hahaha. i was tagged by abg apez, nerry ngan angah.. in facebook. but since i've many things to do as soon as i arrived home (watching tv, eat, book reading, play with aiman.. ahaha) so, i just do this here la... i can only get connected to fb if i were at home or somewhere else without the intra connection.. n plus.. ngeh ngeh ngeh... i dunno how to post a note in fb.. ahaks.. giler lagging aku nih...
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 101 Truths about you.
At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, copy and paste this note, erase my answers and enter your own, tag people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. Last beverage: Limau Suam
2. Last phone call: K Zaimah.. (from the w pl..ner)
3. Last text message: En Ted.. ngeh ngeh..
4. Last song you listened to: Elyana - Missed Call (haha..)
5. Last time you cried: Err.. last week kot? ahaha.. i'm a drama queen afterall...
6. Dated someone twice: eerr.. maybe.. depends..
7. Been cheated on: not that i know..
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Nope...
9. Lost someone special: Nopey nope..
10. Been depressed: Depressi? nope...
11. Been drunk and threw up: nope.. nope.. nope..
12. Pink masam2...
13. Blue. baby blue.
14. White...
15. Made a new friend: yes...
16. Fallen out of love: nope. nope. nope..
17. Laughed until you cried: always.. kinda my gift.. ahaha...
18. Met someone who changed you: hmm... is ted count?
19. Found out who your true friends were: Last year pun dah tau dah... dpd ddulu pun tau ^_^
20. Found out someone was talking about you: yupe.. n it kinda funny when i think back..
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: huish.. hurm.. nope..
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: 90%la kot
23. How many kids do you want?: this year? wait first la..
24. Do you have any pets: haha.. last 2 years i had 2 turtle.. n i guess i'd killed them both.. ahah..
25. Do you want to change your name: To what? alicia keys? sirius black? haha elladora black?
26. What did you do for your last birthday: hehe.. karaoke! yeah! err.. tu this year..
27. What time did you wake up today: tu pun nak tau?
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: reading the hypnotising 'eclipse'
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: hahaha.. kene tulis ker? malu la.. =P
30. Last time you saw your Mother: @ 8.40 am this morning.. salam nak g keje.. luv u ma!
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i cud be slightly taller.. aha..
32. What are you listening to right now : Missy Higgin - Steer
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : Tom? Tom n jerry..
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: my weight issue.. haha
35. Most visited webpage: emily strange free games drop dead dizzy
36. Whats your real name: alinur ain ali
37. Nicknames: achik, a*y*u, ally, alinur, ain (rase cam skolah rendah je), majin, k ain.
38. Relationship Status: ahaha.. *blushed*
39. Zodiac sign: Gemini
40. Male or female?: FEMALE
41. Primary School?: SRK GOMBAK 2
42. Secondary School?: SMK GOMBAK SETIA & SMKA KS
43. High school/college?: MMU
44. Hair colour: black.. kalau kene cahaya cam ceklat2 gitu...
45. Long or short: short
46. Height: 5' 2"
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: yes.. adam lambert
48: What do you like about yourself?: hmm... ??
49. Piercings: mase kekecik
50. Tattoos: Pernah... tatoo yang dpt free kalau beli chewing gum mase sekolah2 dulu.. haha.. cool~~~
51. Righty or lefty: right kalo tak, bole join band lefthanded.
52. First surgery: 11/12 years old - tak igt yg mane first : ear / toenail
53. First piercing: can't remember
54. First best friend: intan
55. First sport you joined: tarik tali.. haha skolah rendah
56. First vacation: can't remember.. have to ask my mom..
58. First pair of trainers: can't remember.. *sigh* how forgetful i am..
59. Eating: nothing
60. Drinking: nothing
61. I'm about to: post this entry..
62. Listening to: Nitrus - hujung dunia.. ppl chattering.. phone ringing.. bising gile opis ni..
63. Waiting for: 6pm to go home..
64. Want kids?: Takkan la taknak..
65. Get Married?: Ngeh ngeh.. mestila nak.. (gelak jahat)
66. Career: Successful of course..
67. Lips or eyes: Eyes
68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs
69. Shorter or taller: Taller _ i'm short (sobs)
70. Older or Younger: Younger.. *_^ ngeh ngeh..
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneously romantic
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: stomach
73. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
74. Hook-up or relationship: Ape soalan nih? relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: ape nih? aha tak nak jawab.. lalalala..
76. Kissed a stranger: Babies.. aha.. tanye lagi.. amek ko..
77. Drank hard liquor: errkk???
78. Lost glasses/contacts: glasses? yee.. sun glass.. di dlm lubang tandas r&r
79. Sex on first date: Ape nih soalan nih? of course no!
80. Broken someone's heart: yupe.. but i broke mine as well..
82. Been arrested: kantoi tak balik lps outing kire ker?
83. Turned someone down: yes..
84. Cried when someone died: iskk.. hati batu nye.. of course..
85. Fallen for a friend?: nope.. eh silap.. yupe, once.. ahaks..
86. Yourself: Yupe!
87. Miracles: Yupe!
88. Love at first sight: no..
89. Heaven: Yes..
90. Santa Claus: Haha.. Yes.. i do.. in my dream..
91. Kiss on the first date: No.. nk kene tampar?
92. Angels: Yes..
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No... eh yeker? can't remember.. no.. it's not..
