Thursday, April 30, 2009
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, April 30, 2009 2 comments
Labels: +Groovy Coffee n Books+
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
i n.e.e.d...
Errghhh... in a dreadful meeting...
sampai naik angin perut aku... =P damn... i'd open my nescafe in can... tapi tetibe cam terkulat2 lak guys infront of me kang nak sket... takkan nak share? so aku simpan bawah meja dulu... satgi minum...
I'm so wanted to have my own spa... wwwuuuhhuuu... or just a nice herbal sauna by Aura Seri.. Ohhh... i miss u kak niza.. =P
- the mirror for vain n the aromatheraphy scents (ape tah name die)-
-the bed for massage... but yet to feel the heavenly touch-
- the sauna... hehe and the chair untuk menenangkan kepeningan..-
- the shower... best giler! leh adjust kuar air kut tepi... hahaha jakun giler.. mmula tgk rase cam nak naik spaceship laks-
- to kill the time.. i read the OBAMA antara Islam, Kritian dan Yahudi (uuuhhh... sungguh series aku nih... weird... i know)-
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, April 29, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+, +sharona words+
Friday, April 24, 2009
hehe... Am tagging myself on this game by Timmy... hehe.. =P
So... the instruction goes:
Anda perlu printscreen wallpaper anda yang tengah gune skang tetipu tak main ehhh... tak yah gatai nak tuko gambo cun bagai..amik jer gambo yg sedia ade....kalau gambo window ha buh jer la....hikhik...
Bgtau nape anda suke wallpaper anda ituhh...
Kerana dialah chenta hatiku... ^_^
This is how my desktop looks for the past 3 weeks... hehe... ever since i posted about him... i can't stop missing him... ahaha angau nieh! so, gua pun cilok gambar die kat sini terus use as desktop background... Now i can 'meet' him everyday... mmm... to be truth... everytime i on my laptop.... hnssshhh (dgn prasaan berbunga2).. pastu tensen2 buat keje... saje2 gi kat desktop... hahaha...
Speaking of him - my 'dark' (yet-not-so-dark) beau (if only i meet him before En Ted...... *sigh* ahaha.. so not!).. Last nite... eventhough i was on drug (sbb tonsil yer.. pastu tak sedar diri pegi bantai minum vico kat tgh2 panas!!)... Ku gagahi jua untuk tunggu sampai his turn to performed for the nite kat 8tv... hehe...
ala2 kuchi2... siap cam malu2...
He sang "If I Can't Have You" -- a disco song but he sing with slow melody... CAIR!!!
huhuhu... Feeling... (sure tgh terbayang muka aku... =P )
Look at him... after the performance.... =D cair2!!
Quoted from the website : "Simon said that Adam's vocals were immaculate."
Hehe... he look just okay with anything... even with the black nailpolish n heavy mascara!!
Huhuh... Breathing for the first after 20 minutes!! hehehe...
I know I'm crazy now & i better stop now or i might migrate to US now and propose him! haha.. giler...
ps/ all pics are courtesy also from the very website..
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, April 24, 2009 5 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+, +RedBox+
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
hehehe... i'm just murdering my time waiting over the moon.. =P sesaje gatal try wat scrapbook (without the 's') hehe... first trial.. klakar giler! pilihan warne tak berape kene...
Fyi.. i've a different perception of colours from others... everyone keep complaining that i have an eyes mcm org tua.. huhuh... poor me.. =P
(what to do, i'm in complaint department anyway)... hehe...
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, April 15, 2009 6 comments
Labels: +Fun Facts+, +Groovy Familia+
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
i h.a.t.e m.a.k.e.u.p
hehehe... remember i screamed cool elegance? Huhuh... well, i did opt for Malay costume - Kebaya yet no 'cool fever' hehe =P
Yeah... read the title : i dun like my make up.... mateku jadi sepet! mencii! definitely i won't go to him anymore after this..
We enjoy all the performance & have fun... hehe... dapat jumpe Upin & Ipin but didn't manage to snap a pic with them... Siap dapat air mineral & pop corn (dah macam tgk movie je rase)...
