Friday, October 16, 2009

Last Chance ;p

13 hours left.. So, this is the last chance for you guys..

To call me; Miss a.k.a Cik Groovy.
13 hours later, i'll be Mrs. Ted Groovy.. Huhuhu.. ;P

++ Unbelievable, it's my fingers the henna landed on tonight..
++ My ultimate wish for tomorrow.. Hope the waterproof mascara is tear-proof-enough to hold my tears.. gua takmoh jadik mcm dlm telenovela! ;p
++ Esok pg kene sarapan & will take the fish oil.. confirm muke lebam esok nih!

Wish me Luck! (^_^)/


Iza Ismail said...

Cik Groovy(utk kali terakhir)...

tak sabar nak tengok ko sanding esok.. jangan gelak lebih2 cam selalu ko buat tu yek..hikhik!

InsyaAllah esok aku datang..
gud luck ye =)

Aety Hassan said...

Hello Mrs Ted Groovy... new names right??

ah ha... Congrats!! already enter new phase of life...

Insya Allah, i'll be there to be part of this sweet memory..


Noriee said...

congrats Mrs Ted Groovy..jgn noti2 masa honey moon tu..hi hi

++ hainey ++ said...



Sorry takpat dtg... baby kene kuarantin n nenek meninggal, jumaat tu kitorg ke alor star...

anyway slamat pengantin baru dear!!~


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