Friday, April 10, 2009

better late than never

poyo jer title... chiss...

Where: KLCC dan sekitarnya...
What: Earth Hour 2009
View from: Level 5 HKL

Tapi kat HKL diorang tak tutup letrik.. bukan tak sayang bumi... tapi nyawa pesakit lebih penting... nanti tengah operation... skali off sumer letrik.. =( kesian patient tu... hurm... Pastu kalau patient yang dok pakai life support tu? humm... lagila haru... isk isk isk...

Kat umah tutup jap jer diorang cakap... Pasal ade Akademi Fantasia... huhuh sabo jer la..

Ingatkan nak ajak Angah jalan-jalan kat KL sbb nak tgk KL without any lights... Tapi tonite was my turn to stay with Mama... =) tapi i cud say I'm glad and somehow jiwang jap cos i cud stay near Mama when there's no light... hmmm... kire cam when we were young.. we always go to Mama when there's lightning or black out... UUuhhhh... Syahduu...

I dunno y... Maybe it's because I was at the hospital that time... I was touched by the support from most people... hurm.. cube bayangkan.. This is how our ancestor live their life... without electric support, yet they still survive...

Water vs. Electricity - If you could only choose one... which one do you go for?


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