Yeay! Thank you En Ted! ;D
After such a longg time, at last we visited a book store.. hehehe...
I think the last time i bought book/novel (chicklit ofcoz) for myself was before baby came out.. some of meg cabot series dengan everyone worth knowing (eh.. that was before that).. aa the last time were the meg cabot lah - every boy gots one dengan princess diaries : ten out of ten (we missed the number 8 & 9 though... mental note:: should buy next time)...
Lepas tu sibuk beli barang baby & books for baby... Hopefully the new Mini shopaholic... Then i read about this 'new (to me) but not so new book store' where they sell books with cheaper price.. Bookxxess @ amcorp mall. So, since then i've been nagging (and sometimes begging) to Ted for new book (notice that without 's')... tapi tau jelah nak ke amcorp mall, federal highway is normally out of our reach...
Yesterday, we supposed to go to ikea for window shopping.. tapi jam ya ampun starting from kota damansara.. so, we diverted our way to amcorp mall.. hikhikhik... i've been berdebar-debar climbing the escalator from one floor to one floor.... And lagi satu, i know everybody must knew it by now, tapi nak citer jugak... Every sat & sun there's flee market at each floor kan.. so, our focus sometimes diverted to the rare & collectible items yg depa dok jual... huhu... everytime jumpe bookstore mesti berdebar2.. sbb bookstore kat sane kan kadang2 yang macam old-skool jual reusable book la yang rent-a-book store la kan.. huhu...
Sampai kat top floor, sekali nampakla kedai buku yang dituju-tuju... huhuhuhu... waaa... i was like yeay! ingatkan kedai buku yg macam kat cm tu kan.. haha... shallow me..
Once i step inside the bookstore, i feel slightly hyperventilating... hehe.. butterfly moving around in my heart.. haha.. the smell of the book enough to broaden my smile.. Then, i picked up 2 books and showed to Ted.. i asked can i have 2? he said.. "amekla buku mane yang nak.. nnti kite pilih.. cepat kalau lambat byr sendirik" haha.. i only have like RM30 in my pocket that time.. haha..
This time.. i was actually, practically hyperventilating... i feel like a kid in candy store... hahaha.. semua buku rase cam nak... just imagine.. normal retail price RM 89.90, but sold here at RM 24.90 or RM 19.90... Pastu sape yg bace "little black dress" series... kat mph RM 21.90 ngan RM 19.90 kan.. kat sini RM 12.90! hahaha.. arrgghhh.. rase cam nak pengsan pun ade.. nak nangis pun ade... hahaha.. Ted sampai tergelak tengok and said "poyo.. cepatla pilih..." huhu... tangisan baby menyebabkan saye kembali ke alam nyata... ok, slowly.. tarik napas... pilih2... hehehe.. finally, within like 5 minutes i had 8 books in myhand.. pilih2.. Ted approved 6 out of 8.. hehe.. Terus jadik member.. and will definitely come again... lepas ni nak beli buku baby pulak... hehe.. Smalam aku telah lupe diri sampai bolot semua untuk diri sendiri... nak bayar baru teringat buku baby... terus kene cantas ngan Ted...
Tapi buku minishopaholic takder... jadik itu nnti misi hari lain... heheh... sbb this store jual buku yang overstock dr publisher house, so kena tunggu jer buku mane yang sampai..
baby pelik nape mummy sgt happy smp tak ingat baby... Ted tersengih walaupun rabak poket..
My score..

Thanks to pixiepwincess for the review of the bookstore in her blog & Nini for suggested the FB page..
And now i can get the update/info for bigbadwolf sales.. hehe..
I'm now one happy bunny... baby, tidur awal yer mummy nak bace buku.. hehe.. ;p
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