Monday, August 3, 2009

Putera Separa Darah?

That's it.. Last friday nite, we went to cineplex (or is it e@curve now?) to watch our long-waited Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.. haha.. so they translated it to Putera Separa Darah.. hahaha... can't it be like "Putera separa ahli sihir?" (more ridiculous i guess.) or "Separuh Prince (since his mom's first name is Prince), or whatever it is... putera separa darah is so not the translation Snape deserved.. ngeheh...
This is what i've been soo nervous since last week... I saved it to watch with d "hogwarts exchange students from malaysia." =P so, when other people said it kinda a frustrating movie.. i'm sort of feeling nervous and resah gelisah whether it is worth watching for.. haha.. mengarut..

-sebelum tgk separa darah.. kene makan char kuey teow dulu-

- the 4 hogwarts exchange students from Malaysia. ;-p-

-Blimey! u sure grown up fast Ron-

The review: We gave it 4/5.. heheh.. bias aren't we? haha..
Ok.. of course, it's frustrated that

  • i wasn't crying when Snape cursed Dumbledore to death..
  • Harry didn't go into the pensieve as much in the book...
  • We didn't get to see Draco's 2 sidekicks transformed into girls.. (haha.. that must be stupid) or
  • They don't do justice showing Dumbledore's beautiful white tomb..
  • All we can see of You-Know-Who is just the ugly cloud-face.
  • There's no battle between hogwarts+auror and the You-Know-Who's clanz.
  • Rase cam laju giler citer ni lompat2...

But hey, what do u expect? how can u cramped all the things into 2-hour-plus movie. At least the opening was hilarious and great..

For me, this book contained more emotions than the previous books..

  • There's love thingy going on between ron & hermione (n not forgetting that lavender) and harry & ginny..
  • There's heartbreaking moment when Dumbledore death and to see the agony look in Snape's eye..
  • Berdebar2 mase diorang pegi amek hocrux kat dlm cave yang ade orang mati tu (xingat name).. (luckily i didn't do anything stupid like yell 'alamak~!' or throwing away pop corn) hehe..
  • Excited mase tgk quidditch game (with ron being the keeper) or mase harry dapat felix tu.. hehe
  • Loathe n full of hatred when we look into Bellatrix's face as well as the death eaters.. eeegghh..
  • Lawak2 in this film is still kicking... like mcm seamus dari year 1 kalau buat potion je mesti meletup muka.. hahaha..
  • Gambar or shud we say cgi mase diorang main quidditch pun makin best depade year 1.
  • Gosh! Draco.. nape makin ensem? haha..

Sure i'm gonna miss d old goody Dumbledore in d next movie...

At least... all the crucial points were there in the movie.. at least we get the whole point of this book when Snape informed Harry that he's the 'Putera Separa Darah' (wakaka.. still can't stop LOL).. at least they'll be making 2 movies for the final book.. so that we'll get the full movie view of the book.. can't wait for the next 2 movies.. hehe...

So, there's there.. This movie is ain't bad at all..

Samela macam ramai orang frustrated and critic Transformer 2; Revenge of The Fallen.. For me, the movie was exciting.. Well, Megan Fox is MF what's new? It not a waste to watch in the cinema and it's not a waste to watch it twice.. hehe.. guess, i'm easy to be pleased no? Seeing that old fighter-jet-robot came to rescue when they're really in need esp optimus prime.. wasn't it cool? hehe.. he's cute anyway (i forgot his name already). I dun remember the end of the movie though it kinda blurry.. camne eak abeh die? lupe.. mungkin finishing die yang menyedihkan same as HP & HBP. macam... "erk? itu jer abeh die..." so not satisfying kan? tapi manusia mana pernah puas. hehe..

Pastu on Saturday we went to K Diana's wedding (anak Pak Ngah Din.).. She's so georgeous ain't she? as usual.. makan2.. i kinda forget that i'm on no-rice-diet bila tgk nasik kaler warne warni.. luckily half way i remember.. haha kalau tak.. habehla..

me with the Raja Sehari.. sooo georgous..

Tapi bila keluar je dewan.. arrghhh we're stucked in the traffic jam for 2 hours.. just because of that stupid 'tp'. Pardon me for being so ignorants. But if they're willing to cause this traffic jam just to send the memorandum or whatever it is, even it is for good cause i'm out of it. heheh.. when we maneuvered to Sungai Besi to get to MU, jam panjang giler.. i bet sampai seremban pun confirm jem.. kesian polis2 kene jaga jalan.. they're supposed to have their family time, yet there they were to menjaga keamanan rakyat.. Bravo!

On another note.. as at page 330, i officially hate Bella.. yes Bella Swan as in that Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn.. i know she's kinda accident prone (mcm aku la jugak), and "she tends to choose the wrong person to love" (quoted from Jacob Black).. but why is she so dumb & 'numbsk*ll' to keep that 'thing'? boleh tak buat benda budus yang lain? i dunno what is she thinking.. lucky i'm not her that even if i were to had that same dream and desparately wanna be a vamp, i won't be that stupid and risk everybody else for my stupid decision. kalau only to risk her life, it's ok.. but to risk the treaty that had been created long ago? fuhh! emosi giler haha.. so, i guess my late-nite-stay-up-to-finish-the-book started again.. *sigh*

So, the question is.. if you were to be given choice (well, not likely though) between Vampire/ Wizard/Witch / Werewolf / Autobot.. which one will you choose?

Me.. a Witch! (like hermione/sabrina).. Being immortal is super cool, but it can be tiresome after a century or two, no? I'm as easily bored as i'm easily amused with anything.. hehe.. it kinda shameful to having to transformed into a naked body (without a stray of cloth) after changing from a werewolf.. and having to eat raw definitely a low point.. and Autobot.. it's cool for being big and can transformed into any car i like.. but, autobot have no shape, like hourglass shape all women are dying for.. so, not 'rock' enough though. So, there.. i love being a witch who is closer to muggles but with extra talents.. i can eat as normal human while having extra advantage than u muggles.. haha and i can get the chance to call people i hate "mudblood".. hehe.. so, what about u?

hey.. i met my long-lost buddy Lily.. at the Maju Junction Mall, 39 days after her giving birth to lil baby girl- Qistina.. dang! she's georgeous still.. hehe.. take care babe..


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