+ baby is now 4 months old.. =D weeee.... will talk & upload the pic about it later
++ achievement :: total distance = 4.20km, but 3km nonstop jogging.. (up sikit)..
+++ the achievement is celebrated with supper @ old town T_T ~ 1 oldtown white coffee + tuna sandwich.. (aiyyohh... ganti balik calories burned)
++++ jarum penimbang takde pegi jauh sangat dah... walaupun dekat sikit jer (2 senggat) from last time weighing @ Shah Alam. hahaha... for me, i'm satisfied enough since i dun wanna drastic reduction... yang penting lutut waa dah tak sakit.. =D
Friday, October 29, 2010
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, October 29, 2010 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Baby+, +Groovy in Gym+, +Groovy World+
Sunday, October 24, 2010
TBL ~ Ukay Perdana
So, first day on track.. 4.15 km total of running.
2.15km of non-stop jogging..
1km of sprinting (before i realize that i was as if in a sprint competition rather than jogging)
0.85km of power walking (+ 0.25km walking slowly while listening to the instructor)
1500 steps of power steps ladder thingy..
60 of abnominal crunch..
45 of something to do with your arm (maybe biseps?) & back.. i'll check the name again later...
haha.. slow start but not bad since i'd stopped jogging regularly like 1 year ago.. and only started again last month but most of it was cheating...
The good thing about this fitness club is that they have the instructor that will correct you if you exercise wrongly.. (even if you're not taking personal trainer).. like me... all this while, i've been wondering why i can't jog more than 1 km non-stop... but, apparently, what i did was sprinting rather than jogging... and i tend to step on the front of the feet rather than heels first ... so, that why.. i slalu skip jogging sebab 1 day after that i'll hurt my feet like hell. haha..
so, this is it... good bye to sweet leisure bermalas-malasan time sambil menternak lemak.. haha..
am gonna do this! and hopefully by the time we reach gambang, i'll look at least good in the picture.. (if not perfect) hahaha.. dream on groovy!
Posted by groovy ally at Sunday, October 24, 2010 2 comments
Labels: +Groovy in Gym+, +Groovy World+
Friday, October 15, 2010
not funny...
Thank you for loving me, thin & fat.. hehe.. luv ya'!
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, October 15, 2010 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Wifey+, +TED Tales+
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Am not gay..
Lepas mandi dah siap2 terus tidur...
Mimpi aper baby.. sampai juling2 mate.. hehe.. ;p
And... Exclusive for you...

Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, October 14, 2010 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Baby+
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Kalau boleh makan...
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, October 06, 2010 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Baby+
before pulang...
Himawari versi groovy baby... ;P
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, October 06, 2010 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Baby+
Friday, October 1, 2010
terkenang semasa dulu...
Hehe.. how time flies real fast these days kan...
Kadang-kadang when i woke up in the morning.. i was like.. seriously? i have a cute baby already? huhu...
Kadang-kadang baby nangis (hek hek hek~) nak susu.. i was.. "eh baby sape lak nih nangis..." huhu... talking about being a newly-bad-mummy ;p
-Mase Ted first sort-of-proposed me.. hehehe ;D i missed that feeling... ;) cam.. wow... i'm getting married! the nervousness (adeke?) nak bagitau mama & papa about this thing.. hehe.
-Mase our merisik-cum-engagement day.. berdebar2.. blushing2 sambil berazam kuat untuk lose weight on our wedding day sampai jadi tahap model.. haha..
-Mase our solemnization day.. berdebar2 mase Ted nak lafaz akad.. jatuh bantal.. haha.. drama swasta lagik.. and the excitement of being someone's wife and to call him my husband.. ahah..
-Mase our reception days.. there are many things that i could do better.. huhu.. like.. i should lose another 5 kgs that days.. haha.. and i want another wedding dress for my reception... huhu.. and i should not laugh / smile widely so much and be a sweet shy-shy bride.. huhu... i remember it was that nite he asked me what i wanna call him and what i want him to call me.. but Ted was being Ted.. didn't accept my suggestion and made his decision instead.. cheh. ;p
-Mase first we did the pregnancy test and found out we're pregnant (i mean i was pregnant) huhu.. we're still in our process nak berdiri kukuh, kenal hati budi, living with his parents.. whamp~! he hugged me and we went to sleep quitely... bukan cam ordinary couple who found out they're pregnant ~ jumped in excitement or even cried... huhu.. we're both afraid of what waits for us ahead... huhu..
