Monday, December 31, 2012


Hi There...
2012 last in few hours.. Then, we'll be entering 2013.
Huhuh.. To the 'Doomsday Preppers'.. Gud Luck & Continue with your preparation.. hehe :P

Papa will be 63 tomorrow! Happy Birthday Papa :)
Me & Ted will turned 31 next year..

 2012 taught me life. Taught me lesson of Life.. Many things happened in 2012..
Good & Not-so-Good..
Haa.. Iqram was born last September 2012! Hi Iqram! :) Hahaha.. Padahal hari2 jumpa kat rumah...
Our salary been upgraded.. Haha.. Alhamdulillah. :) More money coming means we have to save more... My debt to Mama was done this December! Yeay.. Alhamdulillah.. Finally 1 hole closed, another few to go.. Hahaha... Mann!!

I managed to go to the BBW on the 1am final Sunday.. My takes for next year: Visit earlier & without Kids. We went the final weeks and with Iman.. ohh.. most fav /popular titles were gone & i can't concentrate searching the books.. Hehehe..

We managed to fill in 2 boxes, (except for A Doctor in The House & The Extermination Years)

Okay, my hope in 2013...
1. To be all positive! (Hahaha... Teetttt!!! Cliche!): But it's true.. I need to put all the negative aura and things behind & live my life positively.. I'm done with my misery (hahah!) and ready to move on!
You see... i may not be a pendendam in many things. Tapi there a certain things that leave a deep scar & i found it impossible to forget! Ya Allah.. berikanlah kekuatan kepada hambamu ini.. That's it! 2013 in mind-cleansing year! ahahah

2. To be 16kgs lighter (continue from 3 previous years) (hahaha.. Cliche lagi.. Nexttt!!!) Hahaha... Yupe. Tomorrow will gonna be a starting day for my crash-fullforce-diet program! I'm all In! Bring it On!! hahaha.. After Iqram was born, i managed to get my pre-Iqram weight.. even 3 kgs lesser.. but my pre-Iman's weight that my ultimate dream! Please... let it materialised in April 2013!

3. To finally have home. We've been searching high & low for a new house to buy. But, either the house is like retak menanti belah, or the area or the price!! Sigghh!! Only last year, when our loan can only go for RM250k, the house price is RM350k.. Now that our loan can go for RM600k, the price jumped to RM590-700k!! Hellooowww!! how can we keep up and buy a house? Hahaha... Damn u property agents.. you messed up with the house price! We aimed to buy the house by this year.. and that's mean by April 2013 also!

Ok, 3 are enough.. Hahaha... eh ade lagi satu...

4. Holiday!! We extremely need a holiday next year. This year kite duduk diam2.. next year harus pegi jenjalan!! Hahahaha... Where to? Still on the our un-decided list...

Monday, December 17, 2012

Patching Things Up...

Some says.. There always a rainbow after the rain..
Dalam Islam pun menyebut, setiap kesusahan akan dibalas dengan kesenangan..

Alhamdulillah.. last month was the worst month in my life.. Even worst from last year.. I dunno.. I wish I could say, Wake me up when November ends..

Alhamdulillah... I can finally accept the fact.. But, the healing process takes time.. longer than i thought..
As the scars are deeper, it definitely takes some effort to patch things up.. I do Thank Allah for this test. For I may take things for granted. Now, I will always open my eyes and try to do my best for our life.

It hurts a lot and it eating me inside.... I pray that one day, some day, this things will slipped away from my mind and I'll be okay 100% and learn to trust & put hope again..
Until then, I'm gonna live my life as it is.. Huhu.. Now the rain has stopped, i'm waiting for the rainbow and sun to shine.. :)

Tapi.. betullah... Sebesar mana pun dugaan hidup kita.. besar lagi dugaan umat Islam di Gaza..
So, it's nothing compared to what they faced in their daily life..

Al-Fatihah & Pray for all Muslims in Gaza. :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Listening to the unsung lyrics

Wish i don't have to be here forever,
Wish i could erase this feeling ever,
The feel i'm feeling right now, 
Oh just makes me wanna go down.

Wish i could be by myself,
In my own fantasy world,
Wish i could be strong,
Never had to shed a tear. 

Listening to the unsung lyrics
Was the hardest 
Cause' ur lips could do the tricks
But it's not what u feel the most

I wish this would not be the chorus
I wish this is just a bridge
For a better us..
For whatever it would be..

Let me here by myself,
listening to the unsung lyrics... 

Friday, November 16, 2012

stay in the clouds... :)

Can I please stay in the clouds forever?
‘Cause I really like it here

If they can see what I can see
If they can hear what I can hear
If only they can see what I can see
They would really like it here

Just look at everything in front of you
Then look from above

Come and please stay in the clouds forever
You would really like it here

by: Zee Avi

Monday, October 29, 2012


My new role as.. a mummy of two.. :)
Kadang2.. bila bangun tido, tergelak sensorang. How i did i get here?
I'm a clumsy / careless / forgetful person.. How can i take care of my babies.. Hehe..
Tapi Alhamdulillah, Allah maha Kaya.. despite of what i am, tak pernah lagi aku terlupa pasal baby. Kihkih.. Pernah jadi kat kawan Ted, diorang dah bersiap nak pergi kenduri, sekali baby tertinggal kat dalam.. T_T nasib baik tak start kereta lagi dah teringat.. hehe.. aduihh..

Sekarang ni, definitely kena double up my speed of doing my tasks. And of course double my patient.. Baru start kemas, kakak iman dah main sepah2. Baru nak buat kerja, adik q dah nangis nak susu. Baru nak makan, adik nangis nak dokong, kakak ajak main. Hehe. Mmg kejam, but on weekdays i have to send kakak to school. Kalau tak memang tak berkemas la rumah ni. Alhamdulillah jugak papa rajin tolong. Almaklumlah, sejak bersalin 2 kali ni makin cepat terlupa. Setiap hari bangun pagi kena buat mental note untuk 'to do list'. Kalau tak, rasa macam takde benda nak buat, skali rupanya banyak benda tak buat lagi. Aduih.. maybe 2 kali bersalin, banyak urat ingatan dah terputus.. haha..

As a bf mummy, lagilah routine bertukar.. Kena allocate at least 40 mins x 4 times untuk pumping session. itupun slalu kantoi.. Haiyohh.. itupun still rasa macam tak cukup stock utk after naik kerja.. iskkk.. ini pun dah start campur formula milk, huhu.. tapi only kalau keluar lelama pergi banyak tempat.. huhu.. Ya Allah, tabahkan hati hambamu ini.

Lepas ni lagi kena adjust as a working mummy of two. Hopefully boleh adjust secepat mungkin. Takkan hari2 nak pegi keje ngan mata panda.. dahla tengah banyak keja skang ni.. kesian my team kat opis.. kena cover my part. huhu.. harapan nak rehat.. jangan terlalu berharap.. haha.. ok q dah bangun babai..

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Anniversary Encik Ted :)

We began as strangers. We become friends. We became one with each other... 
Wish We'll remain as one forever until Jannah. 

