Alhamdulillah.. Azim my lil brother got 11As (out of 11 subjects) for his SPM.
Congratulation!! I'm proud of you bro. Heheh.
Aaa.. how time flies right..
I remember we used to watch power rangers together back then.
Pastu suke tidur ngn mama until form 3(hahaha.. sorry bro ;p)
Pastu suke gaduh ngan along dulu (our niece) sbb jealous kat along.. hehe..
Suke fong sai yukk..
Now, he's already gotten his license and will go out there to further his study. (T_T)
*Achik masih rase terlebih bangge* hehehe...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, March 24, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Familia+
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
U, Thank You :)
This morning, again Ted is making something cute. ;)
No, he didn't buy me anything this morning.
No, he didn't give me extra money.
He texted me, asking me to call him back.
I called.
He asked me if he can start smoking again. (He stopped smoking for more than 3 months now).
That's cute ;)
When we said, marriage is about making arrangement.
This is the arrangement.
Of course, i wudn't stop him.
I just asked him "Can i keep the (extra) cigarettes later?".
When i put down the phone, i texted him "Kalau boleh xyahlah... Huhuhu :("
15 mins later, i called him back.
"Xper, I dah tak rase dah nak smoking"
Thank you ;)
U've made my day.
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, March 22, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Wifey+
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Big Heart
pic source:
They can still smile and play.. ;)
My heart goes to Japanese survivors..
May u all be strong to face these challenge.
I'm touched and moved when i heard / read stories about Japanese survivors.
Eventhough they're in chaotic situation, they grieved quietly.
They even lined-up properly waiting their turns with everything, to buy gasoline, getting food helps. That shows how big their hearts & how discipline they are. huhuhu..
Tapi kita kat sini.. huhu.. Complaining non-stop, bad traffic jam, bad monday, bad hair day, bad food, too many food, too many works, stress at work, overloaded, it's-not-in-my-JTOR man, not enough time, not enough space, not enough entertainment, not enough weekends, even hujan pun kadang2 orang boleh complaint.. Heeee..
Huhu... So, marilah kita bersyukur dengan nikmat yang diberi-Nya. ;)
Complaining ain't change our lives.. Complaining will only complicated things even more..
Let's live our lives to the fullest and be grateful. ;)
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, March 17, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Commitment ;)
Now we have Streamyx in da house! hehehe... yeay! ehehe... bolehla update blog & tengok FB tetengah malam tanpe perlu squeeze my eyes sbb tgk thru' handphone. hehe..
So, what's new in my life now. Heheh...
Okie, i've been reading this book titled Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert. Dah beli last year but only managed to read it now (queue buku untuk dibace.. hehe). The book is about marriage in her perspective. Termasuklah history of marriage. I think dah sebulan kot bace buku ni tak abeh2.. hehe sebab bace only time nak tidur. Mase siang tak sempat hehe.. too many activities..
Bace buku ni ade yang aku setuju & ada yang tidak.. yelah, she see it through American eyes.. And me, we have Islam as our foundation. Bila baca buku ni aku bersyukur to be born as Muslim. Betapa Allah dah aturkan rukun & law perkahwinan ni dengan cantik.
Bace buku ni pun buat aku sedar, to accept Ted as who he is.
This 1 year ++ not always an easy road for us. Especially me. With my mood swing eventhough tak pregnant or PMS. :( sometimes kite selalu tak sedar suke sangat tengok orang lain & ter~compare. Especially dari segi keromantikan hehe..
Tapi, kekurangan romatik itu dikaver oleh kebaikan yang lain.. Hehe..
Dalam buku ni ade tulis "perkahwinan dengan house chores yang dikongsi bersama, lebih bertahan lama".. hehehe... here i smile wide =D Ted sangat rajin.
Tak abeh sumer lagi... nnti dah abeh, InsyaAllah i'll post a dedicated entry related to my life. hehe..
We have 7 new housemates!!!