95. Did you sing today?: for myself or for crowd? ahah.. for myself yes setiap hari..
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: hahaha... ape soalan ni.. yes i guess.. i kinda confuse..
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: university..
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: May
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: nope..
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: no.. i choose something else.. haha =P
101. Have you missed somebody?: Yes... tsskk.. +_+
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Posted by groovy ally at Saturday, May 30, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Quizzical Me+
Friday, May 29, 2009
I'm Only Me When I'm With You
Friday night beneath the stars
In a field behind your yard
You and I are painting pictures in the sky
Sometimes we don't say a thingJust listen to the crickets sing
Everything I need is right here by my side
And I know everything about you
I don't wanna live without you
I'm only up when you're not down
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground
It's like no matter what I doWell, you drive me crazy half the time
The other half I'm only trying
To let you know that what I feel is true
And I'm only me when I'm with you
Just a small-town boy and girl
Living in the crazy world
Trying to figure out what is and isn't true
And I don't try to hide my tears
My secrets or my deepest fears
Through it all nobody gets me like you do
And you know everything about me
You say that you can't live without me
I'm only up when you're not down
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground It's like no matter what I do
Well, you drive me crazy half the time
The other half I'm only trying
To let you know that what I feel is true
And I'm only me when I'm with you
When I'm with anybody else
It's so hard to be myself
And only you can tell
That I'm only up when you're not down
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground
It's like no matter what I do
Well, you drive me crazy half the time
The other half I'm only trying
To let you know that what I feel is true
And I'm only me, who I wanna be
Well, I'm only me when I'm with you, with you, uh huh uh, yeah
~by Taylor Swift~
ahaha... jiwangnye i... biarla... lalala...
it's good to have someone (besides your family) where you can have an unpretencious life... where u can act idiot (most of time), angry and cute (ahaha.. ye ker?) and he will always laugh and be with you... (kadang2 rase cam nak tampar jugak bile gelak lebih2)...
persoalannya... how can i act like a matured lady when the fact is... i'm only 26!! ahaha... dem..
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, May 29, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +RedBox+, +TED Tales+
Thursday, May 28, 2009
m.a.t.u.r.e.d g.i.r.l
huhuhu... i found this while bloghopping... interesting sampai rase nak letak dlm blog ni..
Girls leave their schedule wide-open and wait for a guy to call and make plans.
Matured women make their own plans and nicely tell the guy to get in where he fits.
Girls want to control the man in their life.
Matured women know that if he’s truly hers, he doesn’t need controlling.
Girls check you for not calling them.
Matured women are too busy to realize you hadn’t.
Girls are afraid to be alone.
Matured women revel in it-using it as a time for personal growth.
Girls ignore the good guys.
Matured women ignore the bad guys.
Girls make you come home.
Matured women make you want to come home.
Girls worry about not being pretty or good enough for their man.
Matured women know that they are pretty or good enough for any man.
Girls try to monopolize all their man’s time (i.e. don’t want him hanging with his friends).
Matured women realize that a lil’ bit of space makes the ‘together time’ evenmore special-and goes to kick it with her own friends!
Girls think a guy crying is weak.
Matured women offer their shoulder and a tissue.
Girls want to be spoiled and ‘tell’ their man so.
Matured women ’show’ him and make him comfortable enough to reciprocate without fear of losing his ‘manhood’.
Girls get hurt by one man and make all men pay for it.
Matured women know that, that was just one man.
Girls fall in love and chase aimlessly after the object of their affection, ignoring all ’signs’.
Matured women know that sometimes the one you love, don’t always love you back and move on, without bitterness.
Girls will read this and get an attitude.
Matured women will read this and pass it on to other Matured women and their malefriends.
so, that's why i'm posting this for you all matured women... (sambil buat muke matured)
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, May 28, 2009 2 comments
Labels: +Fun Facts+
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
CAUTIONS.. this gonna be a super-dem-long entry.. hehe..
fuh!! finally... i owed u the story on how we'd been taxed by pakcik imigresen... Menjadi pengajaran... next time u want to buy something in bundle... please go together with like 18 ppl / 20 org skaligus to avoid the ridiculous tax.. hehehe...
Okay... last year, once the m*t*p.aren.ts event done, angah booked us flight ticket to jakarta for shopping spree for the e.v.e.n.t.s.. (alasan) ahaha... so, we're going to jakarta twice this year February & April 09 for that purposes.. hehe... Mama supposed to go with us for both trip, yet she was not feeling well so she had to cancel the second trip.. we went with mamacik & wawa instead for the second trip.
