21 October 2009 ~ Kintamani Tour (incl. Ubud Village) & Jinbaran Sunset Dinner

Along the way to watch Barong & Keris Dance.
Around 20 minutes later (no macet), we arrived at the place to watch the Barong & Keris Dance. Pardon me for not remembering the place. Akibat bangun awal, i was asleep half way to the place ;p

The show/dance.. They even have that infamous Tarian Pendet.. (Above, middle pic)
After watching the show, we continue our journey to see the silver craft..

The price is quite high since it is a handmade product and using how many percent silver (i dun bother, zmn silver ku sudah berakhir)
Hehe.. lepas jer tengok2 jengah dlm kedai silver tu.. amek gambar jap ngan sales assistance die, kitorang pun bergerak menyambung perjalanan.. Kali ni, kita nak terus naik gunung...
Sunset & Dinner @ Jinbaran Beach

Tapi sbb lighting die sangat terang... kacau sket pencahayaan kat gambar ni + the amateur hands ;p
Dah puas perabeh ringgit kasorga kat sane + take some pics with the SA.. kitorang pun jalan2 kat area legian.. Tapi still kitorang tak sampai lagi ke Kuta... Aisshhh.. takper.. Esok 1 more day nak boleh ke Kuta.. hehe... As usual, before balik hotel singgah K-mart beli teh kotak & bread sambil percubaan beli aiskrem gagal lagi ;p
++ Something to share:: "An Australian Antarctic Division glaciologist said the ice chunks, spotted by satellite photography, had passed the Auckland Islands and were heading towards the main South Island, about 450 kilometres (280 miles) northeast. Scientist Neal Young said more than 100 icebergs -- some measuring more than 200 metres (650 feet) across -- were seen in just one cluster, indicating there could be hundreds more. .... "If the current trends in global warming were to continue I would anticipate seeing more icebergs and the large ice shelves breaking up," he said. When icebergs last neared New Zealand in 2006, a sheep was helicoptered out to be shorn on one of the floes in a publicity stunt by the country's wool industry." Petikan daripada Yahoo
We were given 3 full-day-tour choices by the hotel (included in the hnymn. package). It's either Kintamani Tour, Bedugul/Tanah Lot Tour and Nusa Dua Tour. I always attracted to the Ubud Art Village where they have all the artiste (pelukis) showing & trading their paintings, and i'm not quite fond of temple (more or less, it will look the same as pagoda rite?) so we opted for the first choice - Kintamani Tour. And another thing, i'm actually afraid of Kecak Dance hehe.. ;p
That morning, after Subuh prayer around 5am, i cudn't sleep. Excitedla kononya. hehe.. Around 7 we went down to have our breakfast at the restaurant. And we wander around while waiting for the tour guide to arrived at 8am..
8.20 am the tour guide arrived. Bapak Wayan (stand for ~ first child in family) Bogor (agaknye ;p). Chis. ko lambat yer.. rupenye on the way from Denpasar, jalannya macet sbb banyak proyek. Takpe.. dimaafkan..
Although he & the driver look like normal Indonesian, they are actually Hindu. So, there. We totally forgot to ask for Muslim tour guide & driver, giving that it's quite hard to find Muslim food here in Bali. But, never mind. Tour mesti diteruskan.. Hehe..
Since i was the person that do all the booking (Ted was busy with his study back then), the package was registered under my name. First the tour guide having difficulties to pronounce my name.. hehe.. at last, he just called us with my Surname - Ali. The funny thing is, the tour guide call me Mbak Ali & Ted - Pak Ali.. hehehe.. ;p so cute to see Ted being called Pak Ali..

Along the way to watch Barong & Keris Dance.
Around 20 minutes later (no macet), we arrived at the place to watch the Barong & Keris Dance. Pardon me for not remembering the place. Akibat bangun awal, i was asleep half way to the place ;p
We were each given a manual-script of the story, just in case we dun understand whattheheck they're doing. hehe..
It is actually based on an epic from Hindu about the never-ending battle between the angel (Barong) and the devil (Rangda).