How wonderful to have you in my life! All my feelings whirl about my heart!
Perhaps I can't contain that I'm your wife; Perhaps I don't know how or where to start.

You have me always, no matter what you do: A gift I give my gift, joyously.
Nothing means as much to me as you; Nothing else so fully makes me, me.

Happy 3rd Anniversary, Luv :)

Please know, u always.. always have my heart..
I can be very challenging for you to handle.. but thank you for always be there for me.. 
I love u.. huhu..

Monday, October 15, 2012

3 years and counting :)

Alhamdulillah.. Insya Allah tomorrow will be our 3rd wedding anniversary..
Too bad Ted will be going for outstation meeting tomorrow till Thursday :P Kejam u boss! haha..

2010 - Celebration with Lil Iman :)
2011 - Mini Celebration @ Costa Cafe, Bath, UK :)
2012 - Celebration with Lil Iman & Lil Q :) Insya Allah..

Esok lah citer lagi.. hari ni nak layan perasaan boss die kejam suh out station lelame.. huh!

On a positive note.. Today is day 40.. Another 4 days to go.. after that.. Merdeka.. Yahhooo!! Hahaha.. Tak sabar nak balik rumah.. bila dah ade rumah sendiri (walaupun kecik & rumah sewa), balik umah mak pun dok teringat rumah sendiri kan.. huhu...  

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Road to Teh Ais - Day 35

9 days to go.. hikhikhik..
I know some people berpantang ais up to 100 days and some up to 1 year.. But i dun think i'm tough enough to follow that... Heheh.. InsyaAllah depend on baby q.. If he's ok with me drinking ice, then it means i'll definitely stop pantang at 44 days.. hahaha.. if not, then i'll berpantang until i stop breastfeeding him...
Hahah keyakinan tinggi.. Ya Allah... tetapkan keazaman ku untuk breastfeed Lil Iqram sehingga 2 tahun.. jangan aku patah semangat macam mase kakaknye dulu.. Amin.. hehe

Kali ni punya berpantang.. xterasa sangat.. cuma mengira mase tu yang rase lame... hehe.. Time ni lah rase masa berputar agak slow.. walaupun, eh eh dah hari Rabu & lagi 9 hari nak abeh pantang.. hehe...
Overall Baby q dah ade patern/routine sendiri.. huhu.. paling mummy tak sanggup, siang tido (best sbb mummy leh buat keje i.e tgk tv, bace buku, online) and malam kang kul 10 - 2 pagi die pun segar biji mate... Kalau sihat die tak banyak ragam.. terkebil2 mate pandang mummy/siling.. budak2 kan suke pandang atas.. kalau perasan aku 'raup' mate die suh pandang depan.. hehe.. kalau tgh tak sihat tu 'ek..ek..ek'.. huhu.. pastu tido mesti nak atas tangan mummy.. abehlah balik umah nnt macam mane la dengan akak lagi... takkan papa nak kene tido bawah macam kat umah wema kot.. hehehe... kesianlah mummy ngan papa.. :P

Benda yang i baru discover tapi xsure.. baby macam sensitive to dairy product.. kalau aku minum milo 3-in-1 or makan cheese, mesti die buang air cair.. huhu.. wahhh mummy ade harapan nak kurusla kalau tak minum susu & amek cheese.. hahaha.. :P tapiii kalau lactose intolerance.. bermakna.. kena fully breastfeed and kalau nak campur formula pun kene isomil.. hurm.. takpe kita monitor dulu macam mane.. hehe.. tapiii lagi.. minum susu enfalac kene sembelit pulak.. Aduihh.. cabaran sungguh. Takpelah.. janji anak mummy sihat    :)

Berpantang kali ni aku bertungku 3 hari jer. kahkahkah.. itupun sbb makcik urut tu bawak tungku die.. tungku kat umah ni dah kena baling, haha.. nk beli tungku moden tunggu papa baby nak beli dari start pantang sampai ke hari 35 tak nampak bayang lagi.. kihkih.. jadi aku pasrah jelah pakai param ngan losyen panas... Alhamdulillah setakat lenguh2 jelah.. takpe, lepas pantang nnt nak mandi sauna.. kihkih.. Param & pilis dipakai dengan jayanya.. Jamu baru makan sehari tapi pastu baby cam sakit perut (tak pasti sbb susu enfalac/me minum 3-in-1 ke sbb jamu) sbb time tu semua2 ni pun makan.. jadiknya nak monitor dulu.. Kesian baby, dah 3 hari sakit perut.. nak kentut je muke dah start cam menteri pasola.. sembelit lagi.. tadi pegi klinik, amek ubat colic, pastu doc suruh teruskan breastfeed sehingga baik... Hopefully esok dah baik dah.. lepas ni takleh dah bagi susu enfalac tu dulu... huhu..

Makanan dalam pantang.. breakfast- milo, biskut butter (up sikit dulu makan biskut hup seng jer), n garlic toast sekeping. Lunch - nasik + ikan tenggiri/dory + sayur (kadang2). Teatime cum dinner - biskut & milo. Supper - Biskut & milo. Dengan harapan berat cepat sikit turun.. heheh... Sekarang dah dapat turunkan berat.. before pregnant 76kg. now dah 73.7kg.. Tapi, nak turunkan berat before pregnantkan Lil Iman tu yang masih jauh lagi.. huhuhhh... tulah lemak dah 2 tahun lebih bertapa dalam badan tu yang susah nak ilang tu.. huhu... insyaAllah.. sy positif.. dengan berkat breastfeed ni & doa kengkawan.. saya pasti berjaya.. hahaha.. target 57kgs in 5 months.. 1 month down, another 4month to go.. heheh... hopefully semangat ni kekal laa sampai dapat berat tu,.. haha..

Okielah.. just a quick update.. sekarang dah potong kuku boleh taip dengan pantas.. Ni nak kembali ke alam ibu sedang berpantang.. hehe.. :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Kekuatan Doa

Huhu.. dihari Jumaat ni, just wanna share something yang sangat terkesan kat aku dalam pregnancy journey kali ni..

Doa.. Sesungguhnya doa adalah kekuatan orang Mukmin..
Alhamdulillah, aku tak alami sebarang complication throughout this pregnancy. Cuma 1.. baby besar/berat.. Hehe.. kesan daripada mummy yang makan tak ingat donia.. Huhu...

Perasan tak dalam last entry, i was supposed to go for induced procedure on the day he born.. But Alhamdulillah, dengan izin-Nya Iqram was born without me going through the procedure..

Entahlah, honestly, i can't remember the last time aku berdoa bersungguh-sungguh macam ni.. Perhaps, masa Mama masuk hospital last couple of years and masa nak exam dulu2... shame me..
Tapi, bila tau je date nak kena induced, start then aku berdoa supaya Allah turunkan miracle.. Ya Allah, betapa aku malu sebenarnya.. Dahla aku ni bukanlah istiqamah sangat beribadah nih.. nak settlekan yang wajib pun kadang2 lambat, kadang2 kantoi.. Tapi sesungguhnya Allah tu Maha Kaya, Maha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang...

