Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I'm craving for Mc D. Not just any Mc D restaurants... It's the drive thru' restaurant in the middle of highway... Hehehe... Ni sume salah mc d kat genting sempah aritu...
So, taking a longer route.. pagi tadi i had my breakfast at mc d mrr2 on the way to Shah Alam...
But now... I'm still craving to eat at the highway Mc D restaurant... Humm.. Hum.. harus menghasut Ted untuk carik Mc D yang jauh sket dr Mrr2..

On another note, (i know, it's already late) tonite will be the new moon nite with the hj ali's girls.. Hehe.. Ted jadi housewife ye arinih... I nak kuar... =P

And the other note.. after reading the review from here i bought the My Sister's Keeper cd at Jkt last week and watched it yesterday (sementara tunggu jaguh badminton balik ;p).. And u know what.. I cried.. not just the sobbing or mengalirkan air mata...ini siap cam teresak2.. huhuhuh... serious sedih! i have to find the book...


Unknown said...

got the book already.. ngeh2..

groovy ally said...

huhuhuhu..mesti lagi sedih kan dlm buku... have to find it n read!confirm nangeh berbakul2..hehe

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