Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hye.. it's 12th days of Ramadhan.. Howdaya feel girls?

Yg pastinya kurus sket la kan.. heheh (ade ke itu yg gua komen.) Tapi betul per.. hehe. walaupun kegagalan melancarkan program diet secara tulus & drastik, turun gak la berat sket. (sket jerla..) How about Quran reciting? hopefully everything goes well. =D

Huhu.. 45 days to go. You'll find me ranting about my not-so-long singlehood life in these few days. Sorry guys if i bored u to death =P. Well, i just want to appreciate my single life, selagi boleh. Even though my single life is quite boring for some of you, but still it's going to change after this. My single life is circling around my home - books, tv, & aiman-berry, work and some friends (and some travelling).. but i'm happy with it. Hee.. (^_^)/ So, apa2 yang kurasakan akan 'dimisskan' selepas status ini berakhir, ku akan catatkan di atas laptop ini..

Hehe.. First time menyambut puase as someone's fiancee. Jadi, this year kire tahun yang wow la.. First puase as fiance, and last puase as single. Hi hi.. Rase cam blushing2 gedik sket lah.. haha.. tapi persoalan wajib.. barang ape mau beli sama bakal ibu m**t** untuk hadiah hari Raya.. ngeh ngeh ngeh..

Well, i did something stupid today. I dunno why, but after mama said it last 2 days, i thought of giving it a try - something that i'd let go for quite sometimes. Hurm.. well, hafta nego with Ted and see how's it going. Maybe i can use his help (if he want to, and it's a very slim chance!)

Lapar waffle.. Wuuu Wuuu.. Lapar Waffle kat World of waffle kat OU.. (pic credit to hyred wyred)

On another note.. this is my pledge..

Not to..ever.. never again.. Go to SOGO during weekend and it's the last day of Mega Sales. Gua kena panic attack!! Sumpah! Rase cam ketaq lutut sumer.. huhu.. gila.. I just dun have the bargain-hunters guts i guess. Imagine rase nak pitam. haha. lawak pun ade. It ended up, TED has to survive the 'swamp' and find me the things i want and brought it back to me for QA and approval. Haha! Sebbaik En Tedku adalah seorang yang gagah.

And, I read that Airhead book by Meg Cabot (click the meg cabot link at ur right) it's about this supersmart girl who had her brain transfered into this one supermodel body. Who died on the almost same time as she died. I had to find the second book, and continue reading. Cute giler! Mcm spirit transfer dalam Freaky Friday la.. Tapi yg beza, yg supermodel ni takde dah coz she's dead. i mean her brain is dead la.. They have this society that believe there are some famous people who claimed to be dead, but they are actually living around us in someone's body. Haha. Remember they take out MJ's brain for some postmoterm? Bygkan itu sumer propaganda, & sbnrnya die skang ni idup dalam badan seorang tukang kebun. And the next few years, kita akan dapat sorang lagi talent like MJ, only he's not someone else. He is actually mj.. Hahaha.. Creepy.. i had the goosebump already =P


Unknown said...

serius aku rasa aku kurus sebab baji pengapit aku kena alter balik.. tetiba bump aku jd kecik plak.. kah kah

groovy ally said...

wow! hehe... bestnya babe!! giler ahh!! aku sangat jeles sama kau! hihi.. aku yg pulun diet (wlu slalu ciloks) ko yg turun!! chiis.. hahaha.. aku ni tak amek lg baju n*k*h pasal tkut. ahaha. patut amek sabtu lepas. haha =P

Noriee said...

impressed with EN Ted yg sudah jadi ala2 superman kat sogo..he he

groovy ally said...

heheh.. tula... terasa gagah sketla.. keh keh keh.. =P

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