Aku pun tak ingat last time aku berdoa/solat sampai nangis2 camnih... Masa tu, aku ingat lagi.. Setiap kali aku takut, i'll recite Ayatul Qursi.. Pastu baca Yassin everyday, solat Taubat & Hajat.. Baca doa permudahkan bersalin.. Alhamdulillah, Allah makbulkan doa aku untuk go through delivery without induced. Alhamdulillah.. syukur sangat.. Aku buat post ni kali ni bukan ada niat apa2.. just to remind me & perhaps you.. yang sesungguhnya Allah tu ada untuk kita.. Ya Allah.. terima kasih atas pemberian ini & janganlah kau tarik nikmat ini dari kami hamba mu Ya Allah... Semoga aku takkan lupa untuk sentiasa bersyukur & berdoa.. Amin..

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Gande 3... [3 (34) pm, 6/9/12]

Iqram decided to make a remarkable entrance to the world.. hehe..
He decided to have a beautiful set of numbers for his birth.. 3.34pm, 6 Sept 2012. Sumer angka ganda 3.. hehe..

Betullah orang cakap.. Different pregnancy holds different stories / journey. Hehe.. tapi yang tu nnt kite kupas dalam siri yang akan datang :P
Today, nak share journey kelahiran Iqram :) Hehe.. Okie, since Lil Iman lahir 38 weeks, so we all mmg prepare mentally Iqram will be coming out earlier as well.
And then, tambahan pulak hari Khamis before Raya aritu i had false alarm.. Pegi hospital, ada contraction tapi it was still early as i was only 34/35 weeks. So, takut pre-matured.. Dr checked, i was only 1cm dilated, tapi uri dah matang and baby pun besar (3.4kgs). Dr suggested to be admitted. Of course la tak nak... dahla nak raye.. huwaa.. Then balik... And be prepared, in case baby keluar during hari raya.. First day raya, makan banyak2.. haha.. apelah.. sbb takut esok dah nak terbranak.. kihkihkih... tak keluar jugak.. hari2 selepas tu dipenuhi dengan makanan... dahla mmg tgh raya, pastu angah nak belanje lagila apelah... and every time aku terasa nak makan something.. akan usahakan jugak sampai dapat.. haha.. and lepas makan cakap.. ok baby lepas ni boleh keluar... hehe... sampai la ke 3/9 still takde jugak tande nak kuar..

3/9 tu 2nd appointment dengan doc after raya.. Doc dah pesan, if tak bersalin lagi then we'll have to see the option.. sbb kalau tunggu full term, takut baby besar (last week it was 3.8kg), tak boleh nak lahir normal.. Ok. Pagi Isnin tu datang kat klinik Doc dgn keputusan.. If my baby is getting bigger, we'll opt for induced for early labour.. Dr check, oh,.. baby berat 3.5kgs (wahhh diet mummy seminggu sblm appointment berjaya!)
So, Dr bagi option.. Wait for another week or induced.. Sbb baby dah matang, revised EDD was 8/9..
Aku dah berbelah bahagi.. orang kate induced tu sakit giler.. it was forced contraction.. ok, dah decide, kalau sakit then i'll take the epidural.. bincang2 dengan Ted, he asked if i wanna induced for early labour.. 8/9 is Saturday, Dr pun suggest kalau 6/9 hari Khamis..ok, deal. Date pun cantik 6/9 it is. I have to check-in wednesday nite tu n pagi akan masuk ubat induced...

Sepanjang balik daripada hospital tu sampaila ke hari Rabu 5/9 tu.. mmg tak berhenti berdoa.. Ya Allah please let it be miracle that the baby wanna come out before the induce procedure... Setiap malam buat solat hajat.. bace yassin & bila takut je bace ayat kursi berulang2 sampai hilang takut... Ntah macam mane, balik kerja hari Rabu tu Ted tanye.. "u kalau taknak induce takpelah.. kite tunggu baby keluar sendiri.." i was like.. fuhh.. tapi takpe ke tak dtg sane mlm ni... masih berpikir2.. at last after solat magrib, decided taknak pegi spital.. takut wwoooo..hahah.. giler kau kene pakse contraction.. sedangkan contraction yang natural pun dah sakit... iskk.. tapi still xputus doa if baby wanna come early.. sbb if by 8/9 tak keluar pun Doc akan discuss what next jugak... Worst, kena operation. huhu.. xnak.. ngeri!

Then, malam tu terus xlalu makan... balik rumah macam biasa... tetibe dlm kul 3am camtu rase sakit mcm senggugut biase... tapi sbbkan aku mmg slalu kena macam ni sepanjang pregnancy kali ni, so aku rase biase.. maybe false alarm lagi.. aku kene urine infection kot nih.. huhu... malas nak kejut Ted. Yelah, banyak kali die cuti tapi aku tak jadi beranak... lagi pun rase die tak kuat sgt and sela masa pun panjang... pagi tu kul 6 kejut Ted. Mintak tolong urutkan perut & pelvic area. Pukul 8lebih tu bangun tido (mmg patut nak cuti haritu sbb patut nak inducekan) rase lagi.. tapi ckp kat Ted.. takpe i pergi dulu.. kalau betul nak beranak i call u.. hehe.. tapi dalam pade nak gosok baju pun aku dok tahan2 sakit mcm senggugut tu... kali ni dah rase kuat sikit... tp still gagah lagi sbb sela mase jauh2... Lepas siap2.. hantar Iman rumah Tokma sbb nk pegi Spital.. Eh.. jap u.. kite g breakfast dulu.. kalo masuk labour room kang dah takleh makan... Pegila makan nasik lemak kerang favorite n air milo panas..

Sampai kat spital, terus masuk labour room.. nurse check.. ok rasenya bersalin hari ni, sbb dah bukak 4/5cm.. wow... time tu kul 10.. tapi... lepas nurse tu kuar.. contraction tak dtg2.. hehe.. sekali je.. lps tu dah diam jer... huhu... nurse bagi ubat lawas and datang check sekejap2.. kalau tak bukak lagi jugak nnt nak masuk ubat cepatkan contraction.. ok..

Pukul 12, baru bukak 6cm.. Okie, nurse pecahkan waterbag.. Time ni nurse tanye, nak tak pain killer.. Nak la kak.. sambil muke high gas.. Hahaha... And then, pukul 1 lebih, nurse datang check.. uiks.. baru 7cm ni.. die pun masukkan ubat cepatkan contraction.. And after that... bermula lah episode contraction datang bertalu2.. by 3 something, nurse dah dtg kemas2 check dah 9cm.. Alhamdulillah Dr. Ariza dah balik meeting.. hehe.. jadi bolehla die sambut baby. If not, kena sambut dengan Dr lelaki (forgot the name).. Malula ii.. hehe..

