Tuesday, May 12, 2009


presenting to you... our beloved berry... Aiman.. hehe...
He definitely hot stuff in Malaysia.. ahahaha... kejam yer...

superAIman tgk wepa nak pegi mesjid... ahaha sedih tak dapat ikot... =P

Aiman and wepa's songkok... he never like anything to be on his botak head... but somehow when wepa (papa) placed his songkok on his head.. die cam excited nak pakai & dun mind it at all... heemmm cucu wepa~~

Great Bargain... product tebaru east.india.. haha... makan budok...
hehe... this is what happened when achik + ude bergabung tenage... kejam ye makcik duorang nih...
p/s dun do this at home... stunt ini dilakukan oleh mereka yang berpengalaman...


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