- Me & timmy while waiting for the show to start.. lampu pun blum padam-
pic snapped by the magical hand of Ms. Annaster... hehehe... =P
- ehem2.... sblm balik sempat snap segambar ngan Incik Sham Kamikaze! siap senyum tuuu!! -
Sebbaik dah nak start lagu final, if not i'll definitely jump up the stage and stand beside him! heh!!..
Rase cam nak wat wallpaper laks gambar nieh... wakaka... jgn jeles eak...
- huhu... pic ngan artis jugak nieh! hahahah... tapi mate tido hape la...
first runner up... rock giler budak2 nieh!! nyanyi lagu Fantasia Bulan Madu by Search... chis! i'm not a malay rock lover except for Search & Wings.. (or song karok by En Ted)... heheh.. You deserve it guys! especially Fir... suara lu mmg rock tahap gaban kelapan! Mase jerit2 tu siap meremang bulu rome aku... huhuhu... Eventhough they were only 2 on the stage, but we still feel like we were in a rock concert... mamat kurus tu gi lompat tinggi pastu dah abeh lompat terus duduk bersila... canggih!
More pics in timmy's fesbuk.. hehe... =D
Letih but enjoy! but the most exhausting part is to remove all the make ups... huhuh! i hate make ups!! huh... i had to stayed up another hour to remove all the chemical thingy on my face... especially the mascara... duh! luckily i didn't wear the fake eyelash... kalau tak mau aku tido je terus... uhhh!! Ini pun since i want to have a trial make up that i went thru all this trouble...
i know make up is every ladies best friend... but definitely not mine... i dun really bother to put anything on my face.. bodyshop lipstick/lipgloss + a layer of bodyshop all in one face base is enough... jimat duit beli make up lagi pun (wakakaka)... ntah i have sensitive skin where all the blemish seems living happily on my face every time i put something up... (tak buh paper pun dok kuar gak)... so.. i dun bother...
Maybe when i grew a lil older after this, i will get myself to like make ups... hahaha.. i'm not old enough for make ups! LOL
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+
Friday, April 10, 2009
better late than never
poyo jer title... chiss...
Where: KLCC dan sekitarnya...
What: Earth Hour 2009
View from: Level 5 HKL
Tapi kat HKL diorang tak tutup letrik.. bukan tak sayang bumi... tapi nyawa pesakit lebih penting... nanti tengah operation... skali off sumer letrik.. =( kesian patient tu... hurm... Pastu kalau patient yang dok pakai life support tu? humm... lagila haru... isk isk isk...
Kat umah tutup jap jer diorang cakap... Pasal ade Akademi Fantasia... huhuh sabo jer la..
Ingatkan nak ajak Angah jalan-jalan kat KL sbb nak tgk KL without any lights... Tapi tonite was my turn to stay with Mama... =) tapi i cud say I'm glad and somehow jiwang jap cos i cud stay near Mama when there's no light... hmmm... kire cam when we were young.. we always go to Mama when there's lightning or black out... UUuhhhh... Syahduu...
I dunno y... Maybe it's because I was at the hospital that time... I was touched by the support from most people... hurm.. cube bayangkan.. This is how our ancestor live their life... without electric support, yet they still survive...
Water vs. Electricity - If you could only choose one... which one do you go for?
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, April 10, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+, +Quizzical Me+
Scream Adam Lambert.. Meet you later Megan!
Yeah! Scream your tongue (or ur head) out ladies!!
Adam Lambert in the house (blog)!!!
To tell the truth... I'm not an american idol fan.. except once during Bo Bice time.. hehe.. I rather read a book or anything else than watching american idols.. ntah giler kot? hehe...
Even now, when my extremely idolest idol - Adam Lambert is in... i still missed several weeks.. huh.. aperla.. like that Top 9 week when Megan Joy was eliminated... i didn't managed to watch it... but nevermind... Astro.. mcm2 ada...

See those killer eyes? huh!! really killing me!! I always fall for bad boys look.. i dunno... =P dah la rock giler! pastu mase die nyanyi lagu that week of 50 years of Motown... Soooo comel giler! errgghh!! just imagine from the above he transformed into this:

This is how i imagine him to be at the prom, or annual dinner or even wedding! haha..