It was like 5/6 sets of failing push.. haha.. aku lupe nak belajar balik care nak push.. so, salah push.. huhuhu (T_T) last2 sekali minum air sikit pastu ikut cakap nurse and push... Wow.. Alhamdulillah... Rase ade benda panas atas badan... yeahh!! At first pandang baby.. wow.. birat & besar.. hehehe.. lepas nurse dah lap2 sikit.. terus die angkat nak amik ukuran kan... pehh.. it was 4.03kgs and diameter kepala 36cm.. uhuks uhuks.. patutla mummy macam nak pengsan push... tinggi 52cm.. aishh kalah dengan kakak Iman.. tapi xper.. Baby jadik pemain bola ok.. hehe.. Lepas baby dah kuar, nak kena keluarkan uri pulak.. huhu.. dan darah beku.. wah... aku still takut2 lagi.. ehehe.. bile dah settle semua, doc pun jalankan upacara menjahit.. hehe.. wuihh ngeri... corong gas dah kemana.. takleh aku nak sedut... kali ni terasa jugakla die cam tertarik2.. huhuhu...

This time, i decided to breastfeed baby all along.. baby pun sekejap2 nak minum sekejap2 nak minum.. on the second day tu dah nampak tanda nak kuning.. yelah, susu pun xbyk lagi kan.. then on the 3rd day tu mmg hari nak balik.. nursery check baby kena jaundice.. 11.2.. so, boleh decide nak bawak balik ke nak terus admit.. bawak balik dululah... huhu.. so bawakla balik dulu on the Saturday... Monday tu datang balik check, 14.5.. aduhhh.. makin naik.. kita admit jelah baby k.. boleh mummy keluar hari2 nak lawat baby... and baby minum susu formula dulu sbb tak cukup feeding & mummy nk baby cepat balik... hari Selasa, reading 14.6.. Ya Allah.. hari Rabu dah turun balik 10.7.. wow! banyaknye turun.. doc nak monitor lagi.. khamis tu dah 9.6.. yeay.. boleh keluar.. Alhamdulillah.. and now baby dah totally clear from jaundice.. mata pun dah clear.. :)

Baby Q :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Bila tengok citer drama bersiri melayu, tapi producer/script writer/prop manager tak buat proper homework.. haha

Latest citer Adam & Hawa yang Aaron Aziz berlakon kat Perth tu.. huu.. Memula xtgk citer ni sbb die kat Astro Mutiara 134 kan.. Tapi since last Saturday Astro bukak all channel free, dptla nak tengok.

Tibalah ke episod yang Ain dpt tawaran pegi study kat Curtin University..
Adegan yang tidak disengajakan..
1. Pergi study kat Perth, bawak cuma 1 luggage bag yang medium & 1 handbag/backpack kecik.. ok, think positive maybe sbb die kurus so baju kecik & banyak space.. hehe
2. Sampai kat KLIA, member pun bawak cuma 1 luggage yang medium..
3. Sampai kat airport kat Perth.. tetiba ade 3 bag atas troli.. Errk.. beg sape lagi satu tu?
4. Rupanya Ain bawak bear besar die tu.. huhu.. celah mane die masuk kat beg die..

Huwaaa... stress tau tak pikir... dahla tgh dlm pantang nih.. hahaha :P

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Separation Anxiety

Since Lil Q - Our newborn baby's name is Iqram Naqiuddin :) - came out, Lil Iman sometime acted like she's 'merajuk' with me.. It's so sad.. On the first day, she even didn't want to hug/kiss me.. :(
And last nite, she slept with her papa at our house in Uk Perdana.. it was the second nite.. the first nite was on Friday last week. On the first nite, i cried when i called her that nite, when i was thinking about her and when she called me the next morning to tell me she's coming to Wema's place. hehe.. I guess, i'm having a separation anxiety.. Last nite i didn't cry.. but whenever mama or me thinking bout her, i started feel like i wanna cry and my eyes water a bit.. Ahhh.. xsbarnya nak tunggu 44 days.. so that i can be home with her.. Hehe..

Since Ted can't sleep whenever he switched bed / place, i make peace with the fact that he might not be sleeping in Gombak or only once during weekend.. So, we make an arrangement Iman to alternately sleep with me or him.. Huhu.. 13 days done, 31 days to go... Huwaa.. now time is slowing its pace.. ;p

Urghh.. i miss Lil Iman.. She's at school and will be coming to Wema's place this evening.. :)
Take Care Lil (Kakak) Iman :)  Haha.. i still called her baby.. i guess, i will continue to call her baby until she felt she's old enough for me to stop calling her baby.. :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Alhamdulillah... Lil Bun is Out! :)

Alhamdulillah... 6th Sept 2012, our Lil Bun was out.. Hehe.. He was definitely a bun with 4.03kgs :)

I'd started missing carried him around in my tummy.. huhu... 

I was supposed to check in the hospital on the 5th to have an induced delivery (betul ke nih terms die) on the 6th.. But, at the very last minutes i chickened out... Hehe.. so, we didn't go to the hospital on the 5th nite, thinking to let the Lil Bun decide when he wanna come out... And of course.. He decided to meet us on the 6th.. Semuanya ketentuan Allah kan... Dah tertulis his birthday is on the 6/9/2012 (terbalik from mine ~ 9/6)..  

Say hello to the Bun... Shall write more about the story later..
Now, baby is still in the hospital due to jaundice.. Alhamdulillah the reading has been lower 10.7 today than yesterday (14.6). Hopefully, tomorrow can discharge.. Miss u my Bun :)

Lil Bun :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Good Luck, Take Care & Be Good... Till We Meet Again :)

Ajim @ Terengganu :)

Yesterday Azim, my youngest Bro had left to the USA.. He'll be in Pennsylvania State University for 4 years until 2016 for Degree in Engineering... We went to sent him to the airport yesterday.. i dunno it's so sad & hard to watch him left.. huhu.. maybe it's because he's the first sibling going to further study overseas and the fact that he's the youngest one. And it's Raya this Sunday, some more! As expected, i cried.. hehe.. i cried again this morning.. & i hardly slept last nite, counting the hours until he touched down in London (for transit) so we can communicate again.. hehe.. He'll be in Heathrow around 2pm today (M'sian time), and transit for 8 hours before heading to Philadelphia.. I'd miss him already...

We used to play & watched power rangers together when he was younger, albeit our 11years old gap... huhu.. How time flies... and now if he couldn't come back to Malaysia within these 4 years, we'll be going to the States for his convocation in 2016.. InsyaAllah.. Whooa.. that's such a long time.. 4 years.. Fuhh.. nevermind, we have skype & viber to communicate.. and FB of course! Hi Azim!!! :D

Azim, you make us proud, especially Mama & Papa... Please take good care of yourself, study hard & smart, travel a lot & be good :) (most importantly, dun involved in any rally/riot/tunjuk perasaan/demo jalanan held by some people yg nak mengaut keuntungan politik) Hope you like the planner book we gave u & use it wisely.. Hehe..
Iman says "Pak Busu naik aeroplane, babai busu.. Aeroplane kecik je macam bird :)" all the way from KLIA to home.. Even at Hj Tapah when we stopped over for drinks she can't stopped mentioning that.. hehe..

Take Care Azim.. Till we again one fine day...
Luv & Miss you, Achik :)

update: I text him yesterday, asking whether he'd arriving at London. He replied. He'd arrived, it's 7am and he send Salam to all of our family... :) Feeling die macam dpt msg dr bf zaman moda2 dulu.. hehe.. funny.. Miss u lots Bro :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happy 30th Birthday En Ted :)

Today ~ 7th August 2012, My lovely hubby - En Ted turns 30!
Hehe.. yeah! We're even now. You're also an Ajushi like me.. hahaha.. :P

Anyways, I just want to wish you happy birthday...

