Tuesday, May 26, 2009

t.w.i.s.t.e.r & j.u.m.b.l.e

Yesterday, after having a stomachful of lunch @ farewell party... we all went back to our office.. ape lagi... kerjaa la.. huhu...

it was a sunny day yesterday... until around 4ish... suddenly it was raining heavily siap ngan tunder storm ape sumer... okay lagi, since we're in 4 stories building kire cam takdela terasa sangat... then tetibe... we heard wind whoooshing... kuat giler! mcm dlm citer twister tu... huhu... terdetik dlm hati..

"puting beliung ker... tapi cam melampau lak.. rase kat us je ade twister2 nih.. huhu..."
tanye kat my staff "kal, ribut ker?"...
"angin tu lalu kat sini ke?" die lak tanye member lagi sorang... yang tgh dok tgk kat lorong nak g kat lif.. "a'ah.."

then my other colleague nak tutup tingkap kat blakang... huhu... seriously... mmg twister!! but not as big as dlm citer twister tu... kire cam anak die la... huhuh... subhanallah... mase tgk tu tercabut satu atap kat belah blakang (tak pasti kat mane..) and ada orang azan... huish... lepas tu around 10-20 minutes, hujan pun berhenti... hrm... peringatan to malaysian citizen... skarang kat mesia pun dah ade twister... huhu... insaf2..

maybe lps ni KRU leh wat citer pasal twister kat mesia laks... huhuhuh... (membebel nak sedapkan ati sendiri)

hurm... tetibe tringat citer x-men.. sbb ade yang storm tu kan... cube bayang kalau betul2 la ade mutan kat dunia ni... ngan halle-berry-storm yang suke2 ati jer nak panggil ribut taufan puting beliung sumer... huhu... seram... meremang dah bulu roma... huuuu
owh... en ted n me went to watch the wolverine last 2 weeks... hehe... serious! hugh jackman... his jaw bone mmg gagah giler.. hehe...

pic courtesy by www.fandango.com

for me.. citer die best... since i didn't read the comic.. ahah so i have no idea what his real life before he became one of the x-men... hehe... but the story was projected pretty well... esp. cam comei gile when he opted to be a lumberjack instead of hanging out with his bro's clan yang jahat... ahaha... cuma ending die pretty low... cam tetibe erk? tu jer? dahla time kitorang tgk tu diorang nye projector cam rosak ade la dlm 10 minit kitorang tgk kat blank screen tu... siap ade org cam nak jerit2 la ape la... ahaha..

teringat dulu mase tgh hot citer lord of the rings... hurm... that aragorn... die pun lelaki yang mempunyai jaw bone yang sgt gagah & hensem... mmg kalo tgk citer lord of the ring kalo part aragorn msti cam kusyuk je... ahaha... time tu budak2 lg..

pic courtesy of wikipedia
more aragorn a.k.a pics here...
tengok nih... pehh!! his jaw bone die pun sharp & nampak macho jer... hehehe...

Hrm... tapi suke jugak kalau lelaki tu botak cam vin diesel.. kalau die tgh marah.. nampak segala urat2 biru die tu... hahaha... check him out mase kat dlm fast & furious 4 tu... mmg tgk citer tu puas hati giler! nak2 last part yang die langgar that stupid-d*g straight 90 drjh tegak kat keter! peehhhh!!! ngeri giler...

-jelingan manje.. ahaks-

muke mmg blagak giler... huuhu.. ensem dan jahat
alala... tetibe jumpe plak gambar mase premier pasal the pacifier kot... haha.. cute kene jage bebudak..
pics courtesy from: fandango & autoblog
on another event... my americon idol lost!! aahhh... tensen tensen...yeah... i know kris allen is definitely a competition to adam lambert... huhu... but whyy!! after all the pujian melangit2 sampai awan ke tujuh awan dania sumer... american ppl still vote for kris allen... maybe after all, ppl still goes for the goodlooking instead of lambert's bad-boy looking... (ahaha... gile tuduhan takle terima hakikat) huhuhu... sedey2!!
hrrmm... tak pela... but slalunye kalau ko menang a.i ni... kejap je pemes.. nnti orang yang tak menang tu yang lagi pemes... (ahahaha.,. ayat mendengki takleh terima hakikat kat kris allen) haw haw haw... tensen jugak lagik!!
p/s hahaha... mati kalau ted bace nih... hahaha... deeeep down in my heart u're still the one babe.. hikss... saje kasi bakar jap... =P


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