And he's the same age (or 1 year younger) as me.. =D
Cube anda bayangkan... if the very person above come knocking your parents house door, asking your dad to bring you out to a dinner! waaahhhh!! Even my mom pun gerenti setuju buat menantu... hehe... =P Dah la ensem.. sore pun sedap! even Simon gave him a standing ovation.. hmmm... i just can't enough of him!
Hurm.. After Adam, i love this minah salleh... Megan Joy! Sob Sob.. she was eliminated at Top 9.. huhuhu.. dun worry love.. You'll be rocking out after this...

She's only 22 years old... She's sooo cute and have this cute-annoying hip dancing move she made in practically every song she sang... comel giler.. nak nari cam ayam pun ade... tangan bengkok sket kat atas.. pastu gelek2kan ur butt.. huhuh... so, damn weirdly cute.. =)
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, April 10, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +RedBox+
Korek2 folder kat PC skali terjumpa these pics... hehe.. lama dah amek tapi tak prasan...
Saja untuk tatapan diriku... hahaha... =P
Suka gambar nih sbb background dinding kaler pink combine ngan si kenit nih... =)
Time ni Aiman just learn to tatih.. cute sangat!! what with his enot's pampers-butt..
I just can't have enough with this kid.. well he's the third child as I am.. and the only nephew of mine (Hj Ali clanz).. Bau sedap.. comei.. pastu suke geram2 kat orang!! taktau orang pun dok geram kat die... cubit kang!! Kadang2 terasa nak libas butt die sbb comel sgt time merangkak/tatih... tapi tak sampai ati laks... huhuhuh...
Firuz's wedding...
More pics to come.. tapi tak sempat nak transfer from my crappy cam.. nnti da transfer gua upload kat fesbuk.. huhuh... whatever...
First time jejak kaki kat Berserah (seingat aku la).. banyak ikan masin n keropok lekor... habih borong aritu... cian kete K Long.
Anyway.. Doesn't she looks luvly? She's always beautiful even without make ups..
Congrats Firuz... semoga berbahagia ke akhirnya.. =)

This pic.. haha... saje jer... First eat Wendy's mase nini tapau dari PJ.. ntah mane hale die pegi.. Then, i've been craving for the burger.. rase masin2.. best! But i think the burger was bigger last time... hurm.. but Fries not so sedap (xmcm Mc D).. Alasan makan kat sini? Boikot Mc D.. eventhough this is also an American product, tapi tak rase guilty sgt as there is no direct instruction to boycott.. haha.. jahat sungguh!! Bygkan Azie.. kite dah menyalurkan sedikit wang ke sane!!! Okie2 i know.. i know... i will stop eating at Wendy's coz i need to shed some weight!
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, April 10, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +buddies+, +Groovy World+
Thursday, April 9, 2009
c.o.o.l e.l.e.g.a.n.c.e
Am attending a company dinner this saturday and i'm still don't have a dress/clothes whatsoever to wear!
Am screaming Cool Elegance! What on earth is cool elegance?
Am thinking to wear my Elle grey tweed jacket + ala audrey hepburn black mini dress (from sosuheaven) + Elle skinny black pants... Cool but not elegance...
My colleague cadangkan dress.. but how to find nice 'muslimah-dress' without looking near to jubah yet not too semak... hurm.. i'm definitely running out of time, with sooo limited money & with mountain of work.. i want to buy something look elegance + cool (the main theme of course) without having to spend thousands. hehehe... something that catch my eyes.. i dun care about other people eyes... huhuh... ultimately pening!
Habeh dah survey blog.. ade yang cantik.. but samada cun utk org kurus jer (takleh sorok my extra 2kg tummy hahah makan lagi tak ingat donia).. atau pun not meant for cool elegance dinner.. hurm.. ade yang dah okey but can they deliver it tomorrow.. huhuh tak tanye lagi the owner tapi nanti try dulu..
p/s sblm ni tak kisah pun nak pakai lelawa simple pun ok.. awat tetibe gatal sgt aku nieh... huhuhu... =P
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, April 09, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +sharona words+
Thursday, April 2, 2009
O.s.p.i.t.a.l R.h.a.p.s.o.d.y
These 2 weeks are definitely hospital weeks for our family...
It started when mama had severe fever and was admitted to HKL on 21st March.
1st April..
Hari yang bersejarah dalam diari kami sekeluarga...
