~groovy mommy..~
huhuh... nape ibu ngandung kene mengait? adekah aku juga akan mengait kalau ngandung nnti? ahaha..
- Coz, today is monday (blues)
- Sbb still tired from yesterday's event.. (even takde seketul komplen yang kitorang terima)
- Sbb when i went to the event yesterday.. i only slept for 4 hours.. ye penatnya membawa la ke hari ni..
- Coz, i was in the midst of important part of the chapter where the voldermort was flying on his own (without broomstick yeah) to attack 7 potters.. then suddenly my alarm rang.. huhu kene siap2 dah...
- Coz today it's 1st June.. and he's 9 hours late... huhuh... bencik!
Then come the lunch time.. i was having my own-emo time continue my reading when suddenly this apek came looking for me... * the funny thing when he said "bace kad ni" with so serious voice.. ahaha...
Then the next thing i knew.. i'm blissfully happy... terawang-awang... kalau la dlm manga ke anime, confirm aku tgh terbang... floating.. Ngeh ngeh ngeh... tersengih2 sampai kat telinga..
It turned out that he's not 9 hours late... he's 9 hours early! haish... so.. (hurm.. as usual..) unexpected.. but sweet..
sweet mcm italk buddy nih... hehe (akibat kepanasan yang melampau)
Pun akibat kepanasan... tengah2 dgr si nik nyanyi ngan budak pompuan skali ade street fighting wa cakap lu... fight! fight! fight! 3 orang lawan 1... skali yang sorang tu menang... wah! so amazing!
Tambah panas bile Kak Nor nyanyi 'Asyik.. asyik... asyik'
* update
hi,can we exchnage our banner,if u dont have banner is till can post yur link,please let me know after it done.tx
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