First trip: February 2009 - gombak's troupe : me, mama & angah..
Second trip: April 2009 - gombak's troupe : me, angah, mamacik, wawa..
Yea.... now everyone can fly... Hehe...
ni mock aircraft body ni baru lagi kat lcct, mase Feb takde lagi... now sudah ada.. ehehe.. rase cam tourist sket...
after 2 hours on the flight... we landed at the airport (or bandara)... comelkan ade this cute thing... mcm orang nak pegi berburu tu... but notice tak dinding die papan? hehe... so nusantara...
it was raining when we arrived (feb)... nak amek gambar that statue thingy... ehehe... so cute... yet tak penah dapat dari dulu lagi.. chis... so, i just snap his/her butt.. ahah.. ok la tu... Mase g time april, we arrived @ almost 9 pm... so rushing takleh nak posing2 + penat lagi...
Okay.. untuk mengurangkan kepeningan semua... i start my ramble with Makan2...
Our first mission is the pasar tebet... bukan kat pasar atas- they sold normal stuff... but the basement... lepas dah tengok2 and settle everything, we had our stomach filled with... Soto Padang! Seriously mouthwatering!! i'd tried few other soto padang, but never compete this stall... mmg sedap gile...
If you managed to go to Pasar Tebet, check out this stall.. the stall is in the between of many card shop at the basement... quite macam main maze gak la nak sampai kat tpt ni...
We knew this place when first we came to Jakarta.. our tourist guide Bapak Riyaldi bought us here for breakfast... fyi, orang jakarta jarang breakfast kat luar mcm nasik lemak roti canai whatsoever.. so, he bought us here... ehhe.. ever since that, everytime we went to jakarta mesti nak pegi makan kat sini... hehe...
hurm.. mase gi last feb, siap 2 kali lagi pi makan kat sini.. second time, we also tried the cumi... hehe.. sotong itu yang sangat menggiurkan.. kenyal2... uuuhhh... ~_~
Also the main reason of why... i'd gained 4 kgs each time we had trip to indonesia... Kat sini nasik diorang mmg sesedap... pastu, boleh kate sume masakan berasaskan nasi... huhu.. lupe laks.. nasik kan makanan ruji orang asia... huhu.. =P
Then... we all teringat nasik timbel @ bandung...
heuheuheu... so pak riyaldi bought us here at jakarta.. hehe.. can't remember the restaurant name.. they serve same kind of rice (balut dlm daun) and few lauks yang mcm nak same.. ade la ikan gurame masak kicap tu.. sedap.. but can't compete the one we had at bandung...

Oh.. before we forgot... please do not forget this super drink... Teh Botol!
Hmm... mmg kalau pekene soto padang ngan teh botol mmg nyum nyum tiptop.. then.. skarang ni dah ada teh kotak... so.. we smuggled some to malaysia... ahaha... tgk muke aiman kegembiraan minum air teh kotak... if u dun like the plain tea taste, u cud try out the freshtea.. sedap jugak! ahaha... well, kalo datang indonesia, not drinking the teh botol.. u missed one of the indonesian specialty.. hehe..

This time, we dun venture to masakan padang.. dah banyak kali makan, so nak try other food plaks... we tried the new fudcourt in Tanah Abang or in short Tenabang (indonesian luv to cut short their words.. bandar udara - bandara.. and few more i cudn't remember).. hehe... they have variety of food, sunda la, jawa la, dim sum la, ape2 sumer ade... (even suasane cam makan kat fudkot mesia) we tried the nasik ayam penyet (now sudah ada di The Curve ye... hehe they have that teh botol as well there..) and lontong (tak ingat jawanese ke ape).. and kerak telur... huuh sedap..

hurm... cube teka ape name buah nih? Yea... Rambutan ye kawan2... hahaha.. but this rambutan has cute name... rambutan rapeah... (tetibe teringat rafeah buang- and my uni-mates who thought my real name is really rafeah buang... mase zaman-zaman irc dulu la punye citer ni.. lawak2) it taste luvly & it's cute... mmg kalo makan leh ralit la...

wawa layan blues .. " hanya kamu yang bisa.. membuatkan ku tergila2"
hehe.. the first nite we arrived (April) dah agak mlm.. so we went straight to menteng for supper... hurm.. there were a street band who performs everynite (kot) to entertain the visitors... suare sedap... and notice that guy with grey t-shirt... gosh... he had such a clean, flawless face! i even mistakenly thought he was a girl at first for his face... not surprise for the indonesian girl to have a beauty flawless face sbb depa kan banyak jamu for all that... but lelaki... my.. my.. mmg kagum giler...