Along aka Honey memang dah demam since Sunday.. penah sampai 40.. bawak g klinik & bagi ubat...
Siang ok.. Malam demam balik... Hum.. dah suspect denggi.. so Tuesday morning Angah bawak Along g check up kat Ampang Putri.. Check darah result leh dapat the same day...
Doc suspect Denggi.. tapi nak masuk ampang putri cam jauh nak ulang alik dari umah.. pastu mama still ada kat HKL... Angah decided hantar along kat Danau Kota hospital.. tapi was rejected sbb takde doc pakar.. then try Gombak Medical Centre.. pun rejected coz doc pakar datang spital 5 hari skali... huhu... so, nak taknak tengah hari tu Papa & Angah hantar Along ke Ampang Putri..
Second day... still tak larat nak bangun...
3rd day.. dah larat nak bangun sket...
Tension kene snapped gambar time demam..
Okie sambung balik rentetan perjalanan sejarah kami...
Baru je papa, angah & honey sampai APSH.. K Linda (My Sis in Law) call papa.. dah sakit sangat nak deliver baby.. Huhu.. Papa terus gegas lari balik umah amek K Linda...
At the same time, K Linda called me.. sape nak jaga Una & Aiman? (Their 2nd & 3rd child) Abahwe pun dah abeh dialesys... (My grandpa)
I was on my way to Eyeda's house (my staff).. she'd delivered a baby boy.. so nak g tgk la ngan kekawan lain... Just 5 minutes ago, En M (one of the manager) called me for a discussion at HQ..
Adeh.. cemanner nih.. but i had set in my mind... anything family come first..
So, call En M, to cancel the discussion.. tapi die suruh datang jugak.. Hurm.. so.. ingat nak tunggu Eyeda balik dari spital, tgk baby then lari pegi HQ.. Then dash off to hospital amek Una & Aiman.. Tapi dah kul 1 lebih nih.. Eyeda and the baby belum sampai.. dah mundar mandir.. skali kasut baru lak terpijak taik kucing.. chis! sempat lagi..
Luckily K Zah (tumpang kete K Zah dtg tadi.. Iswara-Evo3 ku habeh gas aircond..) kesian tgk boss die ni dok kalut2.. K Zah bagi kunci Gen 2 suruh balik opis skang ngan K B.. huhuh... TQ eak K Zah! =D
Okie.. So memecut le saya.. Skali Papa call.. Papa dah sampai Setapak.. nak tinggalkan kids kat opis ke nak bawak g spital dulu... kesian lak papa nak uruskan kak linda lagi nak jaga dak2 tu lagi.. takpe.. ayu dah nak sampai dah ni.. papa drop kat opis la.. (walhal kat MRR2 tmn melawati lagi.. sempat ni pecut).. ape lagi.. tekan kuase Gen 2 sambil call nini.. (sebbaik tuan keter tak naik sama.. kot tak mesti kecut perut)... tukar Plan.. cadang nak parking aiman & una kat nini (UM) pegi discussion kat HQ then balik fetch them up... tapi Maxis bengong.. takleh nak call nini... Pesan ngan Kak B... kalau misal tak dapat call nini, minta kak b wakilkan aku yer... Kak B kate Insya Allah..
Sampai opis.. Papa dah takde.. diorang dah pegi spital lama nau tunggu Acik tak sampai2...
Ape lagi.. parking Gen 2 amek Iswara-Evo3.. dushhh HKL... Smpai kat H Bersalin.. Papa tgh pegang Aiman (Cute! kalut lupe nak amek gambar).. Una tgh tgk Mama die.. Doc tgh check2..
Skali... K Linda dah ditolak ke dewan bersalin.. aku kene g register kan.. huhu.. sebbaik i dtg sini.. kalau pegi HQ terus.. tatau la papa camne... Dah settle register.. Msg En Mizie & K B.. confirm tak sempat nak g discussion nih... skali.. bateri phone plak habeh... ADEHH!! sebbaik sempat call En Mizie.. Kak B jer tak sempat.. huhuh... nombor K B tak ingat lak tu.. huhu.. gune la public phone yang last ku guna mase kat MMU dedulu.. (credit slalu abeh time tu)
Dah settle pesan kat K Zah suh pesan kat K B... lege.. pegi bagi misi borang dah register.. misi suh antor barang kat Wad A1.. huhu.. waahhh.. first time masuk Wad bersalin... hehe.. baju die kaler Pink.. comel la..
Lepas tu turun bawah.. "Papa nak g tgk Mama.. mama dah tak tenang duduk kat bilik die.. BP headwired... Acik tunggu sini ngan kids nanti apaper call papa.." aku dengan confident.. Okie..
Pastu teringat.. Phone dah abeh bateri.. si Aiman dah comot makan roti Doremon.. Una dah excited nak beli air mesen.. Bahwe lagi sesorang kat umah... aduh.. pegi la skali lagi kat public phone tu.. call papa.. " Takpe Ayu bawak balik budak2 ni dulu". Papa okie..
Aku pun dusshhh balik umah menaiki Iswara-Evo3 tanpa aircond tu... huhuhu... singgah jap kat Mc D.. (stop boikot arini sbb tak sempat nak singgah memane beli makan the kids).. itupun singgah drive thru jer...
Sampai umah.. bahwe has taking his noon nap.. lege... bagi the kids makan Mc D... heheh bukan makan pun dok main spiderman jerk! chiss..
Skali... Assalamualaikum... "Udaa!!!" my saviour!!! huhuhuhu... best2... bawak plak Big Apple.. huhuh.. makan lagi...
Kul 6.. Papa balik dengan ajim..
Uda pegi kat Honey.. Acik pegi kat Mama & K Linda...
Bangga2!! I was the first to see our new family member!!!
Dgn excitednye.. sms sumer orang "Alhamdulillah K Linda dah selamat melahirkan Alinur kul 2.39 ptg tadi.. berat 2.8kg"
Mama & baby sihat.. Alhamdulillah..
Our new groovy baby... Alinur Alya Humaira.. =D
Lepas tu gi kat Mama.. Mama dah sihat.. Mama kate takyah tidur hospital malam.. Pg balik umah.. tunggu orang kat umah lak... hehehe...
So balik umah... bawak placenta skali nak tanam... dah settle tanam.. kul 9 lebih.. g APSH dengan Abg, Ajim, Aiman & Una... gi tengok Honey...
huhuh.. fuhh kul 12 baru balik umah.. balik tak ingat paper terus tidur...
Mama & K Linda balik umah 2/4/2009.. and honey balik 5/4/2009..
6/4/2009 Aiman pulak demam campak.. kesian dak cumel nih... dah la cerah.. bile naik merah2 kat badan n muke die kesian sangat...
Demam-deman tapi tetap senyum kat camera!!
Alhamdulillah we managed to survive ujian kali ini.. Bila renung balik.. everything happened for a reason kan.. Ada hikmah di sebalik ujian ini.. Aiman pun dah sihat semalam @ 8.4.2009..
Apepun... Our family become closer and stand together all days.. =D Mamacik, Papacik & Wawa pun turun KL to give us helping hands.. Thanks guys! Mama have to admitted again to HKL for further check up next 2 weeks.. skang kene jumpe neuro-something something.. something related to her fever earlier... So, InsyaAllah lepas sumer dah settle & sihat.. we'll have a family gathering for doa Selamat...
~ Ape yang penting... Kerjaaasame~
p/s within these 2 hectic weeks.. i gained 2 kgs! huhuhu...
Confirmed.. i'm this type of person (lupe dah type ape aritu bace kat CLEO).. bile risau or having problem or busy je makan...
pp/s I once read an article in newspaper.. Wanita sekarang tidak perlu risau untuk berpinggang langsing.. Pinggang lebar bermaksud kejayaan dalam hidup/pekerjaan.. Pinggang yang lebar bermaksud lebih kental untuk menghadapi tekanan.. N bile tekanan dihadapi, lemak akan disalurkan ke bahagian perut.. +D Another reason to avoid dieting.. haha.. =P
ppp/s I really thanks my supercool boss for understanding my calls these 2 weeks.. first week cuti the whole week (thanks for visiting mama & me too! =) ) and had to work from house for 2 days sbb takde orang nak jage the kids.. huhuhu.. really appreciate you mem! =)
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, April 02, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+