Friday, August 14, 2009

I am so gonna wear concealer every day...

Being me.. i dun like staring at the mirror for more than 5-10 mins everyday, to apply all the layers of make ups. Huhu.. enough with moisturiser + compact + gloss (+ balm), betul2 tudung sket (at least, aku rase cam dah cukup cun dah).. walllllah! haha.. **hihi.. no offense to all girls out there ya! it just me.. =)**

Tues nite, Angah (my sis) gave me a Technic Concealer (with tea tree oil) she bought from uk. Ok, eager to test, i applied the concealer after the mosturiser on Wednesday morning since i'd have to go to Shah Alam.

As usual, i tuned in to Fly*FM everyday, listening to the 3 chaotic deejays. So, it came to the 'show stopper' where u have to type St*pper (ur choice of dj - b*n, f*bes/nad*a) and send it to 333*99. Ok, B*n's choice of song was nice its like modern meed oldies (can't remember the song). So, i voted for B*n's song for 10 votes (= RM5) and prayed (acheh.. hopela) that the song will be the winner for that day and i get to listen to it. By 9.50 am (or something), suddenly they're started thanking all the voters and announced "And the highest voter is Ali*ur!!" (or something like that la, coz' i was busy applying the lip gloss ~ haha).. upss.. am i dreaming.. does they just screaming my name? huuu.. maybe its not.. i was definitely daydreaming. dup dap dup dap.. then after they announce they winning song ~ f*bes's choice of MJ, and played the son, i received a call from the producer. She's so cheerful person, and after hanging up.. OMG! (haha, poyo) I definitely gonna wear this concealer everyday. my lucky concealer. ahaha.. Considering that I'm not a lucky person when it came to lucky draw or contest. First time menang peraduan ni.. haha.. Ape2la..

So, today I'm going to have some health test. I'm gonna wear that concealer to sheer some luck. hahaha (gile)

So, what's your lucky charm, buddies?


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