-Mase first antenatal check-up.. looking at the scan.. bentuk kecik cam kacang peas.. we both smiles =D and slowly accepted the Gift.. Sesungguhnya Allah knows the best for us... maybe kalau tak pregnant we spend our money carelessly.. at least that goes to me la.. haha.. bile dah pregnant baru beringat sikit kan..
-Mase first tengok baby kicking.. hehe.. time tu sangatllaaa coommeelll!!! i think it was during our second check-up.. dalam 2 bulan ke berapa minggu ntah.. tertinggal lak gambar scan.. tapi time ni die baru tumbuh tunas tangan n tunas kaki? looks lik bud? tapi sangat comel.. haha.. pastu die dok tergerak-gerak atas bawah atas bawah.. even when the doc didn't move the scan thingy...
-Mase first rase she kicking in me.. comelness tahap gaban.. bagitau Ted.. and first time die dapat rase.. his face is priceless! =D
-Mase first tengok 'muke' baby dalam scan (we didn't do 3d scan though, tak sempat..) i saw her lips and that chubby cheek. paling obvious skali..
-Mase first tengok baby.. ;D dan dengar suare baby... "ehek..hek..hek" ssoo sweet and soft.. sekarang.. kalau nangis ehek ehek tak dengar start la die bukak gear 5.. heehehe...
Semalam pegi lawat Azie kat PPUM.. she just succesfully delivered a baby boy.. tetibe rindu nak tengok baby (my lil baby iman) mase day 1.. boleh ker?
Baby iman is 3 months old now.. she's one active baby girl.. asik nak terbangun-bangun.. nantilah ade mase wa upload her pick nak bangun... chiss.. mungkin terlupe diri tu masih tecit tak sabar2 nak jalan2 macam mummy yer.. hehehe... dah boleh tengok kamera (dengan muke pelik..) bile nak amek gambar.. haha.. dah suka nak agah2 a.k.a berborak dengan orang sambil senyum2 (mungkin die perasan die cute ;p). dah pandai tammoh letak / pegang dlm keadaan berbaring.. nak duduk cam orang besar gakkk tengok tv.. isk... mummy sangat tidak sabar nak bagi baby bace buku.. telah membeli 2 buku setakat ini.. haha.. satu yang keras ~ cite princess, and satu yang kain ~ cite psl kuda name neigh.. (apesal name neigh? susah nak sebut). At what age (month) can i start read her storybook? or i can actually start from now.. my nostalgic 365 bed-time story sudah menunggu untuk dibace.. hehe... Baby sangat attractive to nursery rhyme.. especially insy wincy spider and when u happy clap ur hand..hahah siap kepala wobble-wobble tengok.. mungkin nak wat head banging ke per.. hahaha.. love you baby =D Baby cepat besar... mummy nak main barbie.. eh.. mummy nak bagi baby main barbie.. hehe.. mummy nak ajar baby buat beads... lagipun mummy sangat takut pegang n nak mandikan baby time tecit2 nih.. haha.. dah besar senang sket mummy nak pegang..
OMG!!! look at that dress baby!! lets shopping.. hahaha... Gosh! i can't my baby to grow.. tapi boleh ke stop growing takat 3years old jer.. time tengah pelat2 cakap comel2.. hahaha... tapi 3yo tak appreciate barbie and beads.. so, besar laa sampai besar.. hahah..
Aku selalu wonder dan bersyukur besarnya nikmat Allah... Baby memanglah "the cutest alarm clock in the world". Even aku mmg senang terjaga dari dedulu pun, tapi bile dah penat gile siang, malam sure la tak sedar.. but now dah ade baby.. automatic terbangun bile baby nangis.. walaupun die cume nangis-nangus manje.. "ehek.. ehek.. ehek.. eeeekkkk" hehe.. that i guess what they call mother's instinct kot kan? walaupun aku masih fail in bf stuff ni tapi insyaAllah akan ku gagahi jua... we'll see setakat mana determination aku mengatasi godaan-godaan lain.. hehe...
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, October 01, 2010 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Baby+, +Groovy Preggie+, +Groovy Wifey+, +Groovy World+