Bandara Airport
Yeah, we travelled by Indonesia AirAsia (QZ)... Well, at least the stewardess are nicer & prettier... =) I spent 2 hours sleeping during the flight since the counter lady checked me in separately from my family (i dun understand why)... huhuhu so i ended up sitting next to strangers... which is why i applied my secret weapon soon after the take off to avoid any conversation as much as i could... huhuu... don't blame me.. I just follow the rules - Never Talk to Stranger...
My sis & our 2 nieces a.k.a nyamuk arriving at the Bandara Airport..
Sightseeing & Makan-Makan
After meeting our tourist guide - Mr. Taufik... we headed to the apartment to change cloth.. and have some rest (as if.. we were too busy enjoying the scenery from our apartment) before we went for dinner and a 'shopping warm up'..

Galeri Ciumbuleuit (pronounce: cium-bu-luit) Apartment
We stayed at Galeri Ciumbuleuit Apartment during our visit... hey! they have a nice-aromatic coffee shop beside the lobby... (but hadn't get a chance to sip a nice coffee.. huhu.. next time perhaps..)

Karamba Resto
Beside shopping, another must-do activity in Bandung is MAKAN! The foods are sinfully marvellous... on the first nite, we had Nasi Timbel at Karamba Resto...
The Dine area - Karamba Resto
We want food!
Nasi Timbel is a Sunda meal... The meal is simple, complete & mouthwatering (coz it's hot & spicy).. They meal includes nice steam rice, tauhu, tempe & spice-fried chicken... once you started eating... the next thing u know, ur plate empty and u're still hungry for more! plus the ikan Gurame masak kecap! and hot spicy sambal + ulam2 (salad)... u don't even bother stop to look around coz all u wanna do is enjoy the nice meal.... sluurrppp...
nini & Kerepek Pisang cheese
Half an hour later, we're full.. so, we dashed for our 'shopping warm up' at Grande FO. You can get branded t-shirt & jeans for lower price... hurmm... but since this is just a warm up, i just grabbed a nice t-shirt (samsuum's t-shirt we called).. And.. Kerepek Pisang Cheese... The nice slice fried banana dipped in Cheese...

Tangkuban Parahu - Sulfur Heaven
The trip was fun.. we're going to the Tangkuban Parahu-the volcano first... we're surrounded by the sulfur odour & salesmen... (i was wrong when i thought the sulfur shud smell nice-thinking of belerang... tapi tak wangi pun bile kat dlm kawah gunung berapi!) huhuh... we took few nice pics and enjoy the scenery... but cudn't stayed long - i was suffocated with all the things they sold that i might scream and jump into the Kawah... huhu.... Honey enjoyed riding the horse and Una pulled her face since that she was punished for running herself to We Ma without telling us... panic jap carik2 tak jumpe... "tu la dik... lenkali dok je ngan kitorang... mesti dapat naik kude..." (evil laugh)
colourful mafla & cap sold along the way
They also sold mafla & cap.. (mama kate once upon a time, it was cold for the high land nature, but that day it just windy we didn't need a sweater)... it might because of global warming that it didn't cold anymore... huh!
Seri Ater Hot Spring
Run for your life! Ade dinasor tersesat!!
Enough of sulfur, we went for Hot Spring at the Seri Ater Hot Spring... were we soaked our kaki for 30 minutes or so... for preparation of handbag-shoe-tops-hunting trip after this..
tgh carik port baik blakon filem...
heroin film hindi terbaru...
The journey to Tangkuban Parahu & Hot Spring was surrounded with tea field... ape lagi.. we had our "Show stopper in the tea field.." Rase cam iklan Salem lak..
Kampung Daun
Next Activity (aktiviti wajib - MAKAN) at Kampung Daun...
Again.. We chose to have Nasi Timbel.... plus Nasi Liwet (like Nasi Timbel but with more chicken, and side dishes) and Gurame Fish for our lunch... i shared my meal with Honey, guess that i can't finish the meal by myself and to control my stomach enlargement... but end up we tambah nasik for 3/4 times... huhuh... Honey pun makan banyak!
The best part was we have to tap on the Ketuk-Ketuk to order our meals from the waiters... macam org2 kampung kan? (tapi tu time org meninggal jer... erkk?)
- ala2 red indian...-
Brrpp... Selesai makan... apelagi.. photo hunting... environment mmg menarik giler! too many things to capture...
Shopping Time!
Finish with sightseeing, we have mission to accomplish... Shopping! *wink* There were the whole road of Factory Outlet at Dago Street... You can get whatever brand u think of - LV, Burberry, Aigner, CD, Guess, Braun Buffel and even Baby Phat for loweerrrr price... and countless of shoes.. huhhh!! setiap kedai singgah nak dekat 2 jam. Nasibbaik dah pegi rendam kaki at Seri Ater... =P
We also went to the Chimbaduyut Street for leather stuff - shoes & bag.. penat gakla kaki jalan sepanjang jalan tu...
Men & Women shoe at the entrance of Chimbaduyut Street
Phew! I'm so worn out at the Terminal Tas
And we also went to Pasar Baru on the Hari Raya Aidildha morning.. but as it is Hari Raya, only few of the shops were open... but that doesn't spoilt our mood.. we arrived as early at 10.30 am and left at 5 pm (org pun dah nak tutup kedai...)
Chaos at the Pasar Baru =P
Ajim keboringan menunggu org pompuan tak mau berenti shopping
The last nite before we went back to KL, we had a very nice dinner at the Valley - Lisung Resto... the scenery was superb! it was at the hillside (lucky it is not in Bkt Antarabangsa).. and we cud enjoy the breathtaking Bandung nite view from the restaurant...
Lisung Resto - The Valley
And as usual the food are marvellous, mouthwatering and jeans tigthening... huuhu... sesuai untuk family, or orang berchinta... they have sofa so that we cud just laze down having a nice cup of coffee, enjoy the view... they also have dining table for dinner while enjoying the view... hurm... bestnye... i had nasik panggang... bestnye!! and an Ice Latte.. lame tak dpt ice latte... mmg best! then, we go for photo hunting but sayangnye takde kemere canggih ala2 slr... our camera's nite view sungguh tidak memberansangkan... (mental note: get DSLR camera next year, paling murahnye pun jadi la...)
Huhuh... Eventho' we're not done with the shopping, i have enough with the food... 5 days vacation and i gained 4 kgs! scary... so, excuse me for my chubby face in the pics! but En Ted.. dun blame me... blame the food... sedap sangat...On the last day, we hunt for the extremely delicious steam brownies - Brownies Kukus Amanda. Hurrm... the brownies is so tempting, but it cud only last for 4 days from the buying date..

Amanda - Brownies Kukus & The Browffee
Foto Suka-Suka
Honey & Una at the Playground
Teh Botol - The Official Beverage
We're going to Jakarta (again) next year Feb & Apr for more shopping spree.... Yeah!
Vacation Theme: Shopping Spree
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