Huhu... I dun know if she's really that cute or it's just my parental nerves kicking in... ehehe...
But i believe, every parents out there felt the same way too.. right?
Especially bila die dah pandai membebel... tengah2 nak bertatih nak pandai jalan ni... EEiii...
Okie.. Here's some latest pic of my groovy baby... enjoy :)
Last Sunday... strolling/walking @ Lake Garden.. (Dah best rupenye tasik ni skarang..)

Spotted: benjol kat dahi... budak bijak! main atas kerusi dengan muka smug last2 jatuh.. ;p

I'm the BOSS! d previous week, teman papa pegi opis..

First Cinema Nite! @ Wangsa Walk Mall.. tengok harry potter and the Deathly Hallow... :D
1) Boleh panggil Papa.. Tata.. Tateh.. two.. Cat (siap bunyi eeooww).. star (lagu twinkle2).. kakak.. etc kalo ingat nanti update lagi.. hehe
2) Boleh jalan the most 10 steps
First baby cinema nite was awesome.. Cayalah baby..
Papa pun cakap.. lepas ni boleh tgk wayang lagi... eheh..
She's totally behaved! hehehe.. yelah... tengok pukul 12.30... time die tgh nyenyak tido... ;p
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