here... we had the famous roti bakar... it's not just normal roti bakar kaya & marjerin.. if you order for a "roti bakar" just roti bakar tak mintak tambah apa2... tadaaa... they gave u a toast with cheese & choc... yummmiess!! sedap.. We also had the sate.. rase lain dari sate mesia (not really like the sauce though.. suka lagi sate haji samuri).. then.. we had the soto padang (or betawi.. the one with santan like the same as at pasar tebet)... huhu can't compete the soto padang at pasar tebet... then, angah order the tauhu sumendang... hurm.. the tauhu is delicious... tapi kuah die rase peliks... (mcm2 hal la ko ni majin)
The second day, we came here again... teringat air oren die... mmg purely fresh orange juice... so second day tu i tried the maggi ayam... rase cam makan Mee Sedap pastu tambah ayam ngan wantan goreng.. hik hik hik.. mamacik had the nasik goreng gila... eehe... sedap..

lorong nak masuk ke Menteng... there are a lot of food stalls there along the entrance way..
Owh.. ye.. lupe.. I find indonesian coffee quite bitter than malaysian.. or.. boleh ke kalo nak cakap tak menepati citarase gua.. haaha... so, being me the coffee-a-holic.. i need to find coffee that suit my taste... 3 hari tak dpt kopi takleh... i cud get cranky...
Since we're still boycotting the starbuck at this point of time... so, we opted for second best... donuts cafe... known to serve good coffee to complement the donut sweetness.. first trip we went to jco & had this mini donuts...
i never tried jco here in mesia.. since takde berdekatan ngan hala tuju saya di mesia.. ahaha.. the donut.. hrum... i guess mini donut couldn't justify the overall taste kan.. but i guess i prefer perasa yang ade kat big apple... kalo kat jco, i like that pizza-like donut... can't remember the name though... mcm itali sket la bunyi die.. well.. kate donut pizza kan.. hikhikhikhik...
With my luvly and sporting Mama (actually time ni mama dah start rase tak sihat... but she's still strong as always)..
mmm... coffee anyone? nyum nyum... action ngan mama's machiatto single shot (mine was the one yang kat sebelah tu (caramel latte as always).. ahaha..)
hehehe... on the second trip (april) we went to the krispy kreme... huhu... here we also tried the mini donuts...
I'd read some review yang the donut was sweeter than b.a & jco... but for me, the sweet are negotiable (remark from a potential diabetic patients) xdelah manis sgt.. kire so2 la... a i love that original glazed... mmm... sinfully heaven.. as usual i had my coffee - latte... ahaha... huuu drooling... + note to myself.. go to san francisco after work! +
last piece of heaven
hehe... okay... enough food review... enough making my stomach grumble... hehe..
dah makan sedap2... we also went to Taman Mini Indonesia... kat sini u can see all type of houses around indonesia.... ade rumah minang (padang).. rumah ape2 sumer... rumah bali la.. rumah sumatera..

me & mama at some of the houses... we dun stop at every houses though... penat giler...

wink*wink* pre-h..ym..n ahaha... en ted jgn marah... i dah survey dulu yer.. ahaha...

kame hame haa!!! ahah.. asalnye nak wat cam tangan ade patung kat tepi tu... skali jadi dragon ball laks...

aa.. kat sinila tempat raje beristirehat... ahaha.. time ni ted tgh call maa suh i beli baju kebaye.. =P
Well.. hrm... mesti tertanye2 kan... heheh... apela aktiviti kitorang yang menyebabkan kitorang hampir2 kene tax RM 900? hohoho... setakat gi jenjalan ngan makan2 takkanle berat badan berlebihan pun kene tax kan... heheh... jeng jeng jeng... here the true story... what else....
Though we went to jakarta not purposely to shop.. i.e to have a shopping spree.. and not that the things we bought is that heavy... but still.. going with the born shopaholic (read: my sis-angah & my aunt-mamacik) haha... so, it was part of the almost RM 900 tu la ye (haha.. tipu jer)..
First trip we didn't bought much, since we're on the survey & placing order mood.. ngeh ngeh ngeh... But the second trip.. mak aii... my sis dah mcm balas dendam... we first went to Mangga Dua.. known to have a lotsss of shoplot yang jual beg & bebaju... Then the next day we went to Tanah Abang... there's when my sis went crazy with the handbags...
My sis with her handbag bargains... ahaha...
pic above-left: Ahhhh!! Shopping!! Help me..
Pic above-right: yeah... shoes... heuwheuw.. tahan2..
Pic mid-left: bagss... eerrrkk... takleh tahan...
pic mid-right: mama... s.o.s.. mayday mayday... nak beli bag..
pic below-left: yesh!! da dapat!! ahahaha...
pic below-right: tokei kedai batik yang happy my aunt dok beli baju batik bebanyak... huhuhu...
inilah hasilnya... hahaha... see the disaster...
Ngeh ngeh ngeh... notice that 2 big boxes... heheheh... well that + 3 more big boxes adelah punca mengapa kami hampir2 ditax RM 900 oleh brader imigresen tu... what the content? tunngguuu nnti gua reveal not-to-soon... yeh yeh..

