Okie... So, kita sambung lagik eak... Lil Iman is at school, Ted the Papa is at work... i'm here all alonee... hehehe
After having some shopping at Chesire Oak, we headed to Manchester.. Yeah! We stayed at The Travelodge Ashton Under Lyne, Manchester. Sampai je, it was almost 6pm, so we checked in and having dinner in house. haha...
The next day was our Stadium Day.. We had mission! :p
First, we went to check out Mama's old University doing his degree -
University of Salford and the Salford Shopping City.... The shopping city okie lah... hehe ade Argos! and then ade kedai 1 pound. hehehe... and yeah! another thing... lupe... ade Charity store for Cancer where they sold nice things at cheaper prices!
Argos is in here! :)
Mama's old school.. tak singgah sbb takde tpt nak park kereta.. hehe
After that, with glorious feeling we went to the Old Trafford Stadium... :) Wee.. stadium kebanggaan peminat Manchester United & rakyat Malaysia... hahaha...
It was raining when we arrived. So, terus masuk kedai Mega Store nya...
Teater Impian ~ Theatre of Dream... Hehe... Ted yang kegembiraan dengan Chicharito nya... ;p
Then after that, we went to the Red Cafe, lepak2 sambil merasai suasana mase game ade.. haha...
Uhhh... Potato Skin & Nachoss yang menggembirakan kami!
The 2 Man: Iman & Aiman playing while the adults having food feast.. hehe
By the time we finished eating & went out, the rain already stopped.. huhu...
Sir Matt Busby's statue in front of the stadium...
Before sampai UK, we've dreaming to have a tour in the Stadium which only cost 13 pound/17 pound.. Tapi, bila dah sampai ke tempat kejadian, tetiba tak jadi. Ted didn't feel like wanna take a tour unless there's game, Angah already been there before, Papa sudah kepenatan melayan Meme.. huhu... Only left me & nini... Last2 tak masuk... aiseh.. hehe.. berangan amek gbr depan stadium pun jadiklah... hehe...
Us with the legends.
Shot with the sistas.. :)

Lalu-lalu nak balik kereta skali bau bacin.. hahaha... aarrhhh!! groosss!!!

After the stadium, we decided to take a tour around the city... Manchester city ni.. buildingnya a bit gothic-like...
Agreed kan? Hehe... But, the city was busy... nak carik parking pun susah jugak + jauh from the places we wanna go.. mana lagi... primark & hard rock cafe.. huhu... Last2 we just mengelilingi city in our cars... But, if you wanna feel to be in a metropolitan city, come to Manchester..
After that, we the youngsters went for fish & chips searching... Found this one halal food restaurant... And ordered a lot! Haha... Sampai Ane tu bagi skali Cheesy pizza for free! But! he forgot our tandoori chicken... huhuh takpelahh...
Oopss.. tp time beli i just stayed in car sbb batuk yang sangat teruk sampai muntah2... hahaha.. tulah... tegar sangat asal beli air nak fanta / latte and it's ice! amek...
The cheesy fries...
The not-so-yummy-look-but-seriously-delicious fish & chips!
And the free cheesy pizza yang lagi sedap! hhaah...
Okie.. so after spending 2 nites in Manchester, we're going north.. errr.. ke east.. haha.. but we're going to North Wales ~ Conwy Castle & Snowdonia..
When u saw this signage, double language, you're definitely on the right track to North Wales.. Hehe..

Keep Wales Tidy
Along the way to Conwy Castle, kena lalu sebelah laut.. then.. this scary things were lined up along the beach.. it's the modern windmills... Arrghhh!! tapi aku terbayang cerita alien.. heheh... takpun terbayang bilah dia tercabut & tercampak... hehe..
And then, ternampaklah this Conwy Castle... :) Cantik kan...
More info on Conwy Castle...
As usual, we just took pictures in front of the castle.. hehe... xlarat nak jln jejauh dlm castle tu... huhu... And we had another mission to complete. The Smallest House in Britain & The Award Winning Fish & Chips.. Hehe...
Us, in front of The Smallest House in Britain with the care taker.. Comel kan makcik ni.. :)

Sneak peak inside the smallest house....
Memang small giler but it has 2 floors. Ni ground floor. And it has a very steep leader to the upper floor.
The upper floor - only small space for bed & toilet. Kalau tido lasak2 boleh tergolek jatuh tangga terus... hihi

Dah habih menjelajah rumah kecik tu... we hang out at the outside.
In front of the smallest house ade mcm dock or port for kapal nih... Sooo nice & peaceful..

After dah lepak ambil angin sampai sejuk2... teruskan jalan2 at the town... Untuk pergi ke kedai The Award Winning Fish & Chip :)
Memang Award Winning sungguh lah...
Kalau tak silap ni Cod Fish & Chips... See the chipss!! yummerss!!
Us, in front the Award Winning Fish & Chips.. Hehe Selepas kekenyangan... :)
Then, after that jalan2 sikit kat situ & heading back to parking lot.. Hehe...
Uhhh... My ultimate Dream! Coffee & Book Shop! Insya Allah...
Final shots before heading to the cars... The Conwy Castle
In front of 'our' castle.. hehe...

Which during the 15th Century in which if they built a house with complete walls/roof they can claim for the freehold, so this house was built overnight so the owner could claim the freehold. U can read further.. But, carik punya carik tak jumpa jalan... i guess the GPS we used hadn't registered it yet... hehehe... So, we just carik the nearest town. Tempat yang kitorang singgah ni is a railway station & mcm small town jugak lah... hehe... rehat2 lunjurkan kaki before heading to Chester for overnight :)
Ted & Lil Iman berangan with the Superbikes... hehe
Betws-y-Coed station...

Us with Papa & Aiman :) Yang lelain sedang mencari toilet... hehehe

So, that's day 3 & 4 of our roadtrip... Later kita sambung on the rest of our roadtrip journey okie... heheh :)