Friday, March 23, 2012

I need to blog this...

Heheh... i need to blog this.

This morning, in there's a topic on "Nama Manje" or pet name for your beloved one.
Hehe.. the topic actually came out after a "fix it" segment, where a girl sent an entry to the radio station nagging about how her boyfriend only stored her name as actual name in his phone rather than "Sayang" "Darling" or "Baby". hahaha... sorry.. i just couldn't stop thinking "how old is this girl actually"

Yeah, sure we want to be special and treat as special person by our loved one. I'm like that too.. But to nag about it on a national radio station? Errghhh! i can imagine if Ted were the one who get the call from Prem & Hafiz telling that i'd sent an entry to them Ted didn't store my number & name as Baby. Hahahaha... I wudn't dare to come home...

Ok, sorry... enough bout that, maybe if i were in my 'teen'ages, or early twenty maybe.. maybe i wud think, oh so sweet.. hihih...

Ok, fine.. i still think it's cute.. haha.. That's why Ted were called Ted instead of his name in this blog/my fb. And i had a pet name for myself too.. "Sharona" :P hihi.. that was given by me.. as my "alias"..

Ted do call me pet name.. hehe.. sometimes he called me syg, or b, or mok :P but most of the time, he called me "You".. And if he wrote me a card, he won't even wrote my pet name. He wud either wrote my full name, My Wife or just leave it blank, with only his signature. Even if he sign with hug + kisses.. he would put Papa + baby Iman.. Hehe.. :P Before we married, he just wrote his name.. :P

I admit, i took it personally at first. "He might not love me that much, he didn't bother to write sweet things on the card". And i even confronted him (right after getting the card & pressie) Hehe.. And he told me, he took the card for a reason. For the words it wrote in the card. It just as what he meant to tell me. Yeah, he's romantic just like that. :P After a while, i gave up taking offense of this small matter. What he did to me in reality is what i should concern of. :)

And sometime, when we not expecting anything, he just did. Buying the same phone model as mine (after he lost our phones). Store my name as something else (Ngeee.. Senyum smp telinga).
Haha... Actually, i'm just like the girl :P the only different, i didn't have to take it to national radio for my husband to be that romantic. :P


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