5 hours before bangun & taknak tido2.. huwaa... Hehe..

Ok, now.. things i had to keep in mind & to share with you, when travelling with baby / infant below 2yrs for more than 4 hours..

1. Have a seat at the first row.. If with AA, then invest some money on the Hot Seat..
Like us, we bought the Hot Seat and Alhamdulillah got the bassinet for both journey.. there were couple yg travel with us on the way back to Malaysia, didn't get the bassinet coz they're in the 4th row and because we had it first.. Mind you.. AA ada cuma 1 bassinet in aircraft at each "department".. so, kalau nak booking by inform cust services (which we did when we bought the tix), diorg akan advice to inform the air crew.. huhu... apadda...

2. Have a very good rest before the travelling day! Yupe.. coz, bare in mind, u're now have to manage 2 person instead of yourself alone.. hehe.. luckily Ted was there to take care together.. :)

3. Try to get nite journey.. sbb the baby will sleep most of the time.. hehe... mcm mase balik.. ok best gile.. smpt bace buku, eat our meal in peace, and get some sleep...

4. Feed your baby during the take off.. atau, paling tidak suruh baby hisap puting/soother. sbb mase nak take off tu kan nanti kite yg besar ni pun sakit telinga/tak dengar... baby lagilah... lucky, iman memang hisap puting.. sbb naik je plane, bg minum susu.. tapi tak sempat take off dah abeh dah susu.. so die hisap puting... Alhamdulillah, ok takde paper...

5. Book your seat near to the toilet.. Senang nak change diapers, wash their face and etc.

6. Brought some entertainment (if traveling with AA). Sbb baby akan cepat boring & need something to distract them.. Dahla dlm confined space, lagilah diorang akan resah... Huhu..

7. Try to have a flight yang ada transit... so, at least takdelah rase terperap dlm plane to for solide 13hours.. hehe..

Nasib baik, next year baby dah 2 yrs old. So, mmg kena beli seat for her... Hehe..

Nah, gambar baby comel tgh tido dlm bassinet... Hehe...
She's tall, so kaki tak muat! :D

Subhanallah... ini kat mane tah... cantikkan :)

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