- muka kepenatan slps mengorder dan membebel sambil tak puas ati sbb barang yang nak takde.. n penat explain sbb diorang cakap "e tu ae.. a tu Aa" boleh tak aku pun cam tak puas ati berape kali aku nak cakap aku nak E bukan A.. die dok gak cakap ae.. rupenye aku yang sengal.. ahahaha... ampun mbakk!!
"patut pegi 5 org tapi mak saye takleh pegi sbb baru kuar spital.. ni yang pegi 4 orang jer" sambil buat suare sebak... huhuhuhh..
bla bla bla... last2 die nak 200... pegi la ke kaunter nak buat bayaran... huh... aku pegi ngan muke tak puas ati... sambil membebel2...
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, May 26, 2009 3 comments
Labels: "V" for Vacation, +Groovy Bridezilla+, +Groovy Familia+
t.w.i.s.t.e.r & j.u.m.b.l.e
Yesterday, after having a stomachful of lunch @ farewell party... we all went back to our office.. ape lagi... kerjaa la.. huhu...
it was a sunny day yesterday... until around 4ish... suddenly it was raining heavily siap ngan tunder storm ape sumer... okay lagi, since we're in 4 stories building kire cam takdela terasa sangat... then tetibe... we heard wind whoooshing... kuat giler! mcm dlm citer twister tu... huhu... terdetik dlm hati..
"puting beliung ker... tapi cam melampau lak.. rase kat us je ade twister2 nih.. huhu..."
tanye kat my staff "kal, ribut ker?"...
"angin tu lalu kat sini ke?" die lak tanye member lagi sorang... yang tgh dok tgk kat lorong nak g kat lif.. "a'ah.."
then my other colleague nak tutup tingkap kat blakang... huhu... seriously... mmg twister!! but not as big as dlm citer twister tu... kire cam anak die la... huhuh... subhanallah... mase tgk tu tercabut satu atap kat belah blakang (tak pasti kat mane..) and ada orang azan... huish... lepas tu around 10-20 minutes, hujan pun berhenti... hrm... peringatan to malaysian citizen... skarang kat mesia pun dah ade twister... huhu... insaf2..
maybe lps ni KRU leh wat citer pasal twister kat mesia laks... huhuhuh... (membebel nak sedapkan ati sendiri)
hurm... tetibe tringat citer x-men.. sbb ade yang storm tu kan... cube bayang kalau betul2 la ade mutan kat dunia ni... ngan halle-berry-storm yang suke2 ati jer nak panggil ribut taufan puting beliung sumer... huhu... seram... meremang dah bulu roma... huuuu
owh... en ted n me went to watch the wolverine last 2 weeks... hehe... serious! hugh jackman... his jaw bone mmg gagah giler.. hehe...
pic courtesy by www.fandango.com
for me.. citer die best... since i didn't read the comic.. ahah so i have no idea what his real life before he became one of the x-men... hehe... but the story was projected pretty well... esp. cam comei gile when he opted to be a lumberjack instead of hanging out with his bro's clan yang jahat... ahaha... cuma ending die pretty low... cam tetibe erk? tu jer? dahla time kitorang tgk tu diorang nye projector cam rosak ade la dlm 10 minit kitorang tgk kat blank screen tu... siap ade org cam nak jerit2 la ape la... ahaha..
teringat dulu mase tgh hot citer lord of the rings... hurm... that aragorn... die pun lelaki yang mempunyai jaw bone yang sgt gagah & hensem... mmg kalo tgk citer lord of the ring kalo part aragorn msti cam kusyuk je... ahaha... time tu budak2 lg..
pic courtesy of wikipedia
more aragorn a.k.a pics here...
tengok nih... pehh!! his jaw bone die pun sharp & nampak macho jer... hehehe...
Hrm... tapi suke jugak kalau lelaki tu botak cam vin diesel.. kalau die tgh marah.. nampak segala urat2 biru die tu... hahaha... check him out mase kat dlm fast & furious 4 tu... mmg tgk citer tu puas hati giler! nak2 last part yang die langgar that stupid-d*g straight 90 drjh tegak kat keter! peehhhh!!! ngeri giler...
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, May 26, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+, +Movie World+
Thursday, May 21, 2009
hehe... called me lagging coz, yeah! i'd just finished 2 of the twilight saga..
- twilight : i watched the movie in the cinema last year.. and terus jatuh chenta.. then terus pegi kino nak beli buku... poor me, the books was already sold out! chiss.. then after sometimes terlupe dah pasal buku nih.. start to get giddy again when timmy ajak nak beli buku ni online... ehe.. then 1 lucky day pegi border ngan azie belila buku nih.. hehe...
- well.. since i'd watched the movie.. i felt quite bored reading it and can't wait to end coz i already knew some of the part.. hehe.. so lame gak amek mase nak abehkan (keep tertidur)..
