Lovely Lady
You are lovely and caring. You help others and spread out a lot of sympathy. Your life aim maybe is to serve the people. But your weakness is that you forget about yourself, your own needs. All your time is hold back for your friends and family. You are always there for people in trouble. Ready for any emergency. You make a lot of sacrifices just to be a good human. But every woman has her needs, her longings and a destiny. Don't loose yourself in work or curing other people's souls. You will have your own problems in your life. Another problem is that you don't say your opinion when it's right and important to say it. People trample onto your soul if you are always so kind and lovely and helpful. They will play on you. Though you should try to relax more and enjoy your life, you should not loose the gift that was given to you to help others . Not everyone is created this way... You are uniqe and rare!
hahah... sure it can be true aite?
Friday, January 30, 2009
auww... i'm a lovely lady... am i?
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, January 30, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Quizzical Me+
Saturday, January 24, 2009
hehehe... Just started this facebook thingy... thanks to Timmy & Angah for persuading me...
then, as usual baru2 start nieh excited nak try sumer application available... so, i decided to try the birthday thingy... here i am... *wink*
You often have problem in promoting yourself, just because you don't know how to express your true self. On the other hand, you don't really care what they think. This is why people misunderstand you until they really get a chance to learn about your pleasant personality. Opposite sex find you mysterious and worth searching. Your wit is remarkable but sometimes you are too fast to follow. Your Love, You won't reveal your feeling even after dreaming about the same guy over and over. Your first love lasts forever. You are responsible to the feeling of your lover. The chance to betray your lover is none. You have luck with children.
err... i guess i already seen this "me" in another quiz.... guess it all the same.. heheh.. so. i'm right when i said that i have trouble to express myself.. aite? it stated there, what...
so.. it gonna be 9 months left... i've to start my cooking class soon!
Posted by groovy ally at Saturday, January 24, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Quizzical Me+
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The 13th day of the new year 2009.. hurm.. wonder if this year wud be wiser, healthier and happier.. =)
I spent most of my 2009 so far (well, it's only 13 days after all) reading chick-lits & watching dvds / gossip girls season2 marathon.. err... not exactly new year spirit huh? It just that i missed the 'enjoyment' and excitement reading my fav authors' for the last year. Not to whine or moan, but i kinda neglected my own interest just to please everybody else around me. err.. not really.. hihih since i equally hurted somebody else through this process.. Well, having said that.. my resolution for 2009 are going to be all about heart.. heh..
1. Enjoy every moment of my life.
2. Appreciate myself and everybody around me.
3. Stop overthinking about every single things that happened to me every single day.
4. Be motivated. Do my very best at work and reduce work stress.
5. Be healthy + weight management.
6. .... And more heart thingy..
Ok, so i'd started my new year reading books. yea.. u read it right, books.. in exact words - 6 books, from before xmas until i put down my final book - Love Rosie, yesterday. So here are my humble review from the perspective of ordinary girls who live in her own world minding her own business and enjoy reading.
Shopaholic & Baby
- After read the first 4 books, this book is equally hilarious.
- I slept late that nite and kept promise my sleepy eyes that i wud sleep after this chapter..
- Kinsella able to remind us that people especially lady could do almost everything just to reach her/his goal. especially where relationship matters. And i scared of this the most.
- And something about having babies also scares me as well. I learnt that it is an enjoyable experience throughtout the prenancy periods & having the baby. But the birth moment that worries me.. (err.. why am i so worry bout this thing now, again?)
Remember Me - Sophie Kinsella
- how our life cud change just in a matter of 3 years... and how we tend to live in a pretentious life to get what we want... but the best part is that life is all in our hand and how we perceived it to be...
- i enjoy reading it and it makes my brain works to think about everything happened in my life for the past 3 years... er.. something has change but not too obvious.. =P
Thanks for the memories - Cecilia Ahern
- this is the second book i read by cecilia ahern... the first was 'a place called here'.
- cecilia's imagination is something for me... she always amazed me that there's certainly no limits of imagination and it's the beautiful thing about our brains...
- I love this story very much! it's about the blood transfusion thingy that end up u experience the donor's life in one way or another..
- And another thing that make me love this story is about her relationship with her father. it touched my soul...
Queen of Babble Gets hitched - Meg Cabot
- this is actually the 3rd book... but i missed the 2nd book so i kinda lost somewhere in the story...
- it is an enjoyable reading experience...
- but i really need to find the 2nd book Queen of the babble in the city (something like that) and reread the 1st & 3rd book.. i'll tell you more after that...
Ps i Love you - Cecilia ahern
- okay so i was delayed, lagged and outdated (rolling my eyes) for only read this book now.
- i heard about this book since it hits the cinema... but i don't bother reading it or watching the movie..
- the book is awesome... sedey! nangis2 bace buku nieh.. after read it terus call En TED.. (die blank giler..) =P
Love Rosie - Cecila Ahern
- hurm.. the story is great.... long story i wud say... since 7 years old until years old..
- she wrote it in kinda letter/notes/e-mail/chatting all written communication in rosie's life... even her transcript is there too... so, it kinda penat membace surat cinta orang actually...
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, January 13, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Coffee n Books+, +Groovy World+
Friday, January 2, 2009
Somethin' about luvey dupey
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, January 02, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Fun Facts+
Hehehe... saje2 tgk2 gambar dulu... and found this pics...

Posted by groovy ally at Friday, January 02, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Fun Facts+

the chubby me
Welcome our new member of the family.. our nephew- Amirul Aiman Haris.. 4.3.2008

Cute eah?
Our travelling pants strode in style again this year...
I learned something about Love too...
There cudn't be more wedding invitation than this year.. hehe... My bestest buddies get hitched... (Azie & Zura.. wehh tinggal aku sorang laa...)
It started with Afni... (9 March 2008)
And Azie (9 March 2008).....
Aida in July 2008..
Odah in Oct 2008... (gambar xamek lagi ade kat Wan)
Zura in Nov 08...
And we signed our final 'wedding guest book' of 2008 with Farah on 29/12/2008...
And some more that i may forget to announced it here.. pardon me for my short-term memory lost i'm suffering this lately... well.. it's dissapointing to forget anything that happened to you in such a short time... like... what happened in 1 week earlier? (eer... shut up! i'll tell you my frustration later in different entry)
May they live happily ever after...
Err.. And i may have to start saving from now for baby showers gifts in 2009! Wink*wink*
Another important lesson learned in 2008 is about Life...
I shut myself off the internet somewhere in 2006... I closed any accounts i have in the net- my friendster, e-mail (except for work of coz).. I strained myself from writing... from expressing my feeling & thoughts into the world... I departed myself from friends.. I live a gloomiest life in 2 years... I read no blogs.. i met no friends... all is work and me.. And this was not me at all!
I used to be a happy go lucky person.. a person with so many thoughts and ideas in mind... I used to be open and free spirited.. Who loves to babbles... who loves to play around... My life always been colourful... But something happened and i shut my life - my happy life away..
Until 1 day.. I realised.. I'm totally living a different world of mine.. And I dun want to live in this world any longer.. Of course.. En Ted was the person who taught me what life is all about... and now.. I'm crawling to get my life back.. I know it's not easy.. The pain is still there... But i'm positively confidence that someday... And here I'm start blogging again... coz writing is in my heart... i love writing practically about everything...
And I'll live my life fullest once again.... wait for the new me.. will ya! (*_^)/
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, January 02, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +buddies+, +Groovy World+