Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"peace brother".. so he said

wow.. naik juling mate i (juling2 air la tapi, cute sket).. ho ho ho.. one down one more to go.. hehe..
Am taking few mins rest before continue the excruciating (exaggerate sket) thingy (like one of my buddy said "eat my brain" out.. ;P).

I'd just finished reading the breaking dawn (yes, tertinggal lrt.. ;P)
huhu it turn out bella swan knew what she's doing (or stephenie meyer). Isk. suke tau playing with my heart ;P and the baby is damn cute (in my mind la)

Seriously can't wait to watch this movie (not so soon) hurm.. that's mean another 2 years. Nevermind, i can be good and wait for that. Hurm.. Sorry peeps, i just have to tell it all here. haha..
Can't wait to see Aro with his favourite lines "Peace, brother" or "Peace, friend". Just imagine, the Italian royal vampire and all vamps were afraid (or obey) of him, like to say "Peace, brother" when speaking.. Hehe cute! (mcm rappers pun ade)
And can't wait to see all the diff coven & nomad vampire from all over the world (luckily they dun have from Malaysia), all gather around the Cullens' mansion, and especially on the ground where they prepare to have a fight/battle.
Can't wait to see how Jake's face gone mushy mushy lovey dovey whenever he's near to the baby. haha.. lawak.
But one thing i dun agree with this book is that Bella is way too good (kes jealous sbnrnya), there are some part in the book was expected and bored me. And why is they always want to name their kid after their mother/father or even the highschool headmasters (in the case of Harry Potter)? Can't they find more unique / creative name? haha.. emo lagi.. i dunno, i just find it somehow irritating to have the kids named after character in the books. haha.. ye sangat emo..
And there's another one cute part.. While waiting for the Voltury to end their ad-hoc meeting, everyone (in Cullen's side) had the feeling (from Alice's instruction & Bella instinct) that they'll be defeated (and most probably die) in the battle. So they were saying good bye and love to each other. Then, "If we live through this, i'll follow you anywhere, woman" Garret (the nomad) whispered to Kate. "Now he tells me" She muttered. Cute, eh..

Hehe.. ok, enough babbling. I need to continue staring at the computer. ;P


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