hurm.. hari ni penat.. (itu pun nak citer).. hehe.. xperla.. tatau nak opening camne.. haha.. boleh?
last sunday, i had joined this one event held by BPA... huhu.. terasa cam pekerja berdedikasi.. hehe.. (itupun sbb sumer staff dah kene kerah gi event the week before.. so this week.. gua plak kene turun padang.. wonderpet la katekan.. haha) even though i hate the t-shirt i had to wear (besar bagak - dan menambahkan kebesaran ku lagi)....

tmow... memula dengar diorang panggil timau.. er?? limau? rimau? bukan.. tmow.. oh.. okie.. haha.. blur 20 minit before knowing the real name..

dah abeh event.. berangan naik tmow

hehe.. all d girls... hehe.. blakang tmow pun jadik.. sebbaik ade en.lan yg sporting layan je...
on action!
tgk muke ku.. serius kan? haha..
hurmm.. i'm kinda disappointed with d agencies that joined this event.. i know, there was so limited crowd.. and we're all mingle to each other booths.. haha.. dah takde orang kan.. xperla.. bukan ini yang mengecewakan... but... sometime.. what we've doubt on the g*v* agency are quite true and can be seen by the commitment shown in this event..Bygkan... d booth beside us.. they came (1 man actually) aroung 11 am (the event started @ 8am).. given out the car sticker and everything.. 10 minutes or so.. he went out for cigarrette.. then by the time we came back from lunch.. he and the booth has miraculously disappeared.. as well as the other booths (d g*v* agencies).. tinggal booth kitorang sorang je yang bukak! hahaha... pretty sad & pathetic aite?... =(
and there're some people who came after zohor prayer around 1.45pm (the event supposed to be ended by 2pm).. but what left is an empty hall..
hurm... tetibe teringin nak naik beskal...
anyone care to give me an early pressie for the w* or late present for birthday.. or early present for my-next-year birthday.. or.. just give me the present for no reason..
harap2 ade peraduan yang boleh menang beskal...sebab.. saya tidak dibenarkan untuk beli beskal.. why oh why... huhuhu.. takpun nak main kutu? banyak ke kutu nak main2?
dulu2.. i'd tried to persuade my mom to let me go to work riding a bicycle.. huhu.. rejected..
then.. tried to persuade en ted to buy me a bicycle.. alasan: leh kuruskan kaki/paha... huhu.. reject!! ahah.. alasan tak kukuh sebab dah kantoi x g gym sblm nih.. chis!
huuummm... idea idea.. takpun buat derma kilat kat opis.. untuk belikan beskal untuk gua.. please... mesti akak2 ni kesian kat aku kan.. i wish... huhuhu.. (~_~')
dah 2 malam mimpi beskal.. even anak jiran main beskal pun aku jeles... huwaa.. nak beskal nak beskal.. sekian.. rintihan beskal utk ari nih...
p/s npk sgt tadi mamai.. byk gile salah tulis.. wakaka =P
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