The show/dance.. They even have that infamous Tarian Pendet.. (Above, middle pic)
After watching the show, we continue our journey to see the silver craft..
After watching the demonstration, we were ushered to the shop where they sell all type of silver jewelery and even souvenir & all sort of things u just name it.. (hehe)

The price is quite high since it is a handmade product and using how many percent silver (i dun bother, zmn silver ku sudah berakhir)
Hehe.. lepas jer tengok2 jengah dlm kedai silver tu.. amek gambar jap ngan sales assistance die, kitorang pun bergerak menyambung perjalanan.. Kali ni, kita nak terus naik gunung...
Hehe.. Lama & jauh giler perjalanan die.. Dlm perjalanan tu, Bapak wayan nih berborak dengan 'Pak Ali-Ted' pasal politik.. Sempat jugakla aku tanye pasal Tarian Pendet tu.. huhu.. Ye la.. takut gak tetibe dpt buluh runcing sesat.. Bpk Wayan bgtau since Bali ni mmg mainly for tourism, so tak perlula risau.. Lagi tambah die, "Apa mau gaduh.. kita kan sama nusantara.. Lagipun, bahasa Indonesia pun diambil dari bahasa Malaya.. takde pulak orang malaysia mau gaduh2 sama kita.." huhu... Good thought huh?
Perjalanan diteruskan ke Gunung Batur, or in English ~ Mount Batur. ;p Mount Batur is a volacano and last meletus in 1963, and we can still see the black lava until now..
Teringat blajar Geography dulu, padi huma.. The scenary is superb!
We managed to grabbed some batik t-shirt for Papa, Abah & Abahwe.
Dah abeh shopping & snapped some pix.. we continue our journey to the top. We arrived there at the noon, just nice for lunch time.. So, we stopped by the Grand Puncak Sari Restaurant. (known to be Halal Restaurant) ..Tapi still kami was-was nak amek anything to do with meat. Jadi we just ate nasi, keropok, sayur, egg and fruits.
Us having lunch mengisi perut yang agak2 cam lapar...
Pak Wayan informed us that mase gunung berapi ni meletus more than 1000 people died... Kalau tengok memang lapang giler bawah tempat gunung berapi tu... hehe.. Just beside the volcano, there is a lake called Lake Batur. Cantik! Teringat macam Tasik Maninja (kelok 44) kat Padang/Bukit Tinggi.
Even with full stomach, we can't stopped snapping some pics of beautiful scenery... Dah angin best giler!
Walaupun time ni kami diserbu oleh penjual pario 7 = Rp120,000.. kami masih maintain amek gambar.. haha
Ok, perut sudah kenyang sumer? Around 1.30pm we continue the journey to the most awaited place ~ Ubud Art Village. We're supposed to visit Old Castle and Pura (Temple) near the Pasar Ubud.. But, we can't force ourselves to visit the Pura.. So, we just went to the old castle.. take some pix itu pun tak masuk sampai abeh sbb banyak sangat patung antu die.. hehe..
After that, we skipped the pura part and went straight to the Pasar Ubud. ;P Where, we spend more than 1 hour shopping.. Before we all turun van, the tour guide give us some tips..
"Masa Mbak Ali pergi shopping, Pak Ali ucap 'Selamat Berjuang'. Lepas tu, Pak Ali rehat.. jangan ribut-ribut. Nnti lama mau tunggu Mbak Ali puas shopping" hehe... ;p but u're wrong Pak Wayan... Coz this Pak Ali was just the same as Mbak Ali.. hahah.. ;p
Below: Me, few minutes before the shopping began.. Hehe..
Lepas dah start shopping memang dah tak ingat nak balik dah.. hehe.. Serious, lukisan die mmg cantik2 n murah2.. We grabbed 4 small paintings and 2 big paintings.. Sumer gambar abstract.. Love it! Now, the problem is to find the frame. Uhhh.. Frame confirm lagi mahal dari lukisan..
Sekitar Pasar Ubud
The pix were snapped mase we all tunggu the driver pergi amek van datang kat kitorang.. Hehe...
Next stop is Kedai Kopi, eh silap.. Kebun kopi.. err.. where the location? I dunno since i was sleeping (again, after about 10 mins bergerak.. ;p)
Here at the orchard, we can see all type coffee and the trees as well. Biasela.. what do u expect when u're entering a kebun kopi.. And me, being a coffee-a-holic, mmg terbuka laa mate gua yang layu depade tadi.. hehe... the aromaa.. oohhh soo yummyy!! Nak-nak bile sampai part orang tu goreng/masak biji kopi before kita boleh jadikan air kopi.. huhuhu... uuhh!! rase cam duk je kat sebelah bapak tu.. ;D
Hey! do you know they have male coffee & female coffee? i think it's cute! (^_^)
