Alhamdulillah, everything going on smoothly that 3 big days + our honeymoon is definitely showering with honey over the moon.. InsyaAllah hopefully, we will be a good life partner & will be happily together till the end of time.. =D
Huhu... There are alot of memories of the big Groovy Day of mine, that i wanna share.
First of all, just wanna wish my utmost gratitude and a big fat thank you to all my mama + papa, my families (kg Kerdas clanz + Hj Said clanz + Hj Bakar clanz), buddies, friends and all who support my wedding financially and energically (directly & indirectly) and who came and celebrate my 'Groovy Day' together.. I wish i could thank all of you personally but my oh my, i'm just a little imperfect person.
To thanks all of you... these are some (more than 1, what?) of the pics of the days..
The hand bouquet... ~ fresh roses! Yeay! =D
The wedding ring ~ mine & his.. (^_^)
Hehe.. enough for now.. ;P later i'll upload the full version until u guys suffocated and dun read my blog anymore... hehehe...
Here are some post moterm on my checklist 5 months ago ..
1. Diet & exercise! I have to be 9 kgs lighter in 5 months - Only managed reducing 5 kgs (due to festive season & many nice food.. hahahahh alasan!)
2. Khatam Quran (again..) - Failed. Baru separuh.. huhu, will continue this week.. huhuh... ;(
3. Learn 5 more cooking recipes - Yupey! Managed to get 5 new recipes.. but not yet trying.. ;p
4. Spa + Sauna... - yeah!! Even though tak habeh 3 kali pakej lagi, but berjaya berbau wangi dan kelihatan jelita (perasan ;p) di hari besar itu...
5. Learn more on being a good muslimah... and w**e.. huhu... - In progress, learning i a never ending process.. ;) So far so good *winks*
6. Finish all pending dvds at home... (esp brother & sisters s1-3) pasnih confirm tak sempat nak tgk dah... huhuhu... - Not completed. Will continue once we move to our own house (eerr.. at least another 6 months i guess. ;P)
7. Learn how to be a grown up like the matured grown up... hmm... buat muke serius.. - Busted! Kak Liza was given the authority by mak long to ensure that i stopped giggling/tersengih/terkekeh time nikah/sanding sbb i just can't stop moving around and giggling/sengih2.. =P
I guess, if i charged all the photographers (professionally hired by us or amateur or my professional-photographer-cousin) RM1 for 1 pics of me goofing/laughing around (means gbr ternganga).. I'll be damn rich and will have our 2nd honeymoon next week.. (can't have enough of relaxing around).
And luckily all the photographers are focusing on Ted that they missed my 'jatuh bantal nikah' moment.. hahaha.. =P
8. Err... stop eating... yeah.. - Yes! Berjaya for 2 weeks before wedding. But now, i'm gaining 4 kgs during our honeymoon... huhuhu...
Coming up : The new experiences + the Big Groovy Days + a lot lot lot of pichas..