Huhu.. actually, i'd write a post regarding to our first anniversary.. but 3 days after publishing, i deleted it.. i dunno... haha.. so not me, to jot down everything by hours and all that.. hehe.. so, now i'm trying to write a new post...
Normally (for me lah), what i used to do mase zaman couple2 dulukan.. asal anniversary je, wajib pegi makan something fancy n then watch movie/karaoke.. But that was before Ted. Hehe.. sbb i kahwin dengan seorg mamat cool (puji sketlah kate hasben ;p) yang ala-ala "brader-brader" sket, we don't do this routine anymore.. huhu (T_T)
This year we celebrated our first wedding anniversary.. ;D

a lovely handmade card (T_T). Ahaha.. actually, to defense myself he do not fancy any the of cards yg kat memory land or whateve. I've been wise enough by now to know that after these 3 years. And he precisely and numerously elaborate to me the point why he hated my surprise gifts, everytime i bought him something without his knowing.. haha.. coz, all the things i bought were cute stuff ahahaha i forgot that i have a macho man instead of mat bunge.. hahaha.. sorry =P jadi, to make things easy, bile keluar same-same baru beli hadiah. no surprise gifts.. sng.. but, i'm broke this year i've nothing to buy him.. ngeh ngeh ngeh.. huhu maybe next year darling..
After having good lunch @ his house, we went to Ampang Point... Oh baloney! That SFC is gone! i dunno, whether they're renovating or completely gone.. huhuhu pray hard that it'll only be temporary.. if not, i have to go to Menare just to have my latte.. aahhh.. hehe.. exaggerating.. ;p so, we headed to coffee bean i bought 1 latte for me, and 2 in the bottles for home.. =D Ted is not a coffee drinker, he just waited in the car.. Oh! yeaa.. luper.. we bought a vacuum cleaner on our anniversary.. hehehe.. now, i dun have to sweep. i just..... vacuum! thankx Ted for being so considerate giving that i super malas nak sweep sebab habuk kering.. eerrgghh.. =D
That nite, we had dinner @ my home and after good chat with everybody we went to JJ Wangsa Maju.. where i bought my new pump (eh ye ker pump ahaha) @ hushpuppies.. i can no longer wear heels anymore (not until i lose this extra 15 kgs).. Then, we went uptown danau kota.. hehe.. ;D ok, borong a handful of pirated dvd movies & vcd lagu.. yeay! we wanted to eat that yong tau fuu yang depa dok jual tepi jalan tu.. tapi kesian kat baby cam dah letih.. hehe.. ape la yang letih sangat, bukan awak kena jalan pun... hehe
The next day, bangun pagi2 we supposed to go mid valley jer. But turned out Ted the hubby wanted to go to Low Yatt.. nak survey laptop.. we ate at the food court for breakfast.. hehe.. then, sementara nk carik laptop die, he kinda forced me to use the money he gave me earlier to buy myself a phone. Huhuu... if only i'm not "phone-jinxed" right now.. i might splurged the money on eating or books.. hahaha.. (well, that's what came into my mind that time). So there.. i bought a bb for myself.. heheh.. terjebak.. but not the expensive one though.. aku pun hanye insan picisan.. pakai yang picis-picis saje sudah.. haha.. ;p
Then, after settling with his new compaq lappy, we headed to mid valley... lepak @ coffee bean for another round of latte for me & double choc for him, while exploring our new gadget (yo yo ooo jerr)... ngeh ngeh.. baby was being so cooperative and nice & peaceful all day long, but we made a journey to the baby room twice at each place though..
Huhuhu... to ted my hubby, thanks for the wonderful weekend we had, not only on our anniversary but everyweekend... Pardon me for being so quizzical at some time you almost lose your head dealing with me.. ;(
And i'm sorry i could be such an iron head whenever i wanted, i know you would love to strangle my head off ;P
But please do know that, we're both chosen by God to be together for some reason... and the reason is to bring the best out of us.. hehe.. and God sent you to bring the best of me..
I wish we'll be able to celebrate our anniversary till your hair grey (mine already grey one or two ;p)
I wish to be able to celebrate our anniversary with you until you lose your teeth, and bald and there's wrinkle on your face. (I wish i won't have much wrinkles then...)
I wish to be able to celebrate our anniversary together with our lil groovy baby (or babies) and made them sing that von trapp's children sing at their engagement party in the sound of music.. hihihi.. but, we might have to hire zahira, aliff, zyad, ain and others since we wouldn't have 7 babies on our own.. huhuhu..
InsyaAllah, we'll celebrate our next anniversary in someplace where we will visit granny lizzie.. my gift for you.. ;D
Hope by then, i'll be slimmed down so, that i'll look good in the picture.. so we could have our anniversary photo.. hahaha.. i'm sorry i'm too balloned up this year we didn't bother to take any pix.. hehehehe... ;D semangat! hari ni sy ke gim Tuan!!
Normally (for me lah), what i used to do mase zaman couple2 dulukan.. asal anniversary je, wajib pegi makan something fancy n then watch movie/karaoke.. But that was before Ted. Hehe.. sbb i kahwin dengan seorg mamat cool (puji sketlah kate hasben ;p) yang ala-ala "brader-brader" sket, we don't do this routine anymore.. huhu (T_T)
This year we celebrated our first wedding anniversary.. ;D
Actually, i'd planned in my mind a year ago that i wud do some sort of surprise party for us.. i wud cook something decent maybe learn to bake a yummy cake (which i still didn't learn) yelah, at that time we still don't have lil groovy baby with us yet... So, bile dah ade baby ni, plan pun bertukarlah.. hehe..
Our anniversary falls on saturday @ 161010, which means family time.. being only 10-20 minutes aways from both parents, mmg everyweekend kalau tak balik mmglah keji.. huhu.. Kebetulan his mom & my mom both requested us to come for luncheon & dinner.. So there, we celebrated our first wedding anniversary with our whole bunch of families (walaupun separately)..
The nite before our wedding, cam biase he had his weekly futsal @ setapak... just before he went out, he gave me this wonderful anniversary card.. =D with some cash... wooowwweeyy.. not much but still more than enough for me.. thank you hubby =)

