the chubby me
Welcome our new member of the family.. our nephew- Amirul Aiman Haris.. 4.3.2008

Cute eah?
Our travelling pants strode in style again this year...
I learned something about Love too...
There cudn't be more wedding invitation than this year.. hehe... My bestest buddies get hitched... (Azie & Zura.. wehh tinggal aku sorang laa...)
It started with Afni... (9 March 2008)
And Azie (9 March 2008).....
Aida in July 2008..
Odah in Oct 2008... (gambar xamek lagi ade kat Wan)
Zura in Nov 08...
And we signed our final 'wedding guest book' of 2008 with Farah on 29/12/2008...
And some more that i may forget to announced it here.. pardon me for my short-term memory lost i'm suffering this lately... well.. it's dissapointing to forget anything that happened to you in such a short time... like... what happened in 1 week earlier? (eer... shut up! i'll tell you my frustration later in different entry)
May they live happily ever after...
Err.. And i may have to start saving from now for baby showers gifts in 2009! Wink*wink*
Another important lesson learned in 2008 is about Life...
I shut myself off the internet somewhere in 2006... I closed any accounts i have in the net- my friendster, e-mail (except for work of coz).. I strained myself from writing... from expressing my feeling & thoughts into the world... I departed myself from friends.. I live a gloomiest life in 2 years... I read no blogs.. i met no friends... all is work and me.. And this was not me at all!
I used to be a happy go lucky person.. a person with so many thoughts and ideas in mind... I used to be open and free spirited.. Who loves to babbles... who loves to play around... My life always been colourful... But something happened and i shut my life - my happy life away..
Until 1 day.. I realised.. I'm totally living a different world of mine.. And I dun want to live in this world any longer.. Of course.. En Ted was the person who taught me what life is all about... and now.. I'm crawling to get my life back.. I know it's not easy.. The pain is still there... But i'm positively confidence that someday... And here I'm start blogging again... coz writing is in my heart... i love writing practically about everything...
And I'll live my life fullest once again.... wait for the new me.. will ya! (*_^)/
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