Hehe, remember my new year 2012 resolution... To cook at least once every weekend.. hehe... I did! so far lah.. ;p
So yesterday (since Saturday we went to Gombak, so i took a day off.. haha), i cooked 2 meals.
1 for Ted and 1 for me.. Baby makan sesame.. Hehe..
So for Ted, i cooked Kangkung Ikan Bilis & Ayam masak sweet sour.. Wahhh.. Tapi ayam sweet sour gua cheating guna perencah Seri Aji.. hahaha ;p Kasi chance baru nak blajar masak... Hehe... Ted makan siap bertambah.. Alhamdulillah :)

So, for me.. i cooked Spaghetti Oglio Olio... First time & from scratch.. Hehe.. tak guna perencah.. :P (kalau ni pun nak guna perencah tatau lah..) Rasa dah ada... cuma tak cukup bahan... boleh improvised lagi nak tambah lemon zest sikit & brocoli.. we see how... hehe...

And the best part is... Baby prefer this compared to nasik! Hehe.. yeay... that means mummy can cook this for both of us.. yeay.. senang.... heheheh ;P
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