Korek2 folder kat PC skali terjumpa these pics... hehe.. lama dah amek tapi tak prasan...
Saja untuk tatapan diriku... hahaha... =P
Suka gambar nih sbb background dinding kaler pink combine ngan si kenit nih... =)
Time ni Aiman just learn to tatih.. cute sangat!! what with his enot's pampers-butt..
I just can't have enough with this kid.. well he's the third child as I am.. and the only nephew of mine (Hj Ali clanz).. Bau sedap.. comei.. pastu suke geram2 kat orang!! taktau orang pun dok geram kat die... cubit kang!! Kadang2 terasa nak libas butt die sbb comel sgt time merangkak/tatih... tapi tak sampai ati laks... huhuhuh...
Firuz's wedding...
More pics to come.. tapi tak sempat nak transfer from my crappy cam.. nnti da transfer gua upload kat fesbuk.. huhuh... whatever...
First time jejak kaki kat Berserah (seingat aku la).. banyak ikan masin n keropok lekor... habih borong aritu... cian kete K Long.
Anyway.. Doesn't she looks luvly? She's always beautiful even without make ups..
Congrats Firuz... semoga berbahagia ke akhirnya.. =)

This pic.. haha... saje jer... First eat Wendy's mase nini tapau dari PJ.. ntah mane hale die pegi.. Then, i've been craving for the burger.. rase masin2.. best! But i think the burger was bigger last time... hurm.. but Fries not so sedap (xmcm Mc D).. Alasan makan kat sini? Boikot Mc D.. eventhough this is also an American product, tapi tak rase guilty sgt as there is no direct instruction to boycott.. haha.. jahat sungguh!! Bygkan Azie.. kite dah menyalurkan sedikit wang ke sane!!! Okie2 i know.. i know... i will stop eating at Wendy's coz i need to shed some weight!
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