My man :)

You're our greatest gift from Allah :)
Thank you for being a great & understanding husband.. You meant a world to me :)
Thank you for being a great, caring, tender & loving Papa to Iman & InsyaAllah to our Lil Bun.. You're their Superhero :D

Sure we had our rough time, but Thank you for always patiently be there for me.. Ngeee :P
You're sure my better half.. Hehe.. for reminding me who am i and believe in my potential..

I loved you, Am Loving You & Will always Love You..
Your cute wife (haha)

Monday, August 6, 2012


Huhu.. Sadly, that's why you're only a tabloid's reporter, not the national newspaper..

I wish you win some Gold Medal in Olympic 2012, since you blame & criticize Dato' Lee Chong Wei for not achieving one. Huhu... Samelah macam kengkawan lain yang salahkan BAM lah.. salahkan LCW la.. Cakap memang senang.. cuba kalau kita yang pergi bertanding.. qualifying pun xlepas.. kahkahkah.. 

Another issue when people blaming the Mufti for giving statement regarding fasting for the atheletes.. 
Why are u blaming the mufti? it's the truth and musafir can break-fast and to replace it on the other day.. Itu memang dibolehkan agama.. They're fasting for 19 hours there, since it's summer in London... Awak baru 12 jam pun selalu mengeluh, and itu pun just buat keje kat opis.. belum lagi pegi turun ke bendang/buat rumah.. Hurm.. Memang boleh kalau kita nak compare masa peperangan Badar. Tapi sebelum tu, cermin dulu diri kita yang bercakap ni.. Sejauh mana tahap keimanan kita compared to the Muslim warriors, & para sahabat those days? Adakah tahap keimanan kita dah sampai tahap para sahabat zaman Rasulullah dulu? Yang sanggup bergadai harta untuk agama.. Itu baru cakap bab harta.. Kalau gadaikan nyawa untuk Agama? Jangankan untuk agama.. untuk keluarga, pun kadang2 kita pikir 2 kali.. Wallahualam..

Just my 2cents.. sebab kadang2 kita ni diberi akal untuk berfikir.. tapi, bila berfikir tak pakai akal.. 

Selamat berpuasa :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thank You Allah for You :)

I totally forgot to post a dedicated entry for Lil Princess Iman ~ Soon to be "Kakak Iman".. hehe...
She turned 2 on the 27th June 2012... :) Happy Birthday Lovvvee!!
I took an off day the 28th June, coz i had meeting on the 27th...

We went out ~ girls day out to The Curve and she's been all nice.. hehehe.. comelll!..
Had the birthday cupcakes at The Cupcake Chic and lunch at the Secret Recipe.. Then, bought her a birthday book at Borders and we went back home.. hehe.. She loves the book very much.. It's the Fairy sticker book... Hehe.. :)

At 2 years old.. She...
  • understand our instruction well 
  • knows colour pink & purple (but sometimes got confuse) hehe 
  • Recognised letter "O"
  • Can count 1 to 10 in orderly manner (but pelat :)
  • Can say ABC to Z in orderly manner (but pelat :)
  • Love singing : Twinkle2, i love you (barney), pok amai2, buai laju2, old mac donald, are you sleeping and the latest : 'Upon' upin "Gembala Biri2"
  • understand others' feeling : sad, hurt, scared, angry (and will act accordingly, macam pujuk if mummy is sad :)
  • understand i'm pregnant with a Lil Bun
  • A talkative baby! :)
  • Can pronounce words with minimum pelat... 
  • Very particular... Contoh:
    • Whenever we went out, she'll choose for mummy what shoes to wear :P
    • If someone else's wearing / using mummy's or papa's things she'll asked the person to return back.. hahaha... chaihh
    • If let say anything is not according to its usual place/situation she'll freak out and correct the thing :- penutup meter air syabas.. haha.. kalau satu tutup yang tak tutup, die akan tutup semua dulu & bukak balik.. hehehe

InsyaAllah, semoga Iman menjadi anak yang solehah, kakak yang penyayang, anak yang pandai dan bijak dan sayang / hormat mummy & papa... Mummy loves you so much :D

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Yesterday morning's topic on my fav. radio station....
"Malaysian women are all jual mahal"... The producer Laila said "It's either we women are jual mahal, or the Malaysian man are creepy & selling their selves very cheap..." Heheh... couldn't agreed more! 
U man out there expect us women to smile randomly at you at this crime rate we have in Malaysia? Without us smiling randomly pun, the crime rate is rather high... furthermore, it's not our Malay culture to smile at Man for no reason.. huhu...

My pregnancy... I'm a lil bit confuse...
I am 32 weeks pregnant.. am I, 8 months pregnant now? but my due date will only be 16 Sept, and today is only July... Urrghhh... penin... The earliest Lil Bun will come out is on first week of raya a.k.a hari Merdeka.. Hahaha... Every time someone asked me when is my due date i'll say it's Hari Malaysia Day.. So that we can get hamper or if we lucky enough to be featured in newspaper.. hahaha... Or, the earliest will be on Merdeka Day.. still for hamper & newspaper reason... Hahaha... Just kidding.
Name! We haven't a name yet for the Lil Bun... He teased me to have Murad as the name.. It's old skool but the meaning is good which is keinginan / Cita / Tujuan...
What else.. Preparation? I only manage to sort out Lil Iman's old clothes that could be used for the Lil Bun.. Huhu we have to buy new clothes obviously.. as Lil Iman's clothes/rompers/jumpers are all in Pink or girlish colour/pictures/design.. Kesian Lil Bun.. 
At first i was thinking to buy Lil Iman a new bed.. at least she got new things to when the Lil Bun come out.. Hehe.. tapi the idea is rejected, since our room is a bit small.. So, new baby cot for Lil Bun it is.. 
Mengidam? Daging tetel - done! Pulut Mangga - done! Kuah Durian - done! Rasanya tinggal nak g tengok Harry Potter Exhibition kat Marina Bay Singapore je kot.. Hahaha... isk.. kalau tau dari awal2 mesti dah boleh pegi tengok.. ini aku dapat tau dah nak ujung2 nih.. aishhh... last date will be 30th Sept. Huuu.. kalau bersalin paling awal 31st August. xabeh pantang lagi laks... nak pegi before beranak, next week dah poser.. hopefully mase raye nnt ade la kesempatan before bersalin nak pegi saner.. huhu... Ted cakap "takyah.. ade yang terberanak kat singapore nanti" huuuhuuu... (Bunyi cengkerik) aisshhh... xperlah...

