April has been good to me.. :)
Alhamdulillah, there is a rainbow after the rain :)
Last week, was the weakest week of my life. I had a head-&-shoulder-ache on Monday & Tuesday. Took urgent leave on Tuesday. Then, on Wednesday i dun feel gud but still went to the office. Tak sampai pukul 10, tak tahan sbb perut rase tegang.. :( my boss asked me to go to the clinic & took MC for 1 day. Thursday, still not feeling good, and can't go to work. I still had stomachache and now it moved to my leg (bahagian paha) on Friday. And On Saturday the migraine hit me! Really can't open both of my eyes. Nasib baik Wani & Wawa datang Gombak on that day and gave me a massage. Ya Allah, banyak gile angin... huhu... On Sunday, tinggal sebelah je sakit, but still not feeling well on Monday... Tapi yang geramnya, we went to see a doc on Saturday. Walaupun tau takkan dpt ubat lain, but maybe he can refer me to the hospital. Dahlah tak referkan ke hospital, pastu menipu. Boleh tak die kate nak bagi MC on Monday, but he didn't even note anything in the system. Menyusahkan org yang tengah sakit :(
On Tuesday, i'm feeling well :) Boleh pegi ofis. Yesterday, i got my tax refund on a pay day + an increment + 3 months backdated increment. And today, bonus. Alhamdulillah :) Bonus.. Bonus.. Bonus.. First clear the debt.. then shop a lil bit for me (fossil & mph.. here i come :P) & iman and saving for my lil bun in the oven :D
Hoping for Ted to buy me something uhumm uhumm.. :P (sedang menghantar pesanan telepati untuk beliau bermurah hati membelikan isterinya sebarang dua :P)
Okay May, now i welcome you in peace :D
It's going to be a busy month.. And hopefully we'll be able to relax a bit on June for double celebration.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Hey Hey April...
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, April 27, 2012 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, April 26, 2012 0 comments
Labels: +sharona words+
Monday, April 23, 2012
Travelling Blanket Going to UK (Part 8) ~ The Finale

Posted by groovy ally at Monday, April 23, 2012 0 comments
Labels: "V" for Vacation
Monday, April 16, 2012
Hurm... Oh My..
I had a massage yesterday for my back & below abdomen pain... it was unbearable, i had a light massage last 2 weeks, but still the pain didn't go away.. :(
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, April 16, 2012 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Preggie+
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Travelling Blanket Going to UK (Part 7) ~ Madame Tussaud & Big Bus Tour

Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, April 03, 2012 0 comments
Labels: "V" for Vacation
Secret Code for Places
Topic kat Flyfm pagi ni: Secret Code for places, just in case you want to go to that place without telling off your friend.. hehe...
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, April 03, 2012 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+, +sharona words+