Venue: Foodcourt Sogo
Attendees: 3 moms-to-be, 2 singles but not available.
Hehe... It was fun to meet you guys that day! ^_^ it's been quite sometime we didn't meet each other aite? Yg jumpe pun Wawa (going to gym together..) but itu pun last jumpe 1 month before puase... huhuhuhuh... last hang out with the others was during Izma's wedding @ Kedah..
We were housemates during my beta - delta years at Jln BB 6 (kot?) rumah nombor 11/13.. hehehe...
We were 7 then... (including Shida) actually, Shida was their original housemate.. when shida left for UITM, i moved into the house... We are: Izma (now at Ipoh - married), Kak Chique (now at Alor Setar - married).. Miss u guys... bile la boleh jumpa kan?
Faizah was rumet with Izma... diorang conquer bilik blakang... so bile aku nak masak, mesti diorang tau... hehehehe... i was a 'gf' who loved to cook.. so stiap kali balik kelas, diorang mesti nampak aku tgh dok pulun kat dapur masak... hahaha lawak tul... but our favorite home cook ... Mee maggi.. but with full of ingredients... sayur (apa yg ade time tu), ikan masin, telur asin (options), cili api, telur... pakar masak kat rumah tu dulu was Izma... mmg best giler pompuan ni masak... rindunye nak makan izma masak... hehehe... =)
Wawa was in the front/master bed room with kak chique... Minah ni mmg banyak dpt bunga dpd BF-now-hubby masa kat MMU dulu... Siap rase cam kat kedai bunge lak kalo masuk bilik die... hehehehe.... Jue was actually my rumet - bilik tengah... tapi sbb segan sket ngan jue ni... hehehe... both are expected mom.. tapi wawa dah ada sorang baby dah (my future boyfren =P hensem!)
- mommies... -
- mummy-to-be-
- wajah ceria bakal2 ibu-
Huhuhuh.... Teringat wawa cakap aritu... Dulu masa bujang2 bace mag. CLEO... skarang ni kena la bace mag. Pa & Ma... hehehehe...
Tetibe... Terasa diriku ini sudah dewasa... hahahahaha... am i ready yet?
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