Lil Iman being a big sister...
We bought her a baby doll to train her.. eheh... saje je sebenarnya.. she already interested in baby before we bough the doll. so far ok je die dgn baby tu... cuma, bila aku nak pegang actual baby orang lain, she got jealous.. hehe... Lately ni bukak mate je cakap "nak amii (mummy!)" susu pun nak mummy yang buat ~ padehal same je bancuhan mummy ke papa yang buat... hehe.. pastu nak gi school pun nak mummy yang hantar... hehe...
Being a 2-years old kid is very challenging for her.. i know.. Entahlah.. kadang2 sedih bila kenang ade org besar yang tak faham... what do u expect from a 2-years old kid? Entah... kau cakap hari ni.. 30 minit lagi die lupa balik... kita orang tua ni lah yang kene bijak nak bimbing die... iskk... kenape bile die buat salah nak bandingkan dengan anak orang lain.. pastu nak marah2 angkat2 tangan (acah mcm nk pukul).. So, this is how our mother feels kan... cakap nak kasar2... bukanlah takleh marah langsung... but at this age? kamonlah... kenape nak kena marah... kan boleh cakap elok2.. and it works with me.. bila aku cakap elok2.. boleh je die dengar... bila jadi macam ni, aku jadi over protective.. kdg2 anak org lain jugak yang kacau die dulu... :( gerammm... ntah la mummy emo... hehehe... so, now mmg every day i make sure she knows that whatever happened.. ape orang lain cakap... i'll always love her... :( poor baby...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Last Week...

Was a crazy week.. i didn't get to eat my vitamins (sorry lil bun :( ) and planned my diary.. huhu..
I end up feeling really exhausted yesterday while outing with Ted & Lil Iman.. haiyoohh...

This morning on the way to the office, there's an ad ( kot?) on the radio.. The girl was saying, he gave her bf 5 points when he said "i understand u" when she nagged about her sad story at him... And that she'll marry him when he get 100 points.. Whooaa... Seriously girls.. Did you 'point' your husband or fiance or bf? Hehehe... How about us? Did they give us point too? hahaha...
Damn.. if Ted gave me point.. i guess i'll be -ve. Hahaha... :P Sorry love, i've been such a pain in d ass for u :P And he'll get more than 100 points.. haha...

The most important thing is... Is it even right to rate our partner? U do the math... heh!  

Monday, June 25, 2012


Hehe... one thing i love & miss about London is.. Tube riding.. hehehe... jakun kan..
It was just like our LRT, but the various routes that got me.. hehe.. once we know how to read the map, we can go anywhere we want.. hehe 

Tube Map - source

While we're on holiday, there's no need to rush and so, riding the train was like holiday-thingy feeling..

Hehe.. There were days when we were out early as the people were rushing to the office.. And i have to say, i love the scene as well.. hehe.. You know, when u're out early in the weekdays morning, u'll see only black, blue black, grey, coco colour of all sorts of office wears. Only a handful will wear bright colour shirts covered with black suit.. Hehe.. And they're are all rushing with a coffee cup in one hand.. just like the one we saw in movies.. :)

Oh.. i miss our tube ride.. :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Eating in Swamp

Last weekend, my family treated me a birthday lunch @ Too Woo Mba, Setapak.. (near KL Festival City)... The meal were awesome :) This was actually our second time eating here.. 

Too Woo Mba means Swamp in Aussie's aboriginal words
Too Woo Mba Special treat :)

Thanks Angah, nini, Mama, Papa & Ajim for the treat :)
Oh, Ted was knocked down that day after 3 days not sleeping thanks to the Euro fever, so he couldn't joined us.. hahaha.. your lost, love! :P

Iman singing Old Mac Donald had a farm :) 

Iman's having fun with all the animal figurines displayed outside the deli.. Hehe.. She sang "Eya eya ooo" few times before i actually understood it was the "Old Mac Donald had a farm".. Hahaha.. It's cute, how she can associate the animals (especially Moos & chicken) with the song!

Too bad they didn't have anything like the Molten Choc Cake from Chili's or Mud Pie Madness from Manhattan... So, now i'm craving for desserts.. Hahaha.. And could not wait for next week... Iman's 2nd Birthday.. :) I'll take a leave and treat her something special :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

What did i get for my 30th Birthday...

As reminder? Or is it sign of aging...
I bought myself a suspender belt! Hahaha... 

Source: google image

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Celebration ~~

Hi there! I'm currently writing as a 30years old lady.
How do i feel? Urrmm.. nothing different :P Hehe.. just as i was in my 20s. Haha.. Poyo je kan :P

Thanks for Ted the hubby & lil Pwincess Iman for the treats! :)
I'm blessed with you guys :)

First treat @ Garden Cafe, OU

2nd celebration @ TGI Friday, Wangsa Walk Mall

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


It's already 6th June. 3 days away from entering the world of 30s.. Hahaha...
As usual, i have this perasaan yang bercampur baur.. 

Happy.. Coz' it's my birthday.. who not? haha
Grateful.. For being granted by Allah to live & celebrate for another year..
Scared.. I'm a year older but not a year wiser.. 
Numb.. For no reason, just numb... and it has been going since Jan.. knowing this year will be my 30th birthday...

Some people say, age is just a number. But, i do take age seriously.. Haha.. yeah rite.. But, i'd imagine myself at 30 before. And, she looked different in my imagination, especially the size. Hehe... i dunno. I hope, one day i will wake up from this auto-mode & start living. Maybe it's because i'm preggie & feel lethargic most of the time, that i didn't find anything exciting, except reading novel & drawn in my imagination. 

I watched a video yesterday during training. It was a commercial showing that it doesn't matter how long you live but it's how you live your life & make it most meaningful.. InsyaAllah... there are much more i wanna achieved in my life. And they also said, women look best in their 30s. :) (Hopefully it applies to me as well... Ngeee) 

Conflict is when you've family, your personal goal may not be the number one goal anymore.. I'm dealing with this situation right now. It's not that i'm not happy with my life... No. I'm a lot happier today than i was before... It just.. priorities changed. And i'm yet to accept / redha this fact. :( Sigh.. hopefully, i can inject some sense before 9th June.. Hahah... 

Braving along this path...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Of handling tantrums

Recently these few weeks, we recognized our lil pwincess was turning into 'princess-zilla' / 'angry princess' (as We Pa put it) hehe...

She'll literally screaming, throwing things, banging on table/chair/ kicking, hitting (especially me) every time something happened not according to her will. Aiyyoohh..
I was aware of the "terrible twos" drama even before i was pregnant, but i never realized it's this 'bitter-sweet' ugly.. As i'm concern of what people will say about her, about us. Luckily, she only did it at our house, WeMa's, Tokma's house or places which she feel comfortable and maybe at the nursery (the teacher did tell me she's quite meragam this lately.. nak dpt adik kot.. huhu). 

So, i searched online.. And found this... 

The “Terrible Two’s” is a term for the stage that toddlers go through that is categorized by temper tantrums, saying “No” to everything, or refusing to do as they are told. This phase of your toddler’s development can be difficult for parents and even more difficult when parents don’t really understand what is happening.

The good news is that there is an end in site, but this phase can continue to around the toddler’s third birthday. The temper tantrums and refusal to obey parents stem from your toddler trying to become more independent and make their own decisions. (source:

Clearly, even though she isn't 2 yet, she already had started the "Terrible Twos" tantrum. I was quite devastated at first (what did i do wrong?). But once i know this, i'm quite relax. Now, i just have to let Ted know as much as he can. 

