Hurm... it's been quite a while since just the 3 of us hang out together... Last was at Sushi King with Hariz joining us... and that was before Ramadhan... Hurm... long time eh?
So, last Tuesday we decided to have early dinner at Chili's... Plus, this was supposed to be our Last Heavy Dinner before all of us starts on our diet program next week... hehe... Yeah!

So, to celebrate our New Diet Program 2009, we ate all these yummy greasy full of gravvy foods... YUM YUM...
I have my fav - Fajitas Quesadillas Combo
Nini has this Chicken... errr... i dun remember... gotta ask her... huh will update u later =P
Angah wit her Monterey Chicken... Just look at the gravvy!
Last piece of heaven! Tak larat nak habehkan.. While waiting for the food, we test this myth on how to look good in pics... check out our shots... + our poyo faces... ngehehehe...

Nini kesepian... uhhh...
Nini & The tonsil me... Payah giler nak tunduk... hehehe
Okey la tu... hahahaha... Not bad la kan... huhuhuhu... we tried all sort of poses... (can't upload all here...) in preparation for Angah's Canon 1000D... yuk!yuk!yuk! My sis is becoming dSLR freak after this...
Bling2 twinkle2 little star...
bling2 chubby me...
Good Bye Greasy Yummy Food after this... Sob sob sob... after this, we are all going salad, soup, crackers and plain water... yikes! And Good Bye Chubby me... (Yeay!)
TED had been all complaining how i wasted RM 180 every month not coming to the gym! aiyayay... what can i do.. all my friends are taken and they develop the wife habits of not going to the gym... heheheh... and i'm not interested in meeting new friends at the gym... =P camner? So i guess En TED... u need to get me MP4.... hurm... =)
Errghhh... Somehow.. i feel irritated with this 3mp pics while there's dSLR waiting for us... haw haw haw.... *battling my eyelashes*
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