Wednesday, April 15, 2009


hehehe... i'm just murdering my time waiting over the moon.. =P sesaje gatal try wat scrapbook (without the 's') hehe... first trial.. klakar giler! pilihan warne tak berape kene...
Fyi.. i've a different perception of colours from others... everyone keep complaining that i have an eyes mcm org tua.. huhuh... poor me.. =P

(what to do, i'm in complaint department anyway)... hehe...


Unknown said...

ko mmg pun mcm org tu..
kaler pelik2 dowh..
weh buat utk aku ley..
ko kan suka wat menda2 mcm neh...

groovy ally said...

ngehehehehe... tula pasal.. time tgh wat kaler tu aku rase cam cantek jer... skali dah siap.. klakar... hihih... nnti yer.. aku try cuba jaya lagi.. heheheh...

Noriee said...

haaa...gotchaa..sorok sgt blog dia..kita dah jumpa daahhh

groovy ally said...

ngeh ngeh ngeh... =P mari2 membace... hehe.. malu la i...

++ hainey ++ said...


aritu hainey try call majinnye ofis, pehtu takde orang jawab...ingatkan dah resign dpt keje luar ngn gaji besaaaarr ;p
kekekeke ;p

groovy ally said...


heheheh... yeker... sorry le.. kdg2 takde kat opis.. heheh... tulah.. kalo ade offer gaji besar nak pegi la jugak... kahkahkah... tapi takde so, kene le duduk sini jugak.. =P hehe.. nnti call je la eak.. hainey dah pindah dept eak..
hehe.. kite slalu ngendap blog hainey.. baby aryssa yang sangat comei... =D

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