CAUTIONS.. this gonna be a super-dem-long entry.. hehe..
fuh!! finally... i owed u the story on how we'd been taxed by pakcik imigresen... Menjadi pengajaran... next time u want to buy something in bundle... please go together with like 18 ppl / 20 org skaligus to avoid the ridiculous tax.. hehehe...
Okay... last year, once the m*t*p.aren.ts event done, angah booked us flight ticket to jakarta for shopping spree for the e.v.e.n.t.s.. (alasan) ahaha... so, we're going to jakarta twice this year February & April 09 for that purposes.. hehe... Mama supposed to go with us for both trip, yet she was not feeling well so she had to cancel the second trip.. we went with mamacik & wawa instead for the second trip.
First trip: February 2009 - gombak's troupe : me, mama & angah..
Second trip: April 2009 - gombak's troupe : me, angah, mamacik, wawa..
Yea.... now everyone can fly... Hehe...
ni mock aircraft body ni baru lagi kat lcct, mase Feb takde lagi... now sudah ada.. ehehe.. rase cam tourist sket...
after 2 hours on the flight... we landed at the airport (or bandara)... comelkan ade this cute thing... mcm orang nak pegi berburu tu... but notice tak dinding die papan? hehe... so nusantara...
it was raining when we arrived (feb)... nak amek gambar that statue thingy... ehehe... so cute... yet tak penah dapat dari dulu lagi.. chis... so, i just snap his/her butt.. ahah.. ok la tu... Mase g time april, we arrived @ almost 9 pm... so rushing takleh nak posing2 + penat lagi...
Okay.. untuk mengurangkan kepeningan semua... i start my ramble with Makan2...
Our first mission is the pasar tebet... bukan kat pasar atas- they sold normal stuff... but the basement... lepas dah tengok2 and settle everything, we had our stomach filled with... Soto Padang! Seriously mouthwatering!! i'd tried few other soto padang, but never compete this stall... mmg sedap gile...
If you managed to go to Pasar Tebet, check out this stall.. the stall is in the between of many card shop at the basement... quite macam main maze gak la nak sampai kat tpt ni...
We knew this place when first we came to Jakarta.. our tourist guide Bapak Riyaldi bought us here for breakfast... fyi, orang jakarta jarang breakfast kat luar mcm nasik lemak roti canai whatsoever.. so, he bought us here... ehhe.. ever since that, everytime we went to jakarta mesti nak pegi makan kat sini... hehe...
hurm.. mase gi last feb, siap 2 kali lagi pi makan kat sini.. second time, we also tried the cumi... hehe.. sotong itu yang sangat menggiurkan.. kenyal2... uuuhhh... ~_~
Also the main reason of why... i'd gained 4 kgs each time we had trip to indonesia... Kat sini nasik diorang mmg sesedap... pastu, boleh kate sume masakan berasaskan nasi... huhu.. lupe laks.. nasik kan makanan ruji orang asia... huhu.. =P
Then... we all teringat nasik timbel @ bandung...
heuheuheu... so pak riyaldi bought us here at jakarta.. hehe.. can't remember the restaurant name.. they serve same kind of rice (balut dlm daun) and few lauks yang mcm nak same.. ade la ikan gurame masak kicap tu.. sedap.. but can't compete the one we had at bandung...

Oh.. before we forgot... please do not forget this super drink... Teh Botol!
Hmm... mmg kalau pekene soto padang ngan teh botol mmg nyum nyum tiptop.. then.. skarang ni dah ada teh kotak... so.. we smuggled some to malaysia... ahaha... tgk muke aiman kegembiraan minum air teh kotak... if u dun like the plain tea taste, u cud try out the freshtea.. sedap jugak! ahaha... well, kalo datang indonesia, not drinking the teh botol.. u missed one of the indonesian specialty.. hehe..

This time, we dun venture to masakan padang.. dah banyak kali makan, so nak try other food plaks... we tried the new fudcourt in Tanah Abang or in short Tenabang (indonesian luv to cut short their words.. bandar udara - bandara.. and few more i cudn't remember).. hehe... they have variety of food, sunda la, jawa la, dim sum la, ape2 sumer ade... (even suasane cam makan kat fudkot mesia) we tried the nasik ayam penyet (now sudah ada di The Curve ye... hehe they have that teh botol as well there..) and lontong (tak ingat jawanese ke ape).. and kerak telur... huuh sedap..

hurm... cube teka ape name buah nih? Yea... Rambutan ye kawan2... hahaha.. but this rambutan has cute name... rambutan rapeah... (tetibe teringat rafeah buang- and my uni-mates who thought my real name is really rafeah buang... mase zaman-zaman irc dulu la punye citer ni.. lawak2) it taste luvly & it's cute... mmg kalo makan leh ralit la...

wawa layan blues .. " hanya kamu yang bisa.. membuatkan ku tergila2"
hehe.. the first nite we arrived (April) dah agak mlm.. so we went straight to menteng for supper... hurm.. there were a street band who performs everynite (kot) to entertain the visitors... suare sedap... and notice that guy with grey t-shirt... gosh... he had such a clean, flawless face! i even mistakenly thought he was a girl at first for his face... not surprise for the indonesian girl to have a beauty flawless face sbb depa kan banyak jamu for all that... but lelaki... my.. my.. mmg kagum giler...