- well lesson to learn for me: read the book first then only watch the movie..
- new moon: the second book.. (i was supposed to only bought the twilight--matila kalo ted tau-tapi sbb cover cam best n the movie will be on screen this year.. beli la jugak.. heheh)
- the story was fascinating... after 3days sleeping @ 3am.. i finished it with a huge smile.. =D best! i even feel like i was a vampire.. aahah.. teringat mase tgk citer twilight.. i asked ted "u.. camne kalo tetibe u tau i ni vampire.. hehe.." guess what he replied? "mcm bebudak la die nih" ahaha.. spoiled! chiss..
- huhuhu.. what i love about this cullen vampire.. is because they are all civilised.. cume makan binatang.. and even go to highschool and college! topi convo siap dah boleh buat wall deco.. giler hebat.. but come to think bout it, penat jugak kalau dah hidup beratus2 tahun nih.. hehe.. hurm.. i dun wanna be werewolf though.. menakutkan!! @_@
huhuhu.. since i'm running out of book budget for this month.. so the eclipse & breaking dawn have to wait.. (and.. hehe.. funny thing.. i dreamt last 2 nites that there will be another book in twilight saga.. so instead of 4 there will be 5... see.. aku mmg cepat mengarut..) besides i have like tons of pending books need to be finished.. hehe..
well.. i need to return the book of riwayat bidadari syurga (my supercool boss').. so need to start read it.. then, harry potter is coming to screen in july, i have to re-read the half blood (dah lupe jln citer).. and that deathway hallow still not read even dah berapa abad ade kat umah.. then... my weird books (read: serious book - economic thingy) then.. to add the list, yesterday ted gave me a book to read... mcm assignment laks rasenye.. and he called me last nite just to asked if i had read the book.. huhuhu... serius.. takleh main tipu..
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, May 21, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Coffee n Books+, +TED Tales+
Heheh.. Received this tag from timmy... =D here we go...
This tag more on how you know the person who tagged you.. Quite interesting..
Here are the Q:
Apakah hubungan anda dengan insan yang mengetag anda?
hubungan silaturrahim.. keke.. one of my best mates kat company ni & partner in crime yeah! dulu dok satu bumbung skang tidak lagi... hehe.. but that doesn't stop us from gossiping... =P
5 impression anda terhadap dia?
-coffee lover... tapi skarang tidak boleh lagi ya... berusaha!! =P
-great buddy.. we can talk girls thing non-stop...
-cheerful.. hehehe.. even tgh moody.. first time kenal, thought she might be in my age or lagi mude.. rupe2nye.. die adalah kakak...
-friendly.. she can be friends with everybody..
-transparent and frank in expressing herself.. kdg2 slamber gak timmy ni... ngan boss pun die langgar jer... hehehe... =D
Perkara paling memorable yang dia pernah lakukan kat anda?
many things we did together.. paling best mse tiap2 kali nak gi sa naik kete die la.. haha... pastu mase shopping sesame kat mj sales aritu.. hewhew.. we have something in common.. pastu yang mase gi makan kat nachos.. cadangnye nak makan ringan2/ice cream je tapi end up makan banyak giler... ahaha..
Perkara paling memorable yang dia cakap kat anda?
i wish she wud say "babe, ko kelihatan sungguh jelita hari ni.." ahaha.. aku bermimpi...
bende paling memorable yer.. "babe, ko 50% jer shopaholic??" ahaha.. aku tipu ke kuiz tu? hahaha...
Kalo dia kekasih anda, anda akan....?
pakse die jadik laki... i nak jadi perempuan yerr..
Kalo dia jadi musuh anda, anda akan...?
do what the enemies do... we fight!! aaahaha... ala-ala food fight ler.. wakaka...
Kalo dia jadi kekasih anda, dia perlu improve dalam...?
err... die sudah dimiliki & she's a girl for godsake.. jgn tanye soalan kekasih2 ni leh tak..
Kalau dia jadi musuh anda, mungkin kerana...?
never come accross to my mind.. nak gaduh pasaipa pun tatau...
ohh!! mungkin kalau die lahir dari golongan werewolf.. ahaha.. vampire kan tak suke werewolf.. ahaha.. born-enemies..
Overall impression tentang dia?
great lovely cuddly buddy!! ^_^
Da' most desirable things to do to her/him?
to have a nice cafe with her... cake + coffee + books.. nyummm..
Apakah anda rasa pandangan orang terhadap anda?
apehal tetibe tuko topic nieh..
hurm.. what ppl think bout me?
garang & sombong.. yer.. aku dah buat test ni dah kat FB.. ahaha.. ade ke patut..
pastu suker gelak.. ye ker?
The character of you for yourself?
suke diam & buat hal sendiri... bile org cakap baru beri tindak balas sbb sometimes my enthusiasm betrayed me... haha.. and yeah.. i love to laugh and i'm d queen of babbles..