It frustrating for us to handle lil Iman at one point of time. She wanted to do everything on her own, even though it took ages for her to complete the task. Huhu, and running against time, sometimes we could not let she did on her own. That's when she started all the dramas. 

I did follow what my mama told me and advice from the books/site. To let her express her feeling, then hug her and try to reason with her after she's done. At first, nothing has changed. But, after a while, i find she's a bit attached to me... And normally,  after a while, she'll be looking for me to comfort her. This phase isn't over yet.. There's time when i almost lost my temper as well. But, Alhamdulillah, i never did anything i regret yet. Now that we can have a conversation with her, makes thing a lil bit easier. I'll ask why she did it and she'll make up something in returned. Haha... 

Another thing i noticed, if we're not letting her doing her own way.. We have to make an option for her to make or offer her something else in return.. For example, if we're going out, and she wanted to get ready by herself (wear the diapers & clothes herself), we'll say that we're going out to (where) and meeting (who, normally her cousin-zahira, tokma, wema, etc).. So, let me do it for you, and in return u can comb your hair yourself / pakai 'udak' (bedak) sendiri... Hehe... she'll refused at first, tapi later on die ikut jer... sambil excitedly saying that we're going out. After she's done.. She'll make sure i'm wearing my tudung ((M)Ami, (p)akai (t)udung...) and Ted's ready with his jeans (Papa, (p)akai (sel)uar..) hehehe.. So cute negotiating like this... If she doesn't want to go out from bathroom after bath.. we'll 'umpan' (offer) her with the mirror.. "Cube tengok sape comell kat cermin ni". She'll excitedly come out wearing the towel and standing in front of the mirror smiling and feeling vain. Hahah...  

When we came to Gombak, wepa had his air bacaan al-quran, so we gave it to her, and i doa for her in my solat. And sometimes (when i'm not too sleepy/tired/forgot) i recited Ya Latiff to her when she's going to sleep. Huhu.. InsyaAllah, one day this tantrum will be over :) And she'll be a lil cute good princess :) 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Of Showing our Love..

How often we express our gratitude to our significant other? Every hour? Every day? Every week? Every time he took the bin out? Every time he bathed our kids? Every time he buy us nice pressie? Every month? Every quarter? On anniversary? On birthday? Once a year? Once in a blue moon... Hahaha..

I admit i rarely express my appreciation to him. Yeah, i did say thank yous every time he did me favor or buy me things especially food haha.. But that were just plain "Thanks :)" with smile. To say "Thank you for everything you did or just for being here with me", i think the most is 3 times, on his birthday, on our anniversary & on my birthday (after getting the present, :P)

Last week was the most tiring week for us. I left to PD for the workshop on Friday before that and he's taking care of Lil Iman alone (with his family, hehe) On Saturday nite, he told me Lil Iman was not feeling well. I just thought she might catch a fever for missing me (She miss me, they said :)) On Sunday morning, he called me at 7.30am saying Iman might have the HFMD and he'll take her to the clinic & ampang puteri. That day, i was going home at noon, so i asked him to bring Lil Iman to clinic first and wait for me at Ampang Puteri. Kak Long sent me at Ampang Puteri, and Iman was admitted due to mild HFMD. It's so sad looking at her with the air liur mengalir.. :( We stayed at the hospital for 3 days & 2 nites (dah mcm pakej percutian pulak huhu). Ted took urgent leave on Monday, while i took half day. I need to sort out things first before taking leave. He slept together with us at the hospital those 2 nights. Then, on Friday we went to Batu Pahat, Johor for Asrul's solemnization with Mimie (Congrats you alls :)), and went back to KL on Saturday. So, on Sunday we just lepak at home, and he cooked us dinner last nite :)

So, this entry is dedicated to u En Ted, to show how thankful i am for having you. :)
I know i can count on you each & every time in need. I wanna say it out loud to him, but i feel shy hehehe...

The Prince & Princess of my heart


Love of My Life :)
Tengok2 balik gmabar... perasan gambar dua beranak ni posing ala-ala feeling. Dengan iman pakai spek senget... hehehe :)

Hmm.. kadang2 terasa macam, how can i love other person as much as i love these 2 beautiful person.. :)
InsyaAllah, we'll be having a baby boy.. So, i was quite grateful.. as, i can still love lil Iman this much...
Ntahlah... Mak ayah kite dulu boleh je sayang kite sama rata antara adik beradik kan... But, i'm afraid i cudn't do that.. Huhu... sebenarnya, takut jugak kalau dah ade baby nnt, i dah tak syg iman banyak macam sekarang ni... Bile dapat tau je, i might be having a boy.. i'm quite relief.. Ok, so, diff gender so maybe i could give the fair love to them.. InsyaAllah... takut sgt tak berlaku adil... Especially kat anak2 sendiri...

Like some of grandmothers gave more love to the first cucu.. Huhu, i'd encounter few grandparents like this.... I hope, i'll not be this type of grandmother.. InsyaAllah... Kesian tau tak jadi cucu first... If anything happened to the first cucu, risau die lebih dr if anything happened to the second/third cucu... Huhu... Even if they dun realize it...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hey There :)

Hehe... So, last Tuesday was our force leave to give way for the annual general meeting of the company. Even though it was a 'force leave' but we never complaint. hehehe.. :)

So, early in the morning, we sent Lil Iman to nursery and off we went to the clinic for the glucose test (urgghh) and monthly check up. We arrived around 8.30am, and the nurses were quite concern whether we still want to proceed with the glucose test (ape name? GTT something eak?), coz it took 2 hours to complete the test. So, at least i have to be on fasting mode until 11am. I'm ok so why not.. Hehehh..

The procedures were, first the doctor will test my blood. It's not the normal diabetes test where they punch a little needle at your finger tip. This is like you donating blood only the blood they took out were just a syringe.. heheh.. :P mmg sikit, tapi debaran tengok diorang prepare the syringe je dah jadi penat... Hehe..

After that, i had to drink a glucose drink. Nasib baik kat klinik ni sedap :) It was something like air glucose yang kite minum kat sekolah2 dulu tu.. macam tang ke ape tu perasa anggur.. hehe...

Then, as my turn to meet the doctor for my monthly check up (Yeah, i had a different doctor for my monthly check up), i just waited at the clinic. About an hour later, it was my turn. We had the bp check up as usual & come to the best part ~ the scan part.. Hehe.. Hello lil bun :) Alhamdulillah, everything is normal with my pregnancy. I was a bit concern with the space inside my womb. But, Ted & the doc convinced me that the space is enough for the bun. Yeah, Allah Maha Pencipta. Eventhough, kalau tengok kat scan tu mcm sempit, tapi sebenarnya the space is wide enough for the baby to move around. Kalau tak, kite dulu dalam perut mak kite pun confirm lemas dah kan.. Hehe :) And... We get to see the gender! InsyaAllah it was clear.. hehehe... All i can say, Lil iman will not lose her title, as the youngest princess in the family.. haha.. Coz, we're having a BOY! InsyaAllah... :D

After the check up, it was just another 20mins till my next test. We waited again at the clinic. Hey! i forgot to tell you... I was brave enough that day. I took the blood test alone without Ted or anyone else (except the doc n nurse of course).. Hehe.. And it didn't hurt! Doc tu mmg pandai amek darah.. Alhamdulillah, Ya Allah :) u know me and needle were never a best friend.. hehe.. So, settle. The result will be out in short time but if there's no problem they will only inform me on my next check up. InsyaAllah..