The nite before our wedding, cam biase he had his weekly futsal @ setapak... just before he went out, he gave me this wonderful anniversary card.. =D with some cash... wooowwweeyy.. not much but still more than enough for me.. thank you hubby =)

And what did i get for him?

a lovely handmade card (T_T). Ahaha.. actually, to defense myself he do not fancy any the of cards yg kat memory land or whateve. I've been wise enough by now to know that after these 3 years. And he precisely and numerously elaborate to me the point why he hated my surprise gifts, everytime i bought him something without his knowing.. haha.. coz, all the things i bought were cute stuff ahahaha i forgot that i have a macho man instead of mat bunge.. hahaha.. sorry =P jadi, to make things easy, bile keluar same-same baru beli hadiah. no surprise gifts.. sng.. but, i'm broke this year i've nothing to buy him.. ngeh ngeh ngeh.. huhu maybe next year darling..
After having good lunch @ his house, we went to Ampang Point... Oh baloney! That SFC is gone! i dunno, whether they're renovating or completely gone.. huhuhu pray hard that it'll only be temporary.. if not, i have to go to Menare just to have my latte.. aahhh.. hehe.. exaggerating.. ;p so, we headed to coffee bean i bought 1 latte for me, and 2 in the bottles for home.. =D Ted is not a coffee drinker, he just waited in the car.. Oh! yeaa.. luper.. we bought a vacuum cleaner on our anniversary.. hehehe.. now, i dun have to sweep. i just..... vacuum! thankx Ted for being so considerate giving that i super malas nak sweep sebab habuk kering.. eerrgghh.. =D
That nite, we had dinner @ my home and after good chat with everybody we went to JJ Wangsa Maju.. where i bought my new pump (eh ye ker pump ahaha) @ hushpuppies.. i can no longer wear heels anymore (not until i lose this extra 15 kgs).. Then, we went uptown danau kota.. hehe.. ;D ok, borong a handful of pirated dvd movies & vcd lagu.. yeay! we wanted to eat that yong tau fuu yang depa dok jual tepi jalan tu.. tapi kesian kat baby cam dah letih.. hehe.. ape la yang letih sangat, bukan awak kena jalan pun... hehe
The next day, bangun pagi2 we supposed to go mid valley jer. But turned out Ted the hubby wanted to go to Low Yatt.. nak survey laptop.. we ate at the food court for breakfast.. hehe.. then, sementara nk carik laptop die, he kinda forced me to use the money he gave me earlier to buy myself a phone. Huhuu... if only i'm not "phone-jinxed" right now.. i might splurged the money on eating or books.. hahaha.. (well, that's what came into my mind that time). So there.. i bought a bb for myself.. heheh.. terjebak.. but not the expensive one though.. aku pun hanye insan picisan.. pakai yang picis-picis saje sudah.. haha.. ;p
Then, after settling with his new compaq lappy, we headed to mid valley... lepak @ coffee bean for another round of latte for me & double choc for him, while exploring our new gadget (yo yo ooo jerr)... ngeh ngeh.. baby was being so cooperative and nice & peaceful all day long, but we made a journey to the baby room twice at each place though..
Huhuhu... to ted my hubby, thanks for the wonderful weekend we had, not only on our anniversary but everyweekend... Pardon me for being so quizzical at some time you almost lose your head dealing with me.. ;(
And i'm sorry i could be such an iron head whenever i wanted, i know you would love to strangle my head off ;P
But please do know that, we're both chosen by God to be together for some reason... and the reason is to bring the best out of us.. hehe.. and God sent you to bring the best of me..
I wish we'll be able to celebrate our anniversary till your hair grey (mine already grey one or two ;p)
I wish to be able to celebrate our anniversary with you until you lose your teeth, and bald and there's wrinkle on your face. (I wish i won't have much wrinkles then...)
I wish to be able to celebrate our anniversary together with our lil groovy baby (or babies) and made them sing that von trapp's children sing at their engagement party in the sound of music.. hihihi.. but, we might have to hire zahira, aliff, zyad, ain and others since we wouldn't have 7 babies on our own.. huhuhu..
InsyaAllah, we'll celebrate our next anniversary in someplace where we will visit granny lizzie.. my gift for you.. ;D
Hope by then, i'll be slimmed down so, that i'll look good in the picture.. so we could have our anniversary photo.. hahaha.. i'm sorry i'm too balloned up this year we didn't bother to take any pix.. hehehehe... ;D semangat! hari ni sy ke gim Tuan!!
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