On contrary, the character you hate bout' you?
my overdramatic & oversensitive.. hate that i have to think bout everysingle thing happened in my life..
The ideal person you want to be with....
wwuuu.. i might say vin diesel (sbb die sgt gagah & penyayang) or hugh jackman (jawbone die sgt seksi) ahaha..
but berpijak dibumi yang nyata.. the ideal person wud be my family & friends..
tapi... kalau the most ideal.. mestilah En Ted.. sbb die kene dgr aku bebel & emo setiap mase.. ahaha.. naseb la..
For people who likes you, feel something bout' them!
i'm feeling blue.. =)
may all the happiness & cherrishness be with us..
Nak tag....
sumer2 yang mengenali daku..
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, May 21, 2009 2 comments
Labels: +buddies+, +Quizzical Me+
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
presenting to you... our beloved berry... Aiman.. hehe...
He definitely hot stuff in Malaysia.. ahahaha... kejam yer...

Aiman and wepa's songkok... he never like anything to be on his botak head... but somehow when wepa (papa) placed his songkok on his head.. die cam excited nak pakai & dun mind it at all... heemmm cucu wepa~~
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, May 12, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Familia+, +Groovy World+
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I was hyperventilating this morning for waking up and it's 5th May 2009 already!! huawaaaa... how time travels real fast (and furiously) these days... huhuhuhu... it's 5 months left now... and aku masih meraba2 disini... and still 9 kg heavier.. huuuwaaa nak nangis...
Bleh tak tetibe nak rase tak ready? huhuhu... Yes, i'm ready to move to the new stage of my life... (and move on..) and by thinking that i will have my own house and get the chance to buy 'barang rumah' on my own thrilled me... hehe... but..... am not ready to leave mama's house (and the homemade food =P).. not ready to leave my cozy room... not ready to leave the hiruk-pikuk kat umah tu... and not ready to leave the wireless + astro.. huhu... ntahla... not ready to be grown up and having someone else as family in my medical card... ishhh.. da besarla...
I'm afraid to be in a new family circle... afraid to have to think for 2 families instead of 1... afraid to having to call someone's mom & dad as maa & abah instead of mak cik n pak cik... afraid for not being able to be the good m*n*ntu (auch).. afraid of having to give duit raya to more sisters, brothers, cousins & nieces & nephews... (haha... harus mengepau nih tahun depan...)... ishhh... haperlaa...
These days, i come back from work early almost everyday (except wednesday: movie day)... rase cam nak slalu je duk kat umah... (nak2 aiman ade kat umah kan...) mama mesti pelik napela achik ni cam baik jer skang kan... hehe... ketahuila... Anak mu ini sedang takut dan dah rase cam nak menggelupur dah nih...
True... I'm counting days for the October to come as soon as possible... but by the end of the day.. before sleeping, i wud be restless forcing the time to stop... which obviously useless.. ntahlah... skang ni adelah mase2 daku mengimbau kejahatan mase lampau... huhuhu... rase bersalah yang amat sangat... Nak mintak maaf kat mama tetibe tgh malam takut mama terperanjat lak... takpe.. raye nnti leh mintak maaf.. huhuhuh... tragis!! this year gonna be the last year for me as a single... leh pau duit raye lagi.. next year? no more... huuuu... Hrmm...
Checklist for the next 5 months:
1. Diet & exercise! I have to be 9 kgs lighter in 5 months... huhuhu.. malasnye... camno..
2. Khatam Quran (again..)
3. Learn 5 more cooking recipes (uppss... 7.. i'm 2 recipes behind schedule... malas lagi)
4. Spa + Sauna... yeahh supaya kulit ku halus dan mulus... wahaha... Kak Niza.. wait for me..
5. Learn how to manage my accounts... yerr my spending as well... huhuhu...
6. Learn more on being a good muslimah... and w**e.. huhu... takut la plak tetibe...
7. Finish all pending dvds at home... (esp brother & sisters s1-3) pasnih confirm tak sempat nak tgk dah... huhuhu...
8. Learn how to be a grown up like the matured grown up... hmm... buat muke serius... 8-)
9. Err... stop eating... yeah..
I tried to share something about the preparation (3 deleted draft-entries) tapi cam klakar... the checklist, what've done, what not, endless-to-do-list.. the mahal-cam-nak-mati-ko-ingat-aku-artis? w package... the snob-sales assistance/receptionist and any other things... but let me save you from the boredoom.. trust me, u dun wanna know.. hehe... i guess one thing i have to learn urgently is to be patient... hmm...
