Bulaaann Madu di awan biru..
Tiada yang mengganggu...
Hehe... after what seems like ages, i finally managed to pull out this entry.. haha.. Setelah berhempas pulas memerangi saket perut (first me, then Ted), finally i have this one day that i can dedicated my time concentrating on putting my words into place.. ;p
Well, we had our honeytothemoon-thingy at this one destination. Not that far though. Just 3-hours away from home.. Since we both were running short of annual leave & time, we decided to search for the moon right after our wedding. hehe.. though, takdela like omputih yang right after the ceremony terus cabut naik flight pergi honeymoon.. ;p
And, despite of all the tiredness from having the 3-days events running straight, we went to the destinasi bulan madu the very next day.. Serious. hari Ahad tu, after the outdoor session, balik 'balun' lagi sepinggan nasik (itu pun ade rase nak tambah lagi sepinggan, tapi sbb jelingan maut Ted, ku batalkan niat itu).

Hehe, that nite mase bukak hadiah @ his parents house (eh, my in-laws house la ;p) pun rase cam nak tertidu kat situ gak... hehe.. sebbaik ade hadiah batu lesung pemberi semangat aku untuk terus berjage.. ;p
++ And on another note, just to share.. If u're the person to return all the bajus and handle some other things, the best thing is to have 1 day lapse before going for ur honeymoon. ;p If takde apa2 pun, if u're having all ur events (+ outdoor photography session) in 3 days straight, get 1 day rest before going to honeymoon.
Hehe.. Dahle penat from the events tak abeh lagi. Rase hati nak jugak main tipu bangun lambat the next day tu. hehe (kalau tidur umah aku aritu mmg confirm lajak sampai kul 10). Tapi, since that we slept at his house that nite, and we need to settle few things before off to honeymoon.. i woke at 6.30am and not sleeping after that (adela tidur curik ayam kejap ;p).. First, around 8.30 kejut Ted, sarapan lebih kurang. Around 9 we went to Arnie'z (for his reception) to return the baju. Then, dashed off to Gombak, to unpack & repack my honeymoon bag. Uppss!! suddenly i remember, tak print lagi tiket! wow! slamber bomba aku baru teringat sekarang... huhu.. That's why i hate changing plan at last minute.. (we're suppose to be sleeping at my house that nite before hnymn..but Ted change mind on Saturday that we'd be sleeping at his house.) Rosak plan nak kemas baju + print. (alasan! cheh!).
Then, after kena bebel dengan mama & papa (for the last minute preparation + printing), printer & internet lak takleh gune.. jadik decide to print at Ted's house. Hehe.. ;p We then running to meet Shamir the Selphya to get our wedding pix cd. Then, went straight to Seri Gombak and meet the we. planner - penganting exclusive to return the baju & pay some last minute request. Ok, settle.. then we go to Giant Tmn Melawati to change money (ye. ye. i know.. baru nak tukar.. ;p) and buy some munchiess for us to survive di rantau orang.. Dah beli sumer, ok pegi pulak CIMB Setiawangsa to bank in the bank draft. After buying nasi kukus ayam dara for lunch, we return to his home to unpack & repack his bag + print the tickets + lunch.
After another shot of bebelan from his parents ;p call Fareez (his bestman + bestfren). ok wa dah siap. We dashed to the Lcct. Hehe.. What time was it? 1.30pm.. Ok, Fareez dengan jaya membawa kami ke destinasi dalam masa kurang sejam - around 2.15 dah sampai lcct! Lepak2 lebih kurang. Tukar lagi sikit duit (hehe, konon takmoh tukar sumer laa tadi kat giant. last2 sini lagi mahal ~ sah-sah kawasan lpngn terbang kan). Then around 3pm, check-in the bags and whatnot we went to Marry Brown to have something (again~!) to eat and finished off the nasik kukus yang satu bungkus tadi tak dan abeh (tamak lagi) heheh..
Makan sume done, lepak lebih kurang.. tetibe rase nak singgah gi China laks sementara tunggu flight..

Bukan aper.. singgah nak amek gambar jerr~~ ;p Nak rase jadik pahlawan sat..
Hehe.. dah boring gi China.. around 5 tu, we all naik le ke tempat menunggu kan..
Sekali ada announcement flight to our destination was delayed from S'pore..
Delayed for another 30mins.. huhu! sangap!
Hehe.. aktiviti membunuh mase ~ amek gambar sambil beli coklat + book store time!
++ Muke ku boring sbb dah bayar baru perasan lauren weisbergernye buku citer psl highheels tu yg last ade jual.. chis! ;p
Aktiviti tambahan sambil menyeksa sebelum membunuh mase itu.. Prektis skil amek gbr gune kemere baru. hiks.. ;p
Around 6 tu, kami sudah boleh naik kapal terbang! Yeay!
10 minit lepas makan, both of us dedua tetidur...
Qada' balik mane yang tak cukup.. hehe...
8.40pm @ 19 October 2009, we arrived at the "Destinasi Bulan Madu!"
Denpasar Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali Indonesia.. hiks.
Sementara tunggu bas transit masuk kat airport terminal, amek gambar sepam.
We were waited by our chauffeur from Pelangi Bali Hotel ~ Bapak Rusdi (with my name on a plate)
to bring us to the hotel.. hehe.. Tak sabar mau sambung titun!!
That nite, it was Seminyak's turn to switch off the lights to save the electricity at Bali. So, there were no traffic lite functioning and only Pak Polisi mengawal lalu lintas. hehe..
Around 20 mins, we finally arrived at the hotel! Yeay again!
Hehe, we were given pineapple juices as welcome drink + hot towel while settling our check-in matters.. Hehe.. terase dah kehangatan bali. ;p
Dah settle check-in, kami dihantar ke kamar 214!
As we were taking their 'honeymoon package', we were given fresh flowers and cake upon arrival.. heh. Love cakey! Yummeyy!
Dah tengok bilik comel.. terus tak rase nak tidur dah.. Hehe.. Lepas cuci muke and lepak 2 minit amek gambar sket dlm bilik..
Kami turun ke bawah, berjalan2 ke keliling hotel..
Pastu rase cam aik, baru pukul 11mlm.. hurm takkan nak tidur..
So, we went to the K-mart (our must-go-everyday convenient store) to buy something.
Luckily nite life at Bali was happening with all the pub & disco still operating.. Takdela takut sangat jalan duorang. But the distance was quite far.. uhhh, my sliper putus u that nite! Hahahah! Deym! That's when we decided to rent a speda motor the next day.. (cubaan untuk bermanje mintak Ted encang (kendong belakang) lps putus slipa tidak berjaya malangnye.. chis! ;p) Hehe..
20 October 2009..
After having breakfast that morning, we went out to rent the speda motor before having our spa session @ 3pm.
Tak sampai 100 langkah from the hotel, we were kidnapped!
haha.. jgn panic!, we're 'kidnapped' by a promoter from bali hotel mane than to promote us their holiday club thingy..
Above left: Ted @ the promotion centre ~ bosan..
Above Right: The promotion pack ~ haper ntah
Below: Cheering Me @ Pelangi Hotel before the kidnapping event
Hehe, apart from wasting almost 3 hours of the day, we get the chance to recky2 Kuta town and get to see the Rama Hotel.. Wahh! mmg cantiks!
We said no to the promotion (of course) and grabbed the free t-shirt and lied that we had appointment @ 1.30pm.. We were sent back to our hotel by the promoter..
Small pix: Happy faces of us setelah dibebaskan sambil dpt free t-shirt & free holiday trip to any7countriestochoosefrom (which, we'll never go anyway)
Big pic: The memories.. hehe written on my 'groovy event book.'
After changing clothes & have some lite lunch, we went to the hotel spa for our "balinese massage spa session."
The massage was really relaxing ~ We chose the Tropical Sense.. hehe rase di alam rimbe pun ade.. Rase cam taknak bangun pun ade.. hiks.. Then, after drink the hot tea we went out to the beach. (gmbr nnti tunjuk di episode lain)
Naik dari beach, we changed our clothes.. and prepare to go out again..
Kali ini kita ada misi!!
Jalan kena pantas, kalau ade 'orang tahan'.. just ignore. no matter what, just keep walking.. hehe.. Port tadi selamat! fuh.. jalan depan sikit.. yeah.. we finally arrived at the shop to rent the motorbike.. Brader tu tanye, nak otomatis (ntah ye ker tak sebutan die) ke nak supra.. Supra 40ribu jer.. kalau otomantis tu dlm 60ribu..tapi die kate, kalau orang nusantara ni kira mcm bapak dengan saya ni.. kita bisa amek supra. kalau itu foreigner ramai amek otomantis.
Chiss.. pakatan taknak bagi aku rempit (ade hati ;p) la kirenye nih.. heheh. So, kitorang amekla Supra..
Taddaaa!!! This is our ride, baby! ~ siap ade I love bali. ;p
Dapat jer speda nih.. teruss jee jalan.. tgk2 kiri kanan.. alih2 we're at Legian..
Below right: Our must-go-everyday-convenience store: K-mart & Circle K. Tapi circle K kureng sket barang die.
We're at Seminyak, we need to across Legian before we arrived at the famous Kuta.
Sampai je kat HCH, borong sket bajus and then balik hotel sambil berazam esok pas balik tour nak jalan balik sampai sinih... ngeh ngeh ngeh..
Episode 2: Kintamani Tour & Jinbaran Sunset Dinner.
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