Sunday, October 24, 2010

TBL ~ Ukay Perdana

So, first day on track.. 4.15 km total of running.
2.15km of non-stop jogging..
1km of sprinting (before i realize that i was as if in a sprint competition rather than jogging)
0.85km of power walking (+ 0.25km walking slowly while listening to the instructor)
1500 steps of power steps ladder thingy..
60 of abnominal crunch..
45 of something to do with your arm (maybe biseps?) & back.. i'll check the name again later...

haha.. slow start but not bad since i'd stopped jogging regularly like 1 year ago.. and only started again last month but most of it was cheating...
The good thing about this fitness club is that they have the instructor that will correct you if you exercise wrongly.. (even if you're not taking personal trainer).. like me... all this while, i've been wondering why i can't jog more than 1 km non-stop... but, apparently, what i did was sprinting rather than jogging... and i tend to step on the front of the feet rather than heels first ... so, that why.. i slalu skip jogging sebab 1 day after that i'll hurt my feet like hell. haha..

so, this is it... good bye to sweet leisure bermalas-malasan time sambil menternak lemak.. haha..
am gonna do this! and hopefully by the time we reach gambang, i'll look at least good in the picture.. (if not perfect) hahaha.. dream on groovy!


Noriee said...

go Ain go..u can do it..wish u all the best..

groovy ally said...

hehhe.. mem.. tq ;D

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