Monday, May 28, 2012

Of handling tantrums

Recently these few weeks, we recognized our lil pwincess was turning into 'princess-zilla' / 'angry princess' (as We Pa put it) hehe...

She'll literally screaming, throwing things, banging on table/chair/ kicking, hitting (especially me) every time something happened not according to her will. Aiyyoohh..
I was aware of the "terrible twos" drama even before i was pregnant, but i never realized it's this 'bitter-sweet' ugly.. As i'm concern of what people will say about her, about us. Luckily, she only did it at our house, WeMa's, Tokma's house or places which she feel comfortable and maybe at the nursery (the teacher did tell me she's quite meragam this lately.. nak dpt adik kot.. huhu). 

So, i searched online.. And found this... 

The “Terrible Two’s” is a term for the stage that toddlers go through that is categorized by temper tantrums, saying “No” to everything, or refusing to do as they are told. This phase of your toddler’s development can be difficult for parents and even more difficult when parents don’t really understand what is happening.

The good news is that there is an end in site, but this phase can continue to around the toddler’s third birthday. The temper tantrums and refusal to obey parents stem from your toddler trying to become more independent and make their own decisions. (source:

Clearly, even though she isn't 2 yet, she already had started the "Terrible Twos" tantrum. I was quite devastated at first (what did i do wrong?). But once i know this, i'm quite relax. Now, i just have to let Ted know as much as he can. 

It frustrating for us to handle lil Iman at one point of time. She wanted to do everything on her own, even though it took ages for her to complete the task. Huhu, and running against time, sometimes we could not let she did on her own. That's when she started all the dramas. 

I did follow what my mama told me and advice from the books/site. To let her express her feeling, then hug her and try to reason with her after she's done. At first, nothing has changed. But, after a while, i find she's a bit attached to me... And normally,  after a while, she'll be looking for me to comfort her. This phase isn't over yet.. There's time when i almost lost my temper as well. But, Alhamdulillah, i never did anything i regret yet. Now that we can have a conversation with her, makes thing a lil bit easier. I'll ask why she did it and she'll make up something in returned. Haha... 

Another thing i noticed, if we're not letting her doing her own way.. We have to make an option for her to make or offer her something else in return.. For example, if we're going out, and she wanted to get ready by herself (wear the diapers & clothes herself), we'll say that we're going out to (where) and meeting (who, normally her cousin-zahira, tokma, wema, etc).. So, let me do it for you, and in return u can comb your hair yourself / pakai 'udak' (bedak) sendiri... Hehe... she'll refused at first, tapi later on die ikut jer... sambil excitedly saying that we're going out. After she's done.. She'll make sure i'm wearing my tudung ((M)Ami, (p)akai (t)udung...) and Ted's ready with his jeans (Papa, (p)akai (sel)uar..) hehehe.. So cute negotiating like this... If she doesn't want to go out from bathroom after bath.. we'll 'umpan' (offer) her with the mirror.. "Cube tengok sape comell kat cermin ni". She'll excitedly come out wearing the towel and standing in front of the mirror smiling and feeling vain. Hahah...  

When we came to Gombak, wepa had his air bacaan al-quran, so we gave it to her, and i doa for her in my solat. And sometimes (when i'm not too sleepy/tired/forgot) i recited Ya Latiff to her when she's going to sleep. Huhu.. InsyaAllah, one day this tantrum will be over :) And she'll be a lil cute good princess :) 


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