So, later we went for a date :) Hehe.. Luv u Ted Hubs :)

Oh... this weekend i'll be away from Friday to Sunday. Without lil Iman & Ted. (T_T)
I tried to persuade him to come along, coz to be true, i still not confident enough to leave my lil Iman for 3 days with anybody else. Huhu.. Yeah, that's separation anxiety for mummy.. Kene practice jugak, sbb nnt dlm pantang lil Iman will sleep with Ted @ Uk Pdane for 4 days & only 3 days at Gombak. Huuuu..
Will miss you Lil Iman :(

 Shhleeping :)


 Shhleeping again.. :)

 Drama Queen... 

Mcm2 (T_T)' 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Craving list granted.. :)

One of the beautiful side of being pregnant beside having a cute lil bun in your tummy (which is not caused of fat :P) is the food (& beverage) craving! Hehe...

So, since i gained my appetite back,  i've made a mental craving list :) Some of it has been granted! Yeay.. Here are some.. 

The mussels @ City Cafe, Cititel Hotel, Midvalley 

 Nasi Kandar @ Nasi Kandar Yaseen, Jln TAR

Mocha Praline & Mocha Cookies Fraps @ Starbucks :)
(Gambar air lupe nk amek, ade gbr si comel ni jer hehe)

And more and more food to come! Yummy...
But, i have to watch out my weight after this. Only a month after the morning sickness ended, i gained almost 5kgs! Arrghhh... Tomorrow will be having a glucose check & monthly check up. Pray the doctor will be nice to me :)

Perfect Combo :)

Last Saturday's nite, we went out, since lil Iman still wide awake.. hehe...
We're actually heading to Uptown Danau Kota, but the traffic was unbearable and i was freaking hungry. So, we went to Hj Tapah Restaurant at Gombak (near Plaza Idaman). 

And i had this! all time favorite: Roti Nan Cheese Butter + Teh Ais! Yummmyy :D

Friday, April 27, 2012

Hey Hey April...

April has been good to me.. :)
Alhamdulillah, there is a rainbow after the rain :)
Last week, was the weakest week of my life. I had a head-&-shoulder-ache on Monday & Tuesday. Took urgent leave on Tuesday. Then, on Wednesday i dun feel gud but still went to the office. Tak sampai pukul 10, tak tahan sbb perut rase tegang.. :( my boss asked me to go to the clinic & took MC for 1 day. Thursday, still not feeling good, and can't go to work. I still had stomachache and now it moved to my leg (bahagian paha) on Friday. And On Saturday the migraine hit me! Really can't open both of my eyes. Nasib baik Wani & Wawa datang Gombak on that day and gave me a massage. Ya Allah, banyak gile angin... huhu... On Sunday, tinggal sebelah je sakit, but still not feeling well on Monday... Tapi yang geramnya, we went to see a doc on Saturday. Walaupun tau takkan dpt ubat lain, but maybe he can refer me to the hospital. Dahlah tak referkan ke hospital, pastu menipu. Boleh tak die kate nak bagi MC on Monday, but he didn't even note anything in the system. Menyusahkan org yang tengah sakit :(

On Tuesday, i'm feeling well :) Boleh pegi ofis. Yesterday, i got my tax refund on a pay day + an increment + 3 months backdated increment. And today, bonus. Alhamdulillah :) Bonus.. Bonus.. Bonus.. First clear the debt.. then shop a lil bit for me (fossil & mph.. here i come :P) & iman and saving for my lil bun in the oven :D
Hoping for Ted to buy me something uhumm uhumm.. :P (sedang menghantar pesanan telepati untuk beliau bermurah hati membelikan isterinya sebarang dua :P)

Okay May, now i welcome you in peace :D
It's going to be a busy month.. And hopefully we'll be able to relax a bit on June for double celebration.

Thursday, April 26, 2012



What is this? new layout.. huwaa... i'm confuse :( tak best dah.. bluweekk... 
Nak study dulu features ni before publishing new entry... 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Travelling Blanket Going to UK (Part 8) ~ The Finale

Huhu... We come to the season finale... hik hik hik
Olympic is coming, now i have to end the journal.. hehe.. (xde kena mengena).. :P

The few last days, we spent our (9) days wandering around London. And
having said that, i still didn't feel had enough with London. Definitely will visit again, InsyaAllah.
The morning before we went to the Hogwarts & Chelsea Stadium, we went to the Camden Market & hanging at the Starbucks feeling ssoooo peaceful as it was located facing the lake :)

Camden Town is located near Kentish Town is strongly associate with alternative culture (like punk, skinhead stuff etc). So the market sell almost everything about the culture. Hey! We found a Malaysian woman selling beautiful London scenery photos :) We were making noise in Malay (biasalah, kecoh2 pilih gambar) and she speaks Malay too! Hehe.. Luckily we didn't talk bad about anything :P

After sending Lil Iman to the WePa & WeMa nursery, we went to the stadium and catching hogwart express.

The Chelsea Stadium. When Man U fans were in the Chelsea stadium..

Nini is a Chelsea fan. Hehe.. So after we finished making fun of her, we went to the must go Hard Rock Cafe. Balas dendam since we could not locate the HRC at Manchester, we burned our pocket in here. Haha..

See the smiley HR friend we had here :) She's so helpful and shall i say chirpy.. Or, maybe all HRC/HRH families are like that.. Hehe.. At least all the places i went ~ Oz, Bali, Jakarta, Spore :)

After 6 days, staying at Camden, we had to move to Travelodge London Dockland. It was located near the famous Canary Wharf and just a 2 mins walk from the East India DLR Station. :) Here we stayed from Saturday till we went back to Malaysia.

That Saturday, we arrived at the hotel at 12pm and the rooms were yet to be ready. Luckily we managed to get 1 room ready. So we cramped ourselves in the room, performed solat & went out. We went to the Greenwich to see the Meridian Line :)

And yeah, we totally forgot the Observatory should be on the hill. Thus, the "Line" is also on the hill. Iman sampai tertido naik bukit :) But the scenery.. Subhanallah. It is beautiful. We could see the O2 stadium from here. Ted was freaking tired after pushing Iman up the hill, just to find the observatory was already closed. Huhu.. Luckily, the govt is generous enough, they let a gate open for us to have some pic with the "Line" ~ the one in the pic with me & thumb up (tande berjaya kawal mengah ambik gambar)

Oh, we met Ainaa.. nini's friend who studied her Master in Kings College! :) Hi Ainaa! She so smart & pretty. Iman likes her too.. hehe

The last 2 days, we just went out the 3 of us. It was a fun day :) Would like to repeat it with our lil family again.. Sometime, we want to be with our big family. But, sometime Just the 3 of us just enough :)

All in all, this vacation definitely the most memorable :)
(despite of the stress i had before & soon after i came back to the ofc!)

London ~ till we meet again :)

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