Tapi.. Kopi Luwak sangatla tak cute! the coffee was made from the Luwak's (mcm kucin) poops. EEyeeewww!!
Dun worry! Yang kopi sebelah tu ialah female coffee.. Harrumm.. sedap! tak kaw mcm male coffee tapi yummey gakla.. hehe.. And we had the lemon grass tea as well.. Yang dalam pic bawah kiri tu, ialah tour guide (yg pakai serban ngan kain pelekat tu) and our driver (yg baju putih).. hehe..
Okay, after having a cup of coffee & tea, we moved our butt from the orchard to the next stop ~ Jinbaran Beach to enjoy the Sunset and having a dinner at the beach..
Sunset & Dinner @ Jinbaran Beach
Masa mula masuk, tergerak dalam hati.. hurm cam kat Muare jer kedai die.. +_+ Tapi.. bila dah jalan masuk lepas daripada restoran tu.. Subhanallah!! That's all yang terdetik.. Terus capai kamera.. snap sepam.. Hehe.. The beach was sooo beautiful, the breeze, the scent.. all ahh!! mmg mcm dlm mimpi.. Dengan matahari yang baru nak turun.. hurmm..
We dun waste much time. We shot as many pix we could.. Hehe...
And see that ombak.. Ahhh!! The child in me screaming happily.. If i just could play with the ombak.. But, somehow dah besar2 ni takut lak tgk ombak yang kadang2 tinggi juge..
And as usual.. gambar memegang matehari perlu diambil juge.. ;p
Dah penat ambik gambar, barulah we all duduk kat meja & have the welcome drink and the peanut. Hehe.. and continue taking pic from the table.. And, just minutes before the dinner were served, our canon 1000d betrayed us and went out of battery.. chis!
The food was awesome! And i get to eat scallops that i missed so much! hahaha.. Yeay! Siap pow Ted's portion. ;p
Since our camera merajuk, we dun have the feeling to wait for so long ;p Lepas dah kenyang, and didn't finish the fruits (pencuci mulut), we went back. Lagipun, kita ada second mission tonight... Hehehe... We arrived at the hotel around 8pm. Mandi2 & tukar baju terus turun balik.
Dengan menaiki speda motor, we went to continue our quest of Kuta. Hehehh.. Kalau smalam dah sampai Legian, means that we're not that far from Kuta.
Oh, lupe nak cakap.. Most roads are one-way route.. So, last nite we were lost for more than 20 minutes. ;p Dah la tak ingat nama jalan (who remember the road name when u're on vacation?) Sebbaik ade resit sewa speda, barulah jumpa jalan.. kih kih kih..
So, tonite, we make a point to remember all the road's name and the landmarks i.e the shop, the signage even the harimau at one pura. Not more than 10 minutes, we arrived at the Hard Rock Hotel Bali... Tambahan membeli sehelai lagi t-shirt. We missed the HR Cafe last nite, so tonite we checked on the HRC as well..
Above Right: One of the SA so excited to see us with the camera. hehe.. "ini wartawan dr malaysia ni.." ;p
But, since the design at HRC are the same as at other HRC, we decided to went back to HRH and bought the t-shirt there.. Lain sket design die kan... On the way from HRC to HRH, we saw this one couple were on their way to the beach.
Eh! Tunggu... Mau ikut same!!

Tapi sbb lighting die sangat terang... kacau sket pencahayaan kat gambar ni + the amateur hands ;p
Dah puas perabeh ringgit kasorga kat sane + take some pics with the SA.. kitorang pun jalan2 kat area legian.. Tapi still kitorang tak sampai lagi ke Kuta... Aisshhh.. takper.. Esok 1 more day nak boleh ke Kuta.. hehe... As usual, before balik hotel singgah K-mart beli teh kotak & bread sambil percubaan beli aiskrem gagal lagi ;p
Next episode: Sightseeing + The Beach + Candle Lite Dinner
++ Something to share:: "An Australian Antarctic Division glaciologist said the ice chunks, spotted by satellite photography, had passed the Auckland Islands and were heading towards the main South Island, about 450 kilometres (280 miles) northeast. Scientist Neal Young said more than 100 icebergs -- some measuring more than 200 metres (650 feet) across -- were seen in just one cluster, indicating there could be hundreds more. .... "If the current trends in global warming were to continue I would anticipate seeing more icebergs and the large ice shelves breaking up," he said. When icebergs last neared New Zealand in 2006, a sheep was helicoptered out to be shorn on one of the floes in a publicity stunt by the country's wool industry." Petikan daripada Yahoo
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