Nggeee... suddenly remember something shweet thing mase kuar jenjalan last Friday.. which we spend mcm orang kaye jer.. (dahla tunjuk je terus dapat) haha... fair enough she (the d&p SA) said it just out to bodek... yelah kitorang dah perabih duit kat kedai hang... but i choose to believe her words.. ngeheh.. dah tu tersengih2 sorang2 along d day.. i never tell him (en ted) though... nnti mesti die malas nak layan aku... yaa... malay guys are not romantic... =P
And another stupid-funny story of klutzy me... tgh2 turun escalator tetibe cam pening... (tau kan camne yang pening siap pusing2 tu) and i almost stumble down the escalator... hahaha... lawak giler... cam meracau2 lak tu... "ehh2 pening2... nak jatuh".. memule panik gakla En Ted ngan brader dpn kitorang nih... pastu cam dah ok... nak kaver malu gua gelak la... kehkehkehkeh... sampai brader yang diri depan tu kitorang sengih2... chiss...
ohhh yeaa... teringat lagi.. nnti lepas ni nak citer pasal kene tax gi jakarta... hehehe...
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, May 05, 2009 4 comments
Labels: +Groovy Bridezilla+, +TED Tales+
Monday, May 4, 2009
a.d.v.a.n.c.e.d & b.e.l.a.t.e.d
Date: 26.4.2009
Crime Location: Zura's House S7
Damage done: 2 hotdogs + nasik ayam + SR cakes + ruffles chips...
Last 2 weekend we (Zura, Azie & me) decided to have a lil get-together lunch at Zura's new home... ngeehehh... lama giler tak jumpe sesame 3 org... since.. hmmm last nov? huhh?? serius ke wehh?? lame giler rupenye... last yang g umah sham tu la... betulla.. hehe.. We're supposed to be at her house after Zohor.. Yet, since she has some urgent thing at Putrajaya and only arrived around 2.30pm.. we pulled over at 1901 S7 kat Petronas... and end up eating 1 hotdog set + 1 soaking ted each.. hahaha.. by the time we arrived at Zura's we're already full... huhuhu...
- While waiting for Zura... hmmm.. nyum2.. tgh lapar & panas...-
+ notice that SR paper bag? +
Tgh Azie order Soaking Ted, Zura called on my cell "Aku dah nak sampai... korang jomla datang rumah..." hahaha... "kitorang tgh order satu lagi nih... pas makan ni kitorang datang sane... hehehe..." gaye2 orang majuk...
After finishing our ST, we dashed over to Zura's... hehe...
+ Memandangkan tuan rumah berdua shy-shy cat and prevent me from upload their pics... so u'll only see the pics of both of the tetamu sahaja yaa... hehehe... kene hormat permintaan bakal ibu.. sbb next 2 weeks nak gi serbu lagi... *wink* nnti die tak bagi masuk umah laks... hehehe... =P
- Baru sampai... fuhhh... best btoi lepak kat L-shape sofa nih...
- Since our main course are yet to be ready by Chef Zura + Chef Sham (her husbd) we decided to have the cake first... So, i'm preparing for the cake... ala.. dah beli candle tapi takde asap plak... -
- Ngehehehe... 2 cake in 1 for 2 celebration of the day...
Zura sms me that morning asked me to buy cake for Azie's belated birthday which was on 2.4.2009... Happy 27th birthday Puan Aziah!! ^_^
but then, how can i bring the cake without telling Azie? Obviously she would be coming with me... and to keep the cake in the boot is definitely not an option... mau makan bubur kek lak karang... hehehe...
Hurm.. camne nak buat nih... thinking again... Zura is 7mths preggie!!! aaahhhaa... idea.. y not we celebrate her baby shower.. eventhough it's an advance.. (ahaha... it supposed to be 4 - 8 weeks before d baby born aite?) So.. i just told Azie that I bought a cake for Zura's early baby shower.. hehe...
Hehe.. So, i was the mastermind.. telling Zura it's Azie's birthday cake n telling Azie it's Zura's baby shower cake... ngeheheh... Yes Menjadi... Sampai umah Zura... Azie pening kenape Zura leh tau ade cake nih... hahaha.. I pretended not to hear her question and just preparing the cake... covering the cake from both of them...
- That's explain why the baby is losing his head- (tgh2 nak bukak plastik... pop..adehh)
- Azie... terharu nampak kek besday die.. hehe-
- Ape tunggu lagi... Mari makan kek -
- dah makan kek... makan buah tembikai pulak... while waiting for the main course-
- Tadaa... presenting to you... waahhh!! Nasi Ayam... wahhh sedap2!!-
- Kuah yang sedap...-
- The killer!!! Nyum2.. tgk jela ayam die... pehhh!!! mmg sedap-
- hehe... ni model sambilan... promote ayam yang sedap nih... -
- Pengacara rancangan mari memasak : Inila hasilnya ya... hikhikhik-
- Ngehehe... Azie sbnrnye tgh renung nasik tu... aumm... bile mau mamam- =P
- Cheh... muke eksyen sbb dah kenyang tapi nasik ayam belum makan lagi... hikhikhik-
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, May 04, 2009 4 comments
Labels: +buddies+, +Groovy World+