After killed (accidentally) not less than 20 fishes & 2 prawns (mcm lobster kecik), we finally fine the correct tunes.. hehehe.. Hari ni dah seminggu kami berjaya membela 7 ekor ikan.. hehe... nanti i amik gambar guna camera cantik i upload. hehe.. best2.. ;D
Baby.. Berjaya berumur 8bulan sekarang.. Heheh.
- Dah pandai naik beskal.. wee best!
- Sangat tertarik dengan musical toy esp her fp's musical clock.
- Suke menjerit! gembira, marah, nak makan semua jerit. heheh
- pandai panggil papa, mammma (refering to me), tatatata, dadada.. hehe
- Makan dengan berjaya. She loves to eat! Kenala mummy peratikan..
- Merangkak dengan jaye
- Berlari laju! dengan walker.. hehe especially bile nampak mommy after sometimes.
- Since mommy kena warded, sekarang ni takleh la nampak mummy pakai tudung / hilang dr pandangan.. huhu.. kesian baby..
Heheh... okie i think itu dulula nak citer.. hehehh... nak gi sambung bace buku..
Psss.. i have a lil project for baby.. nanti i update okie.. huhu.. takut citer skang last2 tak jadi.. Wish me luck peeps! =D
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, March 16, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+
Monday, March 14, 2011
It's good to know.. ;)
I was tested with quite a big test (ujian) last 2 week... Tapi, Alhamdulillah ujian kami hanya kecil kalau dibanding orang Jepun. Alhamdulillah I'm still here working and able to smile.
Dugaan Allah. Tak siapa terduga bile & macam mana it would happened.
Tapi, disebalik dugaan tu yang perlu kita tengok & teliti.
Pardon me, i'm not being angelic here or whatever. And if u see me today, i won't be any different from before.
You might find me making jokes about what happened. It just how i remind myself, not to be too sad / menyesal... Alhamdulillah eventhough what had happened, i'm still alive and Allah still love me giving me another chance to live and do the right things.
It's good to know.. Ted rushing to me after i called and arrived just 10mins after that. Subhanallah. ;) he may not a romantic-rich husband, but he's there when i need him the most. (I'm almost crying now..iskk...) ini lebih kurang macam beranak. But, kat labour room u kinda know it's going to be a joy afterwards (unless something happened and u had complication or u've been notified earlier). But imagine, when i called him shrieking (yupe! literally shrieking, he didn't hear anything i said.) the feeling he felt all the way riding on a EX5 to HKL. Ya Allah, anugerah paling besar yang Kau Beri, he safely arrived.
It's good to know.. u have a families (my own family & in-laws) that care so much for you.. Alhamdulillah... Dengan abah kena lelah lepas dengar berita.. Isk... Kalau la jadi apape kat aku that nite.. kalaulah jadik apaper kat my family that nite.. Mama, Papa & siblings sumer datang muke cemas.. i almost cried.. tapi taknak diorg risau so i make jokes bout plastic surgery. ehehe...
It's good to know.. u have a very caring bosses.. Alhamdulillah.. My boss asking for my condition everyday, siap marah lagi i nak dtg ofc hehe.. And she help me to search ways to claims/reports for the incident.. Tskk.. Not to forget that she also covered my task during my absents.. Alhamdulillah..
It's good to know.. i have friends & colleagues who care for me if anything happened to me.
Alhamdulillah... Thanks to all for your wishes & prays.. i really appreciate it.. =)
Everything happened for a reason. For this, I believe it's a peringatan / teguran daripada Allah. So that i wud come back and remember Him the Almighthy. Ku berdoa dugaan ini, kesakitan ini dapat menghapus walau sedikit dosa-dosaku yang tak ternilai. Kite manusia selalu terlupa & alpa (me lah). Kadang-kadang lupa yang Allah tu Maha berkuasa.
Hopefully, selagi aku rase sakit ni.. selagi tu aku tak lupe.. Hopefully juga, selagi aku nampak kesan ni.. selagi tu aku tak lupe.. Hopefully juga, bila dah aku tak rase sakit.. bile kesan dah tak nampak.. aku still tak lupa.
Ya Allah, semoga Kau lindungi aku & keluargaku daripada segala musibah & bala bencana.
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, March 14, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+