So i was told this is the toughest stage of the journey... This is when all the satans come to cucuk2 n meracun fikiran... Everybody think the same way is it? i dunno... have u feels that u are making the right decision at the first time... then suddenly as the time goes by, u're afraid that you're making the wrong turn.. My heart feeling seems to be fickled these days... out of 7 days a weeks, i wasted 4 days thinking if this is the right choice... then.. at the end of the day... i will smile thinking how grateful i am and i'm happy... sigh.. I hate this feeling.. this insecurity feeling... this lonely... this emptiness... and especially the doubtful feeling... Errgghh... i hate this feeling! a lot! it's tough... I pray that this stage will ended fast and peaceful... tak suke bile rase ade bende tak kena... but dunno what... feeling like yelling but dun wanna hear any voice... rase cam nak marah tapi tatau ape benda nak marah... huh!
Lagi 7 bulan lagi... Sabar ye u... =(
"U.. pg shah alam ke?"
"A'ah naper.."
"Owh. Patutla xde. saje. ingat nak ajak tgk wayang."
"Owh.. Hmm.. Kalo sempat ptg kang i msg u..." (ayat merajuk + jual mahal.. rentetan kene skolah smalam.. =P)
We went to KLCC yesterday to watch Dragon Ball Evolution..
The movie is very depressingly sad! Out of 5 star.. i give them 1! and that 1 is only for Bulma's ride & gadget (DBE) and the realistic dragon balls... other than that it's hopeless... huhuh... En Piccolo (also known as En Satan) is damn creepy... tak cute langsung mcm dlm manga... =( majin buu takde... (die pun bukan watak utama.. but it's great to see he changed something into coklat) and yang paling takleh blah... Bulma & Goku mat salleh! Ini adalah diskriminasi... why everybody else can be either chinese or japanese but when i come to the main character it has to be white? needless said.. i just dun like this movie... whatever! hehe...
Hurm... I purposely wore my koyak nose shoes going out with him yesterday.. haha... mane tau kot2 leh dapat kasut baru... Before the movie started.. as usually to kill time, we go for window shopping.. hehe tetibe...
"U nak g cari kasut ker?" wink*wink..
"erm.. nak jugak" ngeh ngngeh... *big grin* =D sambil tersengih2 manjer...
So, we went straight to Primavera... since i started working.. i love buying primavera shoes.. i love d design & d quality.. plus it's cheaper than clarks, aldo, guess, etc... For shoes, i opted for quality & comfortable...
First, bcoz my feet carried my body (over)weight every day... cian kat die... huhu...
Second, coz i dun buy shoes every month... hummm... PLUS... susah nak jumpe shoes that i like and he approved... haha...
my shoes fashion is something like these...
Peep Toes (pics courtesy by
Round Toe Shoe (pics courtesy by
While, he preferred shoes like this...
Pointy court shoe (pics courtesy of
Pointy pumps (pics courtesy of

Today, for the first time.. I entered Tiffany & Co. jewelry shop... huuuhuuu... cantiknyee!! bergemerlapan... fuh! RM 20K platinum wedding band! gosh! i'm so wanted that ring!
And now it's 11.26.. and i only send 1 email... approve 1 adjustment and check 2 e-mail... i'm so lazy & i spend all morning reading blog i newly found.. it's hilarious... ok.. i have to drink now and working my butt on the second part of the day.. =)