here... we had the famous roti bakar... it's not just normal roti bakar kaya & marjerin.. if you order for a "roti bakar" just roti bakar tak mintak tambah apa2... tadaaa... they gave u a toast with cheese & choc... yummmiess!! sedap.. We also had the sate.. rase lain dari sate mesia (not really like the sauce though.. suka lagi sate haji samuri).. then.. we had the soto padang (or betawi.. the one with santan like the same as at pasar tebet)... huhu can't compete the soto padang at pasar tebet... then, angah order the tauhu sumendang... hurm.. the tauhu is delicious... tapi kuah die rase peliks... (mcm2 hal la ko ni majin)
The second day, we came here again... teringat air oren die... mmg purely fresh orange juice... so second day tu i tried the maggi ayam... rase cam makan Mee Sedap pastu tambah ayam ngan wantan goreng.. hik hik hik.. mamacik had the nasik goreng gila... eehe... sedap..

lorong nak masuk ke Menteng... there are a lot of food stalls there along the entrance way..
Owh.. ye.. lupe.. I find indonesian coffee quite bitter than malaysian.. or.. boleh ke kalo nak cakap tak menepati citarase gua.. haaha... so, being me the coffee-a-holic.. i need to find coffee that suit my taste... 3 hari tak dpt kopi takleh... i cud get cranky...
Since we're still boycotting the starbuck at this point of time... so, we opted for second best... donuts cafe... known to serve good coffee to complement the donut sweetness.. first trip we went to jco & had this mini donuts...
i never tried jco here in mesia.. since takde berdekatan ngan hala tuju saya di mesia.. ahaha.. the donut.. hrum... i guess mini donut couldn't justify the overall taste kan.. but i guess i prefer perasa yang ade kat big apple... kalo kat jco, i like that pizza-like donut... can't remember the name though... mcm itali sket la bunyi die.. well.. kate donut pizza kan.. hikhikhikhik...
With my luvly and sporting Mama (actually time ni mama dah start rase tak sihat... but she's still strong as always)..
mmm... coffee anyone? nyum nyum... action ngan mama's machiatto single shot (mine was the one yang kat sebelah tu (caramel latte as always).. ahaha..)
hehehe... on the second trip (april) we went to the krispy kreme... huhu... here we also tried the mini donuts...
I'd read some review yang the donut was sweeter than b.a & jco... but for me, the sweet are negotiable (remark from a potential diabetic patients) xdelah manis sgt.. kire so2 la... a i love that original glazed... mmm... sinfully heaven.. as usual i had my coffee - latte... ahaha... huuu drooling... + note to myself.. go to san francisco after work! +
last piece of heaven
hehe... okay... enough food review... enough making my stomach grumble... hehe..
dah makan sedap2... we also went to Taman Mini Indonesia... kat sini u can see all type of houses around indonesia.... ade rumah minang (padang).. rumah ape2 sumer... rumah bali la.. rumah sumatera..

me & mama at some of the houses... we dun stop at every houses though... penat giler...

wink*wink* pre-h..ym..n ahaha... en ted jgn marah... i dah survey dulu yer.. ahaha...

kame hame haa!!! ahah.. asalnye nak wat cam tangan ade patung kat tepi tu... skali jadi dragon ball laks...

aa.. kat sinila tempat raje beristirehat... ahaha.. time ni ted tgh call maa suh i beli baju kebaye.. =P
Well.. hrm... mesti tertanye2 kan... heheh... apela aktiviti kitorang yang menyebabkan kitorang hampir2 kene tax RM 900? hohoho... setakat gi jenjalan ngan makan2 takkanle berat badan berlebihan pun kene tax kan... heheh... jeng jeng jeng... here the true story... what else....
Though we went to jakarta not purposely to shop.. i.e to have a shopping spree.. and not that the things we bought is that heavy... but still.. going with the born shopaholic (read: my sis-angah & my aunt-mamacik) haha... so, it was part of the almost RM 900 tu la ye (haha.. tipu jer)..
First trip we didn't bought much, since we're on the survey & placing order mood.. ngeh ngeh ngeh... But the second trip.. mak aii... my sis dah mcm balas dendam... we first went to Mangga Dua.. known to have a lotsss of shoplot yang jual beg & bebaju... Then the next day we went to Tanah Abang... there's when my sis went crazy with the handbags...
My sis with her handbag bargains... ahaha...
pic above-left: Ahhhh!! Shopping!! Help me..
Pic above-right: yeah... shoes... heuwheuw.. tahan2..
Pic mid-left: bagss... eerrrkk... takleh tahan...
pic mid-right: mama... s.o.s.. mayday mayday... nak beli bag..
pic below-left: yesh!! da dapat!! ahahaha...
pic below-right: tokei kedai batik yang happy my aunt dok beli baju batik bebanyak... huhuhu...
inilah hasilnya... hahaha... see the disaster...
Ngeh ngeh ngeh... notice that 2 big boxes... heheheh... well that + 3 more big boxes adelah punca mengapa kami hampir2 ditax RM 900 oleh brader imigresen tu... what the content? tunngguuu nnti gua reveal not-to-soon... yeh yeh..

- muka kepenatan slps mengorder dan membebel sambil tak puas ati sbb barang yang nak takde.. n penat explain sbb diorang cakap "e tu ae.. a tu Aa" boleh tak aku pun cam tak puas ati berape kali aku nak cakap aku nak E bukan A.. die dok gak cakap ae.. rupenye aku yang sengal.. ahahaha... ampun mbakk!!
"patut pegi 5 org tapi mak saye takleh pegi sbb baru kuar spital.. ni yang pegi 4 orang jer" sambil buat suare sebak... huhuhuhh..
bla bla bla... last2 die nak 200... pegi la ke kaunter nak buat bayaran... huh... aku pegi ngan muke tak puas ati... sambil membebel2...
mak datuk aiihhh..panjangnya citerr..buat la bersiri macam citer twilght tuhh..keh keh
mem.. ni producer cikai takde bajet ni.. tu pasal taruk sumer dalam satu filem.. ahaha... kih kih kih.. =P
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