Thursday, January 28, 2010


Pic source: msn (lupe dah link)

Tatau la ni gbr tahun bile... but i just saw it last week while surfing through msn.. (yupe, i'm that lagging)..

Comel giler kan Sandra time nih!! aaa... rase cam nak gigit2 jer... hehehe...

But, what i wud say... Mama is really lucky that i didn't found this pic early last year (2009).. and that i didn't have any particular dress that i like much... so, i just settle with normal wedding kebaya... itu pun jenuuuh lame gile bertanggak kat kedai kain tu nak carik kaler yang aku nak ~ belacan/mauve/kaler masam... kalau nak wat pesyen ni... lagi laa mama pening. Hahaha...


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