xpaham... stress sgt ke aku ni..
- time camnila aku nak luke sane sini.. ermm..
- susah nak turun berat. makan makin banyak.. (ahaha.. yg ni takleh blah)
- suke sangat membazir duit.. (er.. kalo beli baju kecik satu saiz tu utk motivasi so tak bazir kan..)
ye.. aku sedang menjalani satu terapi.. shopaholic theraphy macam dalam citer 'till debt do us apart' tu. i'm not the rebecca-bloomwood type of shopaholic that crazy over branded item. me is the type that i have to buy something (anything) everyday or everytime i reach shopping mall or even petronas mesra (err.. ke same je ngan die). I dun only shop when i'm stress or feeling low, i dun even need a reason to shop. to d stage that i paid for someone's (i dun even know him) loan.
so, ted came to the rescue. haha ye.. now he has new name: Incik Super Ted!hehe.. i did well for d first 6 months ;P tapi sekarang perasan bershopping membuak2. ahh.. camne ni.. hmmm... mari kita memulakannya "our wallet is closed.. we dun need shopping"..
Hint for Super Ted.. "i nak beli beskal tu.." (sambil nanges2 manje wuu wuu +_+)
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