Thursday, December 31, 2009


Rase cam dah lame tak buat 'book review' eak...

Okie.. Hehe, i just finished reading this book (err.. last month).. hehe..
So, lets check this book out...

pic credited to here

Citernye pasal 'orang ade-ade' yang tinggal kat satu apartment/condo yang sangat oldies tapi kire yang paling masyhur dari dulu la.. kire mmg tempat orang kaya-kaya tinggal. The residents were either artiste from previous era or from financial sector.
Kire macam gossip girls / sex & the city type of story gakla (yela.. penulisnye pun orang yang same)...

For me, citernya ok la... sbb i take almost 3 months to finished off this book. Start citer agak boring sbb too many character to remember. Tu je dah take almost 2 months (plus time tu tengah sebuk preparation groovy day).. sbbnya agak dragful dan membuntangkan mate tengok tulisan kecik2... tapi once dah tetengah buku, dah pick up citernye jadi interesting.

The interesting part start mase ade nenek tua (ex- ketua resident kat situ la) mati, kire nenek ni yang paling otai la kat apartment tu... Then apartment die yang besar giler tu akan dijual kat orang. Kire banyak citer conspiracy orang-orang atasan la dlm nih... hahaha.. Err, ade jugak citer pasal blogger (mindy) and gossip column kat internet..

Pastu ade citer camne ade this one bimbo blondy yang citer2 nak berjaya kat new york and nak duduk kat apartment tu n seduce/slept with these 2 residents but failed miserably... HAHAHA... time ni mmg aku gelak dalam hati...

Pastu ade jugak la citer pasal chenta hati yang even dah bertahun2 terpendam, tapi kalau dah jodoh... tak kemana.. last2 bersatu jue.. hehehe.. romantic la (but i kinda expected that their love will be rekindled in the end)..

Reading while waiting for flight back from Bali...

Still @ Page 10: after 2 weeks of reading.. Hahaha.. ini pun sbb buku yang dibeli mase nak pegi tu (Accidentally Engaged) hilang kat hotel pelangi... Huwaaa... ini pun lepas ulang balik from first page sbb dah lupe nama character.. haha..

All in all, this book worth a reading.. You just need to be patience to reach the climax part... Hahaha.. Dun judge the book by its few first chapter... tunggu part yang climax baru la boleh judge.. tapi kalo buku tu ade 20 chapter, 10 chapter pun still hampeh takyah laa.. =P

ps: tetibe aku bersyukur walaupun just living in a normal apartment in a normal area, at least once ko tutup pintu umah, takde orang nak ketuk pintu share gossip terhangat di pasaran... Hhahahaha... (gile anti sosial aku nieh)


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