Tuesday, March 22, 2011

U, Thank You :)

This morning, again Ted is making something cute. ;)
No, he didn't buy me anything this morning.
No, he didn't give me extra money.

He texted me, asking me to call him back.
I called.
He asked me if he can start smoking again. (He stopped smoking for more than 3 months now).

That's cute ;)

When we said, marriage is about making arrangement.
This is the arrangement.

Of course, i wudn't stop him.
I just asked him "Can i keep the (extra) cigarettes later?".
When i put down the phone, i texted him "Kalau boleh xyahlah... Huhuhu :("

15 mins later, i called him back.
"Xper, I dah tak rase dah nak smoking"

Thank you ;)
U've made my day.


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