The Breezy Beach
Since our hotel was just nearby the beach or at the beachside. Hari2 kitorang mmg akan turun beach.. Time ni terasala macam rugi tak bawak kasut jogging skali. Kalau tak mungkin (read: MUNGKIN) bole jugak kite gi gym or jog kat tepi pantai pagi2.. (haha.. harapan laa sbnrnya). Maybe after this, we'll bring the shoes together each time pegi memane.. mane la tau kot tetibe teringin nak jogging..
Heh.. well, sumer pun tau angin laut pagi2 macam mane kan? huhu... mmg sangatlaahhh nyaman nye...
Heaven ~ my perfect breakfast momento..
Our hotel residence were mostly Australian who came to Bali to surf. Wahh!! time2 cengginih kalau ade lagu2 'surf' berkumandang lagilaa best & gempak kan? eheh...
Since we'll definitely drown in the ocean by the time the surfing board touch the water, amek gambar ngan surfing board kat pantai pun jadik ler... hehehe ;p
One of the surfing scene.. byk lagi yang berjaya snapped tapi these were the best.
Time ni mula berasa tamak nak beli lense panjang... heheh.. takpe next time.
Memang starting end of Juli until Oktober, the australian came down to Bali to have the surfing fun. Even budak2 kecik pun dok surfing.. (cam jeles pun ade.. hehe).
Hehe... catatan chenta harus ditinggalkan di atas pantai.
Baru la rase cam dlm drama sket... hehehh.. ;p
Ok, lupe nak habaq.. our hotel was situated at Seminyak. So, beach yang korang nampak dlm gambar kat atas adalah pantai Seminyak.. Pasir die agak gelap, tapi ombak mmg cantik!
At bali they have few famous beaches. One of it is Pantai Kuta..
Khamis tu, we all jalan-jalan sambil bertekad untuk sampai ke Kuta. Sampai je kat Pasar Kuta, terus kitorang beli jap kain batik for the Mamas and terus menuju ke arah Pantai...
Kat sini, pantai die putih, pasir die bersih (mmg dijaga)... And kelihatan ramai orang surfing dan mandi-manda sambil sunbathing...
To bad, time tu tengahari.. sangat panas. So, we just kept ourselves under the tree shades. ;D
Kuta Beach, Bali
Even just before we departed from the hotel, we went back to the beach.. Last chances to appreciate one of Allah's finest creation. Subhanallah.. Kalau boleh takmoh balik... hehe.. nak lepak hari2 tepi pantai.. Camnih, jawap komplen pun tenang juge... hehe..
Cherishing the final fresh ocean air before departing...

Along Seminyak Beach ~ Pelangi Hotel Bali private beach
Hehe... And finally.... The Joyous Moment of Us..

Encik Ted (after so much of persuasion)

Me a.k.a Ms Ted Groovy (this pic is much better than the one @ Langkawi taken last year.. hehe)
Definitely one happy honeymoon for us & till we meet again next year Bali.. hehe..
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