Hehe.. ok i lied... i didn't wanna make it official yesterday.. as if kalau tak masuk dlm blog.. i cud still be 26 for another day.. (budget kalau tak make it official.. aku taklah berusia 27 semalam) ahaha... lame, i know.. so still can't accept i am 27.. huhu...
hehe.. i wish i cud wake up and be 17 again (mcm zac afron tu).. aha but that's mean i have to crack my brain again for spm.. and i was still chubby (skang pun), selebet and have no ted.. so, takpelah.. being 27 is fine.. but being 26 is even better.. ahaha.. gosh! i'm getting older every year.. tipula if i said i hate birthday.. sape tak suke birthday... dpt card birthday.. dpt cake.. dpt nice pressie... dpt wish..
so, why 27 is a big deal? because for me... 27 is the 'matured age'.. that's mean no goofing around, no wacky attitude.. and what more.. saya akan jadi muslimah sejati... and this is the age where i'm going to walk into the next stage of life.. hehe.. i'd set my own target that i'll only get married when i'm 27.. so that's why... maybe i dun look at myself and see the matured me yet... hehe.. even kalau kenduri kendara or meet other people.. mesti diorang ingat i still in school.. ngeh ngeh.. sometimes its flattering.. but sometimes i felt frustrated for not being able to appear like a working woman... tapi kadang2 if i wear baju kurung to office ade orang ingat aku dah kawen plak.. maybe because my flabby tummy? ahaha.. damn! i can't please anybody around me..
hehe.. remember i wanna celebrate it in style? yeah.. i did! ahahaha... and really in style + full of roses.. ya.. tema kali ini adalah Rose.. Rose I luv You (Frankie Laine)
- the next Malaysian Idol.. how many of us can sing while eating drumstick.. i bet tomok pun takbleh... (ignore my six pack please..)
Hahaha... yeah.. since my family will celebrate it on Saturday... i'd been forced to go Karaoke yesterday... ahahaha.. in style no?
I never ever fancy karoke... never... kalau takat nyanyi kat opis pasal kebosanan tu boleh la.. but not in public.. (naseb baik die tak bawak kat karoke jhambhan..) aahaha... being me and my voice sorta itik pulang petang atau kdg2 anak2 kehilangan ibu... lagi la aku taknak...
For me.. what i have in mind is just a quiet dinner so that i cud membebel & mengadu domba... or so that i can eat while reading book... aha.. tapi takpelah.. dah orang nak bawak banyaklak bunyikan... ikut jerlah... pastu bile part aku nyanyi kenape mesti nak bukak audio... hahaha... bencik.. tapi paling tak bleh blah mase nyanyi lagu AXL - Andai dapat ku undurkan masa.. hahahaa.. lawak giler.. yang ni mmg kitorang nyanyi feeling habih.. wakakakaka...
hum.. hmm.. hmm... (batuk2 kecil smbil buat muke 27 tahun)..
Oleh kerana saya berumur 27 tahun.. saya akan membincangkan tentang sesuatu yang serius.. (^_^'')
Have you read the obama's cairo speech? haha... i did only yesterday selepas bace blog our 4th pm... i always wonder on this new us president..
Obama: America's strong bonds with Israel are well known. This bond is unbreakable. It is based upon cultural and historical ties, and the recognition that the aspiration for a jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied.
Che Det:
11. The Muslims have never been part of the tragic history of the Jews. Why then must they pay the price for the tragedy caused by the Europeans? Had the Europeans offered part of Europe or America for a Jewish state, there would not be the sustained violence that we see in West Asia. But the Europeans expropriated Arab Palestinian land to give to the Jews. Can an injustice in West Asia atone for injustice in Europe? The Muslim Arabs have to pay for the asylum they provided the Jews by having their land taken away to give to the Jews.
There's another obama said that caught my attention...
Obama: We also know that military power alone is not going to solve the problems in Afganistan and Pakistan. That is why we plan to invest $1.5 billion each year over the next five years to partner with Pakistanis to build school and hospitals, roads and businesses, and hundreds of millions to help those who have been displaced. And that is why we are providing more that $2.8 billion to help Afghans develop their economy and deliver services that people depend upon.
hurm.. hurm.. mcm dejavu je... read The Confession of Economic Hitman... huhu..
taken from here and u cud read more on che det & obama
ngeh ngeh ngeh...
mcm biase.. mase tiup lilin.. mesti tanye.. ape yang kite wish kan...
this is my wish.. even tak sempat wish smp abeh pasal dah kene pakse tiup lilin2 tu.. ahaha...
- To be healthily slim & fit ~ teringat ckp ngan zura smlm mse discuss bile mau serbu nasik ayam lagi... "ok aku tak nak ape2 dr korang.. aku nak korang doakan aku kurus je before october nih" ahahaha giler desperate.. hahaha...
- To be a good muslimah & hopefully start making sense in my life...
Aaa.. boringla... mcm baru je wish time new year aritu kan.. So, what ever it is.. i just hope i stay healthy this year & be more matured and.. to get married(insyallah)... haha... hampeh..
Chak!! Teddy main chak disebalik bunge... (inilah punca gua tersenyum riang mase apek tu dtg time lunch 1st June aritu)
Dalam banyak2 bulan dalam setahun, i like June the most... double celebration means double pressie from ted.. ahahaha.. yeah! akulah pisau cukur itu.. ahaha.. even i didn't expect to get another gift from him.. cukupla dengan ingatan tulus mulus dan sms di awal pg & card di hari itu.. (sorry bro.. die wish aku lagi awal.. 1st June dah wish.. ahahaha tapi aku tetap terharu) tapi En Ted adalah En Ted... Being with him means living a world full of surprise.. Sesurprise dipakse menyanyi karaoke dan seseprise sms "ok, puas hati tak dengan jawapan i?" (bce dgn nada marah)

perlu ke letak gambar adiah.. takpelah nak tayang jugak.. hahaha
Ngeh ngeh ngeh... so, this is it... my final birthday celebration (cam nak mati laks) as a single girl.. celebrated in style to celebrate me walking into new stage of life.. ahaha...
Thanks especially to my family (mcm amek award laks)... Mama & papa... Angah & nini (for the crocs).. abg n femily & ajim.. tidak lupe juga... En Ted (for d double roses & karaoke..) and... for all my great luvly buddies out there who wishes (thru blog, sms, e-mail, fesbuk) for me... Really appreciate it girls.. \(^_^)/ Akhir kata... doakanlah aku berjaya menguruskan badan... hopefully berkat doa kalian.. aku akan berjaya menguruskan badan dlm mase 4 bln ni.. (walaupun harini aku kantoi dibelanje kak b mkn mc d... ye arini kami gencatan boikot.. esok sambung balik)
Ye disebalik kehappian mendapat hadiah & cake... saya masih tidak lupa.. yang saya setahun lebih tua!! uuh... ok.. sudah nak sambung wat keje sambil buat muke matured...
hepi besday ms groovy..udah 27 tahun ye..I got married at this age..and at my age now still feeling like 27..he he..not to wori about being older one year each year...
aku udah wish kamu di FB makanya aku wish lg sekali walaupunudah lewat beberapa ari..
forever aku ingat hr ko sebab selang sehr ngan annyversary aku..
kita geng babe kawin umur 27..
hihi.. tq2.. hrp2nye sy juge brase 27 stiap thn.. hehe... =)
hehe... a'ah2.. tq2 ko wish aku awal aritu... ngeh ngeh ngeh.. yeay